cope with

  • v.对付;应付
  • 网络处理;应对;解决

cope withcope with

cope with


应字组词_百度知道 ... [reception] 应酬,接待 [cope with] 应付 [response] 呼应 ...


大学英语四级常用词组 ... under control 处于控制之下 cope with 对付…,妥善处理 at all costs 不惜任何代价 ...


六级通过必备——六级高频词组汇总_新东方网 ... contrary to 与……相反 cope with 处理 count on 依靠,指望 ...


考研阅读精读笔记(95-96)_一舟_新浪博客 ... being n. 存在;存在物;存在状态 cope with 处理,应对 passive a. 被动的;消 …


词语的固定搭配_百度文库 ... cooperate with 合作,协作,相配合 cope with 竞争,对抗;对付,应付;妥善 处理 deduce from 演绎,推断 ...


测控技术与仪器专业英语单词 - 豆丁网 ... Tally 计算 Cope with 解决 Tedium 厌烦,沉闷 ...


各地农民感受到全球... ... in the absence of 无…时,缺少…时 cope with 处理,应付,对付,克服;与…抗衡 heat up 变热,发热;给…加 …


英语四级词汇短语 - 豆丁网 ... contribute to 有助于…,促成 537 cope with 对付…,妥善处理 538 count on 依靠;期待,指望 5…

I've benefited from the training methods here, I don't think I could cope with all the long slogs now at my age. 我在这里的训练中获益很多,我不认为我现在这个年纪还能应付这些了。
Whether you suffer dementia or love someone who does, the condition is difficult enough to cope with without trying to face it alone. 无论患上痴呆症的是你还是你的亲人,即便不是独自面对,这种情形也够难应付的了。
But we had to cope with a few things, the pitch and the atmosphere, and I thought we dealt with it well. 我们也很好的处理了其他的一些事情,场地和气氛,我想我们做的非常棒!
as you become practiced in dealing with a dissipating your fears , you will be better able to cope with the shift. 当你在处理去除你的恐惧方面变成熟练,你将比较能够应付转移。
The Community Language Learning (CLL) approach seems to be suitable to cope with foreign language anxiety. 文章提出并论证运用社团学习法解决外语学习焦虑。
Socrates urges a discussion of fundamental points, arguing that it will be harder to cope with an anxiety that has no rational basis. 苏格拉底提出要对基本点进行讨论,他说如果渴望没有理性基础就更难处理。
Tamura of Ota Hospital said his hospital had to cut bonuses and did not award basic pay raises to its staff to cope with the reductions. 大田医院田村说,他的医院不得不削减奖金和获奖基本没有向员工加薪,以配合减少。
Later, unable to cope with the trauma, the little girl hung herself at a mental asylum she was put in following the incident. 后来,无法应付创伤,小女孩住进了一个精神病院,她在事件发生后提出自杀。
A good manager must be able to cope with the relationship with stuff to be in a impartial position. 一个好的人事部经理要善于公正地处理与员工之间的关系。
Who will be able to face up to and be prepared to cope with these challenges. who can seize the opportunity and r republic booming sector. 谁能正视并做好准备应付这些挑战.谁就能抓住机遇.迅速发展。
The centrists' creed was that government should not interfere with the market, but help workers cope with the consequences. 中间派的宗旨是国家不该干涉市场,但应该帮助工人们应对自由竞争的后果。
We have a real major outbreak of disease in the United States, we are not prepared to cope with it. 在美国有个如此之大的疾病爆发,而我们却完全没准备。
And that's not about to change. In the long run, Earth can cope with anything we throw at it. 而这不是地球将会改变甚么。长期来看,地球能够应对我们扔给它的一切。
Although doctors are known as a pretty serious group, humor is one of the best ways to cope with the harsh realities that we face daily. 尽管医生被看做一个相当严肃的群体,幽默仍然是应对我们每天面对残酷的现实的最好方法之一。
You know, these new customer requirements may be all different, you will cope with not to come over, will keep yourself very tired. 要知道,这些新顾客的要求可能会个个都不一样,你就会应付不过来,就会把自己搞得很疲劳。
He said: "It is always difficult when things change but in football these days, these things happen. You just have to cope with it. " 他说:“通常某些东西变化,事情就变得困难了。但在足球场上,当这类事情发生后,你需要积极地去面对,然后解决它。”
There are still unanswered questions over how the body dealswith the released fat, and how much extra it can cope with. 对于人体如何处理释放的脂肪,它能对付多少多余的脂肪来说,仍然有一些有待解答的问题。
The lungs are able to cope with this extra blood flow and pressure for a while depending on exactly how high the pressure is. 肺能够应付额外血流和压力的时间长短,完全取决于压力有多高。
But she's starting to think she won't be able to cope with the last few months of her pregnancy without David. 但是她开始重新考虑这个问题,因为她无法面对在怀孕的后几个月里离开贝壳。
There's this idea that languages with a general term are able to cope with the world in a more abstract or sophisticated way. 有这种想法的一个通用术语,语言,能够应付在一个更抽象的或复杂的方式与世界。
He describes the dazed incomprehension of those who came of age during the boom and who now do not know how to cope with a slump. 他描写了那些在经济繁荣时期成长起来的人们的幻觉与迷失,而现在一旦面对经济衰退却又束手无策。
No one could cope with him in debate. 没人能同他在辩论中对抗。
There would be no gain if you were to find yourself at a level that you could not cope with. 你不可能在自己无法应对,超越能力的情况下得到收益。
Lucy was special to me but I think as a younger, insecure sibling I was probably too much for her to cope with. 于我,露西是特别的;但是我想,对于露西,我这个年幼的不能给人安全感的妹妹可能是个太大的负担。
Former Sundance chairman, George Jones, has been trying to help bereaved relatives cope with their sudden loss. 桑当斯公司前总裁乔治。琼斯一直在努力帮助死者亲属从突降噩耗的悲哀中恢复。
Since she has spent much of her political life behind the scenes, little can be said about her ability to cope with the limelight. 由于迪尔玛大多数时间都是在幕后进行政治工作,所以无法评判她在聚光灯下的能力。
He tried to cope with the everincreasing burden of his work, but finally he broke down and had to take a complete rest. 他设法应付日益加重的工作负担,但最后身体垮了,不得不全休。
He said the government has adequate resources to cope with any adverse economic conditions. 但曾荫权还称,香港政府有足够资源应对任何不利的经济形势。
was just enough for one-meter height of five to the body can only cope with the fat said: "The short and fat also. " 身高刚好够一米五,去也只能配合着身上的肥肉说:“又胖又矮”。
It has always been assumed that women's bodies give them a higher pain threshold than men, to help them cope with the agony of childbirth. 人们老是设想女性的身躯使女性具有比男性高的痛觉阈,以辅佐她们应对临蓐的巨痛。