come for

  • na.来取(物);来迎接(人);同“come at ”
  • 网络来拿;来接人;来取物

第三人称单数:comes for 现在分词:coming for 过去式:came for

come forcome for

come for


400个动词大全 - 已解决 - 搜搜问问 ... take for 误以为...是 come for 来拿,来取 burn down 烧毁 ...


400个动词大全 - 已解决 - 搜搜问问 ... take for 误以为...是 come for 来拿,来取 burn down 烧毁 ...


大学英语四级常用词组 ... come down on 申斥;惩罚 come for 来接人;来取物 come forth 出来;涌现 ...


有关come的短语 - 已回答 - 搜搜问问 ... come down 降下 come for 来迎接 come forward 挺身而出 ...


大学英语四级常用词组 ... come down on 申斥;惩罚 come for 来接人;来取物 come forth 出来;涌现 ...


高考英语短语动词备考技巧 星沙英语网 ... come along 一道去;赶快;出现 come for 来取,来拿;来找 come on 跟着来;快 …

' "Good, " said the woman, speaking as softly as Ostap. "Thank you, blacksmith. I'll come for it in a week. " “太好了,”女人说,和奥斯塔普一样慢声细语,“谢谢你,铁匠,我一个星期以后来拿。”
Come for a walk with me. We got to leave Forks. 陪我走走吧。我们要离开福克斯了。
Help did not come for an hour, he said. 他说,增援部队一个小时以后才到。
I 'll come for you the next vacation . Marta : That's half a year from now . Miguel : The time will pass quickly. 下次放假我再来看你。玛尔塔:那是半年以后的事情了。米盖尔:时间会过得很快的。
The next day the great crowd that had come for the Feast heard that Jesus was on his way to Jerusalem. 第二天,有许多上来过节的人,听见耶稣将到耶路撒冷,
In the days and nights where he experienced a severe test, but he said: "I did not come for the enjoyment of life. " 在那里他日日夜夜都经历着血与火的考验,但是他却说:“我不是为生活享受而来的。”
After two years of destructive volatility the time has come for both sides to work together to build on this common interest. 经过两年极具破坏性的震荡之后,双方是时候协作建立这种共同利益了。
Now I believe that spider actually represented death, and that it had come for my mother, but Mister saved her life by giving his. 现在我知道那蜘蛛其实是死神,它本是来找我妈妈的,但先生牺牲自己的生命救了妈妈。
He thought, the time had come for her to send the rest of her life in a special hospital. 他想,是她在一个特别的医院里度过她下半生的时刻了。
But she has written Gilbert asking if she may come for a few weeks . . . and you know how the doctor is about such things. 安妮坦白地说,但她给吉尔伯特写了封信,问他她是否可以过来住几个星期,你也知道医生对这种事都会怎么反应了。
Don't be discouraged, He will come for you one day to take you to your wonderful forever Home with Him! 不要灰心,有一天他会回来,接你到那天上美好的家,永远与他在一起。
After a few months, the groom and his relatives come for the bride and take her to his home along with the dowry. 几个月之后,新朗和他的亲戚到新娘家来,把新娘连同嫁妆一起接回家。
But he wanted to make one thing clear: "Do not just come for two or three days and take some pictures as a visitor. " 最后,他还是要声明一点:“不要像游客一样,只来两三天,照几张照片就走人。”
Whilst it is a sad day for me to leave such a great Club and Manager I believe that the time has now come for me to move on. 同时对我来说离开俱乐部和老板是悲伤的一天我认为这一时刻的到来让我。
The time had come for her to lie in. 她生产的时间到了。
After the collar comes off, the doctor wants you to come for massage for a while. 取下束带后,医生希望你来按摩一段时间。
A week later, the white man would come for his eighteen dollars' rent and Momma would beg him to wait until tomorrow. 一周之后,那个白人房东就会来收他的18元租金,妈妈乞求他等到明天再来收。
The time seems to have come for a law against discrimination, because there is a general acceptance of homosexuality. 好像是时候颁布反歧视法的时候了,因为现在人们普遍接受了同性恋。
"The time has come for me to tell you a secret, " he said. “这是该告诉您一个秘密的时候了。”猫说。
17At the time of the banquet he sent his servant to tell those who had been invited, 'Come, for everything is now ready. ' 到了坐席的时候,打发仆人去对所请的人说:‘请来吧!样样都齐备了。’
Adding to the gloom was a prediction by a top banking association that said the worst has yet to come for the world economy. 一家有名望的金融业机构的预测加重了前景的暗淡程度。这个机构认为,世界经济最糟糕的时候还在后面。
The young woman is a cleaner who has come for the procedure with her mother. 这个女孩是个清洁工,和她妈妈一起来做这个的。
He did not want it to struggle yet. The time had not come for the test. 现在他还不想让马从泥中挣脱出来,考验的时机还没有到。
One of his assistants will come for you, and the bathroom's over there if you need it. 你就在那边等着吧,他的助手会来找你的,洗手间在那边。
Most places will ask you to come for an interview, which is usually pretty casual. 许多地方都会要求你进行面试,这些面试都是相当随意的。
The time had come for him to set out on his journey westward. 是该他动身往西走一趟的时候了。
Victories will continue to come, for you have already built quite a bit of momentum that will carry you forward now without trying so hard. 胜利将持续到来。由于你已经建立的相当多的气势,它现在将带你向前,你将不需要太艰难的努力。
A few days ago I called my mother and asked her to come for a visit next week. 几天前我打电话给我妈请她下星期上我这儿来。
When I gestured for him to come for some dumplings, he took no notice; He was intent on pulling his horse across the floor. 我示意他过来吃些饺子,他根本就没有理会,只是专注地在地板上拉着他的马。
Three and a half successful years later, the time had surely come for Suarez to test himself in one of the Europe's major leagues. 三年半之后,对苏亚雷斯而言,是时候去欧洲最高水平的联赛之一接受挑战了。