
  • 网络1960年代




The push to emigrate, which had begun in the early 1960s as an underground movement, had grown by 1970 into an open campaign. 推动自由移居的运动滥觞于1960年代早期,到1970年,原本处于地下的活动经过发展,变成一项公开运动。
There were two other films that I saw later on, in the mid-1960s, that had just as much of an effect. 后来,1960年代中期,我还看了另外两部对我影响深远的电影。
"An Education" is a smart memoir with a complicated point of view, and it takes place in London in the early 1960s. 《成长教育》是一部精彩的传记电影,其故事发生在上世纪60年代初的伦敦。
He said the United States today is more fair, free and just than during the 1950s and 1960s when King fought for racial equality. 他表示,与金博士为种族平等而抗争的1950年代和1960年代相比,今天的美国更加公平、自由和公正。
For a year in the late 1960s, she had no idea that two of her missing children had perished in central Vietnam while fighting U. S. troops. 对于一个在60年代末的一年,她没有失踪,她的两个孩子已在越南中部的美军作战时丧生的想法。
Previously the 1960s paintings had been perceived as the childish scribbles or doddering fantasies of an old man warding off impotence. 以前,这些画于20世纪60年代的作品在人们心目中只是一个老人为驱散失意而做的孩子气的涂鸦或者糊涂的幻想。
In the 1960s, Paul was caught up in the Cultural Revolution, a chaotic attempt to root out elements seen as hostile to Communist rule. 上世纪60年代,保罗·克鲁克陷入文化大革命之中,一场旨在根除被视为共产党敌对分子的大动乱。
Since the 1960s some theorists have floated the idea that when a massive star collapses into a black hole, it gives rise to a new universe. 自上世纪六十年代以来理论物理学家间流传着这样一种说法认为当大质量恒星塌陷为黑洞时,从中便诞生出了一个新的宇宙。
Mr Mishra says China's stridency in its territorial ambitions has grown over the past two years to a level not seen since the early 1960s. 米什拉表示,中国近两年在领土主张上的野心和尖锐态度,达到了自上世纪60年代初以来从未见过的地步。
That southernmost section was torn down in the 1960s, long before any thought of turning the line into a park. 铁路最南端的部分于上世纪六十年代被拆除,之后过了很长时间,才有人提议可以将剩下的部分改造成公园。
Bertie Smalls was an English armed robber who was active in the 1960s and 70s; a time considered the golden age of British armed robbery. 英国武装劫匪柏提·斯莫(Derek“Bertie”Smalls)活跃于{##**$$}20世纪60到70年代;该时代被认为是英国武装抢劫的“黄金时代”。
When he graduated from high school in Cupertino, Calif. , in 1972, he said, "the very strong scent of the 1960s was still there. " 1972年他从加利福尼亚库比蒂诺的高中毕业时,他曾说:“这里仍弥漫着60年代的强烈气味。”
As a boy growing up in Massachusetts in the 1960s, Grover Norquist claims to have had a political epiphany. 上世纪60年代的马萨诸塞州,小男孩格罗佛•诺奎斯特(GroverNorquist)宣称有了一个政治顿悟。
Almost pulled down in the 1960s to make way for a second ring road around the modern day city, a large portion in fact escaped destruction. 大约在20世纪60年代,为了在现代化的新城外围再铺一条环形公路,老城墙被推倒了,事实上大部分还是躲过了浩劫。
Since the early 1960s, prosthetic heart valve have been used in the treatment of cardiovascular disease. 自19世纪60年代以来,人工心脏瓣膜开始应用于临床手术治疗这种疾病。
I was, in the 1960s, in a marriage . . . to use the word "bad" would be perhaps the understatement of the year. It was dreadful. 60年代我结婚了,用“糟糕透了”这个词都不足以形容简直是糟糕极了。
Italy was the model of a modernising Mediterranean state. "Spain is different" , as a tourist slogan of the 1960s used to put it. 意大利是现代化的地中海国家的典范,而“西班牙是不同的”在1960年代常常被当作旅游口号使用。
A. Until about the 1960s, the conventional wisdom was that bilingualism was a disadvantage. Some of this was xenophobia. 直到大约上世纪60年代以前,人们还普遍认为双语能力是一种劣势,其中有排外情绪作祟。
There was an enormous row in the 1960s, when Charles De Gaulle's France vetoed British entry, which eventually took place in 1973. 上世纪六十年代,在夏尔·戴高乐领导下的法国否决英国加入(欧洲经济共同体)的要求引发了大规模的骚动,最终,英国在1973年加入了。
But, as the 1960s rolled around, they began to expand the size of their domestic product lines once more. 但是,随着20世纪60年代时间的推移,它们开始又一次扩大各自的国内产品线规模。
That message resonated with her as she grew up in the tumultuous political climate of the 1960s. 这个信息与她的共鸣,因为她生长在动荡的20世纪60年代的政治气候了。
"Back in the 1960s, we were doing the same thing as America, making cities car-friendly, " he said. “早在20世纪60年代,我们与美国人所做的一模一样,建设汽车友好型城市,”他说。
In the late 1960s, around the time that the group split up, Terry began to establish himself as a writer and producer for other artists. 在60年代后期,各地,该集团分裂时,特里开始建立作为一个作家和其他艺术家生产者自己。
The look got a boost from a hot TV show based in the early 1960s, which was one of the last periods for innovative tailored styles. 这部讲述上世纪60年代早期广告人生活的热门电视剧推动了这种装束的流行,而在服装剪裁风格得以创新的各个时代中,60年代是距离我们最近的年代之一。
In the early 1960s, "Where's the beef" was one of the most popular expressions in the United States. 在六十年代初,“牛肉到哪里去了?”这句话风靡全美,成为最流行的话。
Since the 1960s the amount of fertiliser used by farmers has increased sixfold, and not all of that extra nitrogen ends up in their crops. 自从1960年代,农夫使用的肥料增加了六倍,而且并不是所有氮肥都被农作物吸收;
In North Wolfen, a collection of prefab apartment buildings put up in the 1960s, the losses seem to outweigh the gains. 在沃尔芬北部,对于一批建造于20世纪60年代的预制板活动房公寓,似乎失大于得。
Given that Mr Lewis really was beaten up during a civil-rights march in the 1960s, he might have shown more of a sense of proportion. 假如刘易斯先生果真在20世纪60年代的一次公民权利游行期间被痛打,他可能表现出更多的是“辨别轻重缓急”的能力。
In the early 1960s Wilt Chamberlain was one of only three players in the National Basketball Association (NBA) listed at over seven feet. 20世纪60年代早期,WiltChamberlain是美国国家篮球协会(NBA)中仅有的三个身高超过7英尺的球员之一。
Bill Scranton's father had been a popular governor and a viable presidential candidate during the 1960s. 比尔·斯克兰顿的父亲曾是20世纪60年代一个受人欢迎的州长和一个极能干极有希望的总统候选人。