
美 [pɑrt]英 [pɑː(r)t]
  • n.部分;部件;参加;零件
  • v.分离;分开;分别;离开
  • adv.由两部分构成;在一定程度上;部分地
  • adj.部分的
  • 网络集;角色

复数:parts 现在分词:parting 过去式:parted

take part,play part,part hair,form part,make part
important part,integral part,active part,southern part,eastern part



1.[u]~ of sth部分some but not all of a thing


2.[c]片段;部分;一点a section, piece or feature of sth


3.[u]成员;成分a member of sth; a person or thing that, together with others, makes up a single unit

机器of machine

4.[c]部件;零件a piece of a machine or structure

身体;植物of body/plant

5.[c]器官;部位;组成部分a separate piece or area of a human or animal body or of a plant


6.[c](世界、国家或城镇等的)区域,地区an area or a region of the world, a country, a town, etc.

7.[pl](informal)区域;地区a region or an area

书;系列片of book/series

8.[c](书、电视系列片等的、尤指单独发行或播出的)部,集,部分a section of a book, television series, etc., especially one that is published or broadcast separately

演员for actor

9.[c]角色;台词a role played by an actor in a play, film/movie, etc.; the words spoken by an actor in a particular role


10.[c][ususing][u]参加;参与the way in which sb/sth is involved in an action or situation

音乐in music

11.[c]部;声部;音部;段落music for a particular voice or instrument in a group singing or playing together

等份equal portion

12.[c](度量单位的)等份,份a unit of measurement that allows you to compare the different amounts of substances in sth


the best/better part of sth

(事物、时间的)绝大部分,多半most of sth, especially a period of time; more than half of sth

for the most part

多半;通常mostly; usually

for my, his, their, etc. part

就我(或他、他们等)而言speaking for myself, etc.

have a part to play (in sth)

能帮助,能在…中发挥作用to be able to help sth

have/play a part (in sth)

参与某事to be involved in sth

have/play/take/want no part in/of sth

不参与,不卷入,拒绝加入(尤指不赞成的事情)to not be involved or refuse to be involved in sth, especially because you disapprove of it

in part

部分地;在某种程度上partly; to some extent

look/dress the part

外貌╱穿着与工作(或身份、职务)相宜to have an appearance or wear clothes suitable for a particular job, role or position

a man/woman of (many) parts

多才多艺的人;多面手a person with many skills

on the part of sb/on sbs part

由某人所为made or done by sb

part and parcel of sth

重要部分;基本部分an essential part of sth

part of the furniture

见惯了的人(或东西);存在已久故不为人注意的人(或事物)a person or thing that you are so used to seeing that you no longer notice them

take sth in good part

从容面对,不介意地接受(不太愉快的事)to accept sth slightly unpleasant without complaining or being offended

take part (in sth)

参与某事to be involved in sth

take sbs part

(在辩论等中)支持某人,站在某人一边to support sb, for example in an argument


舞台英文术语 ... Navigation Keys 导航 part 部分 cues recording 灯光变化记录 ...

猪哥会社_百度百科 ... 第59{ PART2} ...


零字的解释---在线新华字典 ... 零级〖 zerolevel〗 零件〖 spareparts;accessory;part;oddsandends〗 零零散散〖 scattered〗 ...


项目管理术语英汉对照表 - MBA智库百科 ... Pareto Diagram 帕累托图 Part 部件 Participant 参与者 ...


角字的解释---在线新华字典 ... 角力〖 wrestle;strengthtrial〗 角色〖 role;part〗 角逐〖 contend;tussle;enterintorivalry〗 ...


另字的解释---在线新华字典 ... 另眼相看 lìngyǎn-xiāngkàn 割开,分开part;cutapart〗 另 lìng ...

They're part of a broader series of protests by citizens that would have been almost unthinkable a decade or two ago. 这些活动是一系列范围更广的公民抗议行动的一部分,在十几二十年前这样的行动几乎是不i想象的。
King for the last couple of years, in part because nearly everyone in his family has a story to tell about him. 在过去的几年中,他一直询问我关于金博士的事,这部分是因为家中几乎每一个人都有一个关于金博士的故事。
Once he did touch Sebastian Vettel, but touching a Red Bull car is all part of the education process with Toro Rosso! 他追尾了维特尔,但是追到红牛赛车也是红牛二队的教育训练的一部分!
Have you noticed how much Gratitude is NOW just part of your everyday existence? 难道你还没有留意到,在你逐日的存在状态中【感恩的情绪】是多么重要么?
I joined the team a year ago as an adviser, charged with recruiting charities to be a part of the site. 我一年前以顾问的身份加入这个团队,主要负责招募网站的慈善机构合作伙伴。
Substitute an assembly with any part. This substitution can be a simplified part that you create manually or any other part file on disk. 使用任意零件来替代组合。此替代可以是您手动建立的简化零件,也可以是其他磁碟上的零件档。
The only issue is that the inspection results did not list the sample part number, so we are trying to obtain that information now. 唯一的问题是检查结果没有列出样品的零件号码,我们现在想获得这部分信息。
Some of Crystal's former clients have called him a Judas for criticizing the system he used to be a part of. 克里斯托曾经也是他所指责体系里的一员,因此他被一些客户指责为是叛徒。
A more subtle way of getting rid of at least part of your foreign debt is to allow your currency to depreciate. 逃避至少一部分国外债务的一个更为精辟的方式是让本国货币贬值。
The bottom part of each separation container unit is provided with water outlet passage pointed back and downward. 各分离容器单元的底部均有指向后下方的出水通道。
Should children be brought up as self-reliant individuals, or were they to see themselves as part of a collective? 是把他们看作是可以依靠自我成长的个体?还是让他们在集体中成长?
And how about a little kiss? Forty thousand people puckered up in Mexico City, as part of an effort to set a new world record for smooching. 那么来个小小的吻怎样?在墨西哥城四万人聚集一起,努力创造一项新的接吻世界记录。
What was the most difficult part of the transformation into the advanced early riser for you? 什么是使你变成一个早起者最困难的一件事?
The sand hides most of the relic's contour. So the extracted contour is usually just a part of the whole contour. 由于泥沙的掩埋,提取出来的文物轮廓曲线通常只是原物的一部分轮廓,而且变形严重。
There has never been a documented case of a meteorite being part of one of the annual meteor showers. 从未有过记载的情况下的一个陨石每年的流星雨之一。
Following Gul'dan's desertion and death, part of the Horde, including the death knights, retreated through the Dark Portal to Draenor. 随着古尔丹的叛逃和死亡,部落的一部分,包括这些死亡骑士,经过黑暗之门撤回了德拉诺。
When the body has its own intelligence freed from thought, though thought is part of it, this intelligence will guard its own well-being. 当身体不被思想约束——尽管思想也是它的组成部分——而拥有自身的智慧时,这个智慧将会守护它自身的健康。
A device for recording, measuring, or controlling, especially such a device functioning as part of a control system. 仪表,仪器用于记录、测量或拉制的装置,特别是作为控制系统部分的此类装置
How willingly would I part with it for a week of real life. 其实我多么想摆脱这种生活,去过一星期踏踏实实的日子啊。
Symbolic link '%s' is part of a loop in the directory hierarchy; we have already visited the directory to which it points. 符号连接“%s”在一个循环的目录结构中,我们刚才已经在其他目录中遇到过了。
The last part sums up the result of the full text and some problem should to be solved further. 第七部分结语总结全文的成果和有待进一步解决的问题。
All those aching backs may be trying to tell us something: It's part of the price we pay for walking on two legs. 所有的那些腰酸背痛似乎尝试着告诉我们:这是我们为直立行走而付出的部分代价。
'Cause I got to have every part of you forever. 因为我要永远拥有你的一切
So vast is the number of planets, that intelligent life is bound to be a natural part of the universe. 行星的数目是那么庞大,有智力的生命必然是宇宙的自然组成部分。
S. states, European countries weren't part of a single nation with a unified budget and a labor market tied together by a common language. 跟美国不同,欧洲国家并不是一个单个国家的一部分,不存在统一的预算和由一种语言连接在一起的劳工市场。
From living as a minor part of a balanced ecosystem, we start trying to overcome nature - to take control. 以前我们仅仅是作为一个平衡生态大系统中的一小部分因子,现在我们开始尝试来克服大自然,想要赢得主动权。
Just as light passing through the atmosphere becomes bent and distorted, so too does light passing through the front part of the eye. 正如光线通过大气层时会发生畸变一样,光线通过眼的前部时也会走形。
Optimists in Europe and America say that acknowledging these losses is all part of the healing process. 欧美乐观者认为,他们的损失可以确认,假以时日即可全面恢复。
So , for better or for worse , aquaculture, fish farming , is going to be a part of our future . 所以,不管是好是坏,水产养殖业,养鱼业,都会成为我们未来的一部分。
The mechanism of nutrient uptake by soybean roots is only part of a more general problem on the subject involving all plant species. 大豆根系对养分的吸收机制只是所有作物吸收养分的最一般问题的一部分。