cut short

  • na.打断(讲话);使停止;缩减;从简
  • 网络中断;突然停止;缩短

cut shortcut short

cut short


大学英语四级常用词组 ... cut out for 适合于,准备;面对 cut short 使突然停止;打断 cut up (牲口等)宰后得肉 ...


大学英语四级常用词组 ... be short of 缺乏,不足;达不到 cut short 中断,打断 in short 总之,总而言之 ...


介词短语_百度百科 ... cut out 删除 cut short 突然停止 die down 渐渐消失,平息 ...


考博英语词汇 ... cut out 割掉;删去;戒掉;省掉 cut short 剪短;削短;(突然)中止;打断;缩短;从 devote to 献身于...;致 …


考博英语词汇 ... cut out 割掉;删去;戒掉;省掉 cut short 剪短;削短;(突然)中止;打断;缩短;从 devote to 献身于...;致 …


考博英语词汇 ... cut out 割掉;删去;戒掉;省掉 cut short 剪短;削短;(突然)中止;打断;缩短;从 devote to 献身于...;致 …


英语动词短语 - 豆丁网 ... cut back 削减;修剪;(美)倒叙;[球]急忙返回 cut short v. 缩短;打断;缩减 cut from 从…上切下 ...


考博英语词汇 ... cut out 割掉;删去;戒掉;省掉 cut short 剪短;削短;(突然)中止;打断;缩短;从 devote to 献身于...;致 …

And unless those days had been cut short, no flesh would be saved; but on account of the chosen, those days will be cut short. 那些日子若不削减,凡属肉体的人,没有一个会得救的;但因选民的缘故,那些日子必要削减。
The ship mans warning is cut short as he is killed by an arrow piercing his skull. 船员还没来得及讲完他的警告,一支箭矢穿喉而过。
Up to 20 percent of all pregnancies are naturally cut short by miscarriage, so some women will no doubt miscarry after being vaccinated. 所有妊娠情况中有高达20%是流产告终,那么一些女性就无疑会在接种后面临流产。
Sadly for her, injury has forced cut short her singles dream, but the doubles remain on her radar. 不幸的是,她的单打冠军之梦因伤而破灭了,但是,她仍然会竭力备战双打比赛。
If those days had not been cut short, no one would survive, but for the sake of the elect those days will be shortened. 若不减少那日子,凡有血气的,总没有一个得救的;只是为选民,那日子必减少了。
If the Lord had not cut short those days, no one would survive. But for the sake of the elect, whom he has chosen, he has shortened them. 若不是主减少那日子,凡有血气的,总没有一个得救的;只是为主的选民,他将那日子减少了。
But demand courage, ah, think of you quite a mix of hair and Lianpan, cut short after the effect of the do not know! 不过需求勇气啊,这样看你发型和脸盘还蛮搭配的,剪短后就不知道效果了!
With his talk interrupted and the classroom in chaos, Mr. Fang appeared to have cut short his lecture and left for the airport. 由于讲话被打断、教室陷入混乱,方先生似乎削短演讲匆匆赶赴机场
Each of these people had so much love, talent and gifts to offer, and their lives were cut short by a horrible and senseless act. 这些可亲的,才华横溢的人们都能够为社会做出贡献,而他们的生命被这可怕的,毫无理由的行为中断。
Her hair had been braided and put into two buns on her head, her fringe cut short on her forehead. 这次,她在头顶两边各编了一个发髻,把前额的刘海修剪得很短。
Unlike her counterparts in France, Britain and Spain, Mrs Merkel did not feel compelled by crisis at home to cut short her holiday. 安吉拉•默克雷不像法国、英国和西班牙的领导人,她不会被迫屈服于国内的危机而缩短自己的假期。
His first bail hearing was cut short over a dispute concerning the legal status of one of his two foreign defense lawyers. 农谢有两名外国辩护律师,由于其中一名律师的司法地位出现争议,农谢申请假释的第一次聆讯很快休庭。
' Asked whether he has somehow regretted Jaap Stam's move, Ferguson cut short: ' I prefer to say nothing about this. 问到他对雅普-斯塔姆的转会是否感到有些遗憾时,弗格森简短回答说:“对于这个问题我更愿意什么也不说。”
hair, cut short so that it left the nape of her neck exposed, and large watery green eyes that refused to look into mine. 她留着栗色短发,后经露出来了,水灵清澈、如绿毯一般的大眼睛回避着我的目光。
Unfortunately, his career was cut short by his early death from Cardiomyopathy at 5 years of age. 不幸的是,它的生涯因心肌病在5岁的时候被迫中断。
The children came in and cut short our conversation. 孩子们进来了,我们的谈话被打断了。
The first few days were extremely hot, and we had to cut short the children's rehearsals a couple of times. 头几天热得要命,我们还不得不减短两次孩子们的彩排。
He decided to cut short now and sent out His first wave. 他决定突然停下来发出他的第一次浪潮。
Sandra has had her hair cut short and has begun to wear more masculine clothes as a way of reclaiming her lost manhood. 桑德拉已将头发剪短,并开始穿上更阳刚的服装,以此挽回她失去的男子气概。
Unfortunately, my flight was cut short and I fizzled around like a shoddy firework before plummeting to the ground. 突然飞行被打断,接着我就如同一枚劣质烟火坠地前一样在空中挣扎。
She was quite a young lady, well turned out, her hair cut short, highly efficient and capable. 她是位相当年轻的女士,打扮得体,头发剪短,看起来非常有效率和有能力。
The elder Buckley was a promising young musician who had his career cut short by an accidental heroin overdose. 老Buckley是一个有前途的年轻音乐家,但因为意外地过量服用海洛因而早逝。
Chelsea once signed a Scottish international from that club and his career was cut short by an eye injury. 切尔西曾签下一位来自那个俱乐部的苏格兰国脚,然而他的职业生涯因为眼部有伤而不得不戛然而止。
or for the time being Upgrade water storage can be a long board to cut short the next board meeting, so as to enhance the storage of water. 或为了暂时的提升储水量,可以将长板截下补到短板处,从而提高储水量。
The Fed is expected to cut short-term rates by at least half a percentage point at its policy meeting next week. 市场预计美联储在下周会议上至少降息50个基点。
Among them is an Italian singer, whose aria is cut short by the baron's wrangling with a lawyer over Sophie's dowry. 奥斯男爵与律师因苏菲的嫁妆问题争执不下,打断了意大利歌手的咏叹调。
My thick, black hair had been recently cut short into a shag style. 我一头浓浓的黑发最近刚被剪短成一种蓬松的发型。
It was cut short when he returned to London to deal with the foot and mouth crisis. 由于口蹄疫危机爆发,他不得不提早结束假期,赶回伦敦去处理。
I grudge every marriage in that it means a fresh supply of orange blossom, the promise of so much golden fruit cut short. i恩怨每一个婚姻,因为它意味着一个新的供应橘子的花,承诺这么多的黄金果减短。
Tsai has been the focus of debate recently; with opposition forces claiming her mayoral tenure would be cut short by a presidential bid. 最近蔡英文成为讨论的焦点;因为反对人士极力宣称她的市长任期将被总统大选中断。