美 [ˈteɪb(ə)l]英 ['teɪb(ə)l]
  • n.表;桌子;一览表;台子
  • v.(正式)提出;(将主意、建议等)搁置
  • 网络表格;数据表;餐桌

复数:tables 现在分词:tabling 过去式:tabled

same table,wooden table
come table,table motion,table proposal,table resolution

n. v.


1.桌子;台子;几a piece of furniture that consists of a flat top supported by legs


2.(就餐或玩牌等的)一桌人the people sitting at a table for a meal or to play cards, etc.

细目表;数字表list of facts/numbers

3.表;一览表a list of facts or numbers arranged in a special order, usually in rows and columns

体育运动in sport

4.(竞赛等的)名次表,排名榜,积分表a list of sports teams, countries, schools, etc. that shows their position in a competition, etc.


bring sth to the party/table

为(讨论、项目等)作出贡献to contribute sth useful to a discussion, project, etc.

on the table

提供考虑;提交讨论offered to people so that they can consider or discuss it

turn the tables (on sb)

扭转形势;转变局面;转弱为强to change a situation so that you are now in a stronger position than the person who used to be in a stronger position than you

表示 Bean 分成(Table)、交叉表(Crosstab)和图(Graph)三个类别。表示Bean 用来向用户提供OLAP 查询结果,可以用来表示 …




人教版七年级上册英语单词表 ... where adv. 在哪里(疑问副词) table n. 桌子 bed n. 床 ...


数据表table)中选择 Franchises 这个表; 在列(Columns),点击所有(All)按钮 ,因为我们要使用表中的所有字段; …


woly的主页 - 日记 ... wine list 酒单 table 餐桌 to lay the table,to set the table 摆桌子 ...


倒骑驴工作室的博客 - 倒骑驴 - 网易博客 ... 1.4 支撑杆 Support 3.1 工作台 Table 3.2 工作台篏板 Table insert ...


钻石桌面(table) 朝上              [八箭图]花冠-白18K金钻石女戒恋爱轨迹-白18K金女戒沁水涟漪-白18K金女戒1 卡地亚三环钻石戒指...


JPA批注参考 - kenty - 博客园 ... pkColumnName 名称。 table 表名。 valueColumnName 列名。 ...

Therefore, the choice of the project mainly walking, running, climbing, badminton, table tennis is simple, easy to implement project-based. 因此在项目的选择上主要以散步、跑步、登山、羽毛球、乒乓球等简单易行,易于实施的项目为主。
A range of deals of all sizes are on the table, making the company prone to a reshaping, the people familiar with the matter said. 知情人士说,他们提出了大大小小的各种交易,使该公司可能进行重组。
We may begin with one, and that "a little one, " and yet it will "become a thousand. " The LORD is great at the multiplication table. 我们开始可能只是「一」,而且是小小的「一」,但它可变成千,这是上帝奇妙的乘法表。
She did not seem delighted. On the contrary, she flung the invitation card on the table, and said spitefully. 她似乎一点也不高兴,反而把请柬扔在桌上,没好气地说。
Note that this name must be the name of a column in the table. 请注意,此名称必须是列在表中的名称。
We took our seats by a table in his office, and he began to explain the crisis from two years earlier, with the fall of Flight 447. 我们在他办公室的一张桌子旁边坐了下来,他谈起了两年前法航447航班失事所造成的危机。
Such a SELECT statement is sometimes difficult to understand because there is nothing to indicate the table that provided each column. 由于没有指明提供每个列的表,因此这样的SELECT语句有时会难以理解。
The round table where we are to eat, bedecked with white cloth and silver cutlery, is something of an oasis in a desert of empty carpet. 我俩吃饭的圆桌铺着白布,上面摆着银餐具,有点象铺着空地毯的沙漠中的绿洲。
The relation has been used previously in a correspondence to map each class owned by a model to a table owned by a relational schema. 在前面关联曾被用在通讯中来把模型拥有的每个类映射到一个关联计划。
He took her by the hand and led her into the room where that morning he had bathed himself for her, and he lit a red candle upon the table. 他拉起她的手,带她走进他早晨为迎亲而洗澡的那个屋,然后,点燃了桌子上的一根红蜡烛。
They threw him out at the window, and sat down again to table as if nothing had occurred. 他们合力抓住那掌旗军官,从窗口抛出去,然后若无其事,再次坐下来吃饭。
The Japanese had begun to use Kang Table before, which is called one of "indispensable warming appliances in cold season" . 日本人从以前就开始使用炕桌,被称为「严寒季节不可缺少的取暖器具」之一。
As you open your portfolio, there should be a table of contents on the right side, and each section ought to have a corresponding tab. 当你打开公文包的时候,在右边应该有一个目录,每一部分也都应该有一个相应的标签。
The number of rows that this table produces is proportional to the number of rules in the rule set, and is usually small. 此表中所生成行的数量与规则集中规则的数量成正比,通常很少。
At this table sat a man of about forty, with a merry and open countenance, who was dandling a little child on his knees. 桌子旁边坐着一个四十岁左右喜笑颜开的男子,他用膝头颠着一个小孩,逗他跳跃。
After I was ready to go, I peeked into the kitchen and there were the four coffee cups on the kitchen table awaiting our return. 准备出发之时,我偷偷看了看厨房,发现了四个咖啡杯,静静等待着我们归来。
She reached across the table, grabbed my glass, lifted it a couple of inches, and handed it to me. 她把手伸到桌子这边,抓起我的被子,提高几英尺,递给我。
The beautiful young woman did not sit across the table from my uncle in the diner, and there was no card game in progress in the smoker. 吃饭的时候那个年轻漂亮的姑娘也没有坐在我叔叔的桌对面,也没有抽着烟的人在玩扑克。
The feeling you are trying to forget this and you'll go away. There's about 6000 volts you know across the table here. 你想忘掉和逃避的这种感觉,如同六千伏电流穿过这张桌子袭上心头。
Before clicking the run button, check the synchronization tab and note the name of any table objects ending with "_MEASURES" . 单击运行按钮之前,检查同步表并注意以“_MEASURES”结束的表对象的名称。
A view can be created that uses more than one table or other views with a SELECT clause of any complexity. 可以使用多个表或带任意复杂性的SELECT子句的其他视图创建视图。
There was an armchair at either end of the long table. 在那张桌子两端各有一把扶手椅。
It seems to be a table knife of Mongolian or other minorities? 似乎是蒙族或其他少数民族餐刀?
Now, as WE sat at his kitchen table, he began to reminisce about what a fine man my dad had been. 那天我和丹坐在他家的厨房餐桌旁,他开始回忆我的父亲是多么好的一个大好人。
It is no use getting your entire family to sit around the dinner table if it feels awkward because no one is talking. 一家人围坐在餐桌前如果因为觉得尴尬而彼此不说话就没有意义。
Della doubled the fob chain in her hand and sat on the corner of the table near the door that he always entered. 德拉将表链对叠握在手心,坐在离他一贯进门最近的桌子角上。
A reference to columns or expressions in the main table(s) is called an outer reference and the subquery is said to be correlated. 对主表中的列或表达式的引用被称作外部引用,并且这种子查询是相关的。
He made this table out of an old box. 他用一个旧木箱做成了这张桌子。
Tip: Named anchors are often used to create "table of contents" at the beginning of a large document. 命名锚一般用于在一个长篇幅文档中建立“内容小目录”。
"You say Gaddafi is going to leave his country, " he thundered, banging his fist on the table, railing against the U. S. and Britain. 他暴跳如雷,用拳头捶打着桌子,怒骂美国和英国:“你们说卡扎菲应该离开他的国家。”