
美 [tʃʌŋk]英 [tʃʌŋk]
  • n.大块;厚块;厚片;相当大的量
  • 网络组块;区块;数据块





1.厚块;厚片;大块a thick solid piece that has been cut or broken off sth

2.(informal)相当大的量a fairly large amount of sth

(Chunk)是能被添加到文档的文本的最小单位,块可以用于构建其他基础元素如短句、段落、锚点等,块是一个有确定字体的 …


TOFEL词汇大全 - 豆丁网 ... chronological a. 按年月顺序的 chunk n. 厚片,大块 churn vi. (波涛)翻腾;剧烈搅动 ...


组块chunk)进行短时记忆: 苏……学……工……州……三……业……第……区……中……园(10个组块)苏州……工业 …


区块Chunk)是Minecraft近乎无限大的地图里面的一段。每个区块由16×16×256(在1.2版本中是这样),总计65536个方块 …


是基于数据块(Chunk)的P2P流媒体系统中的典型范例,均采用TCP协议作为P2P流媒体传输。P2P流媒体用户与各个节点建立 …


雅思词汇汇总IELTS高频词汇 - 豆丁网 ... chronological a. 按时间顺序的 chunk n. 厚块 circuit n. 周游;电路;协会 ...


GRE 词汇表(红宝书) - 豆丁网 ... chuckle v. 轻声地笑 chunk n. 短厚木头,大量 chunky adj. (人或动物)矮胖的 ...


超全的英语短句汇集 - ξσ Dicky σξ - 博客园 ... choose v. 挑选,选择,选定 chunk n. 厚块,大部分 circle n. 圆,圈,循环,周 …

Similarly, when the arbitrary chunk of XML is received it is wrapped up in a Message for propagation up the channel stack. 同样,当收到任意XML块时,它都将包装在消息中以便向信道堆栈的上层传播。
ON A humid stretch of Pacific coast in one of the poorest parts of the Americas, somebody seems to have misplaced a chunk of Manhattan. 在太平洋湿润而延伸的海岸线上,作为美洲最贫困的地区之一,仿佛是某人错把曼哈顿的一块放在了这里。
I was helping father on the winnower. It was right then I got the idea. I could whack a chunk off the end of that bar of chocolate. 我在帮爸爸扬谷,这时我突然有了个主意,我可以从那块巧克力的一头敲下一块来。
Each "letter" has an address on the front, a sequence code on the back, and a chunk of the data inside the envelope. 每封“信”前边有地址,后边有序列码,封装在内的是一大块数据。
VB Migration Partner was the best, the chunk of code being migrated, compiled and ready to run in 2. 5 hours. VB移植搭档是最好的工具,代码块的移植、编译和运行总共只需25小时。
If the system does track the source and state of each chunk of text, then the problem described in this hack simply does not occur. 如果系统没有记录每段文本的来源和状态,那么这一节所述的问题就根本不会出现。
Being able to take out a chunk of the enemy quickly before Yuriko's life becomes threatened. 你可以在百合子的生命受到威胁前就干掉大批的敌人。
This means that you must chunk every bit of information that you want to be able to reuse in multiple documents or document locations. 这意味着您必须包含希望重用的、位于多个文档或文档位置的所有信息。
I heard it had an unusual plot, where it was a survival game based on a chunk of money. 我听说它有一个不同寻常的阴谋,是一个基于大量金钱的生存游戏。
After all, with a newspaper you get a half hour's interesting reading, while with a coin you just get a little chunk of metal and a date. 毕竟,买份报纸,你能尽情地读上半个小时,而买枚硬币,你只能得到一小块金属和一个日期。
That was an opportunity too good to miss. We were both able to carve out a chunk of time again. 那是一个好机会,不容错过。我们又再一次获得了共处的时间。
"Volume hasn't been normal for a bull market, " Detrick said. "The retail crowd has missed a good chunk of this rally. " “成交量对于牛市而言并不正常,”Detrick称,“散户错过了本轮涨势中的大量入市机会。”
But with much of it incurred with little regard for how it would be repaid, a sizable chunk is expected to turn sour. 但由于几乎无人关心如何偿还这其中的很多债务,所以预计会有相当大一块债务变成坏账。
Andy lies in the dark, studying the chunk of concrete in his hands. Considering the possibilities. Wrestling with hope. 安迪躺在黑暗中,研究手中的混凝土,思考可能,斟酌希望。
But he admitted at a conference in New York this week that he does attempt to beat the market himself with a small chunk of his savings. 但他本周在纽约的一个会议上承认,他本人确实打算用自己少量的存款来战胜市场。
So we kept on going, and this camel kept on trying to take a chunk out of my leg. 我们继续前行,这骆驼也继续努力试图去掉我腿上的肉。
He took out a chunk of beef in the fridge, walked toward the backyard greenhouse, Followed by Tuotuo who has lunch hope. 他从冰箱里拿出一大块牛肉,朝后院的温室走去,后面跟着盼望午餐的脱脱。
Some of this was protest voting. But a chunk reflects views deeply antithetical to all that the EU stands for. 这其中也包含表示抗议的投票,但更多是反映了他们与欧盟精神格格不入的观点。
But they didn't have to scoop a chunk of neutron degenerate matter from the surface of a real neutron star either. 但他们也并不需要从一颗真正的中子星表面挖来一块中子星简并物质。
The Euston Project, he says, is a move to turn TMG, or a significant chunk of it, from a media company into a digital company. 他说,尤斯顿项目是把TMG或它的很大一部分媒体公司转型为数码公司的举措。
"It is a very important part of the global economy, " she said. "It is an important chunk of our leisure, retail and tourism industries. " 她说:“时装业是全球经济的重要组成部分。它是休闲、零售及旅游业中重要的一块。”
"Right now, a huge chunk of America just isn't able to adhere to these guidelines, " she said. “现在,很大一部分美国人不能遵循营养指导,”她说。
But the country continued to spend less than it earned because exporters squirrelled a chunk of their profits away. 但国家的消费持续小于收入,因为出口商储蓄大部分利润。
A good sized chunk of change is hiding just beneath the surface. Do the research so you know exactly what you have. 表面下隐藏著改变的大好良机。做一点研究,你就会知道自己拥有什麽。
Forna grew up in Sierra Leone, though she was born in Glasgow and spent a good chunk of her life in the UK. 福纳在塞拉利昂(SierraLeone)长大,虽然她出生于格拉斯哥(Glasgow),并且在英国生活了很长时间。
The bank was based in Iceland but a substantial chunk of its business came from Britain. 该银行总部在冰岛,但有相当多的业务来自英国。
Brazilians had not previously realised that such a big chunk of the cost of a fridge or cooker goes to the government. 巴西老百姓过去都不知道,可以将这一大笔购买冰箱或烤箱的成本转嫁给政府。
The two nations account for a huge chunk of the U. S. defense budget, and a disproportionate amount of diplomatic attention and resources. 两国占据了美国国防预算的大头,这与他们的外交影响力和资源潜力极不相乘。
Organzier Suzy Miller said the event would aim to focus on the positive, starting with a warming cup of tea and a chunk of homemade cake. 组织者米勒称该博览会旨在以(婚姻)积极的层面为中心,活动始于为参与者提供一杯热茶和一大块自制的蛋糕。
But the country continued to spend less than it earned because exporters squirrel away a chunk of their profits away. 但是日本的消费仍然比其收入少,因为出口商拿走了利润中很大的一部分。