
  • 网络1930年代




The irony is that Greece is in a position similar to that of Germany in the early 1930s, where cutting costs makes the debt load heavier. 讽刺的是,希腊当前处境,竟与30年代初的德国相类似。在这种处境下,削减成本将加重债务负担。
Such pools constitute much of the so-called toxic assets at the heart of the worst financial crisis in the United States since the 1930s. 这些打包的证券产品就是造成了美国自1930年代以来最恶劣的金融危机的所谓“有毒资产”的核心内容。
When Stanley Kaplan applied to five medical schools in the late 1930s, he did not think he would have trouble getting in. 上世纪30年代末,当斯坦利-卡普兰(StanleyKaplan)向5所医学院递交申请时,他不认为自己的入学会遭遇任何困难。
The coup in 1973, which had the backing of the United States, ended a democratic tradition in Chile that stretched back to the 1930s. 这一场获得美国政府幕后支持的政变,结素了智利从20世纪30年代就开始实行的民主政体。
Wedge-shoes is one of the most fashionable shoes, which has been produced since the end of 1930s and went through several fashion cycles. 楔形鞋是如今最为时尚的鞋款.它产生于30年代末期,历经几个流行周期。
It might seem odd to be erecting skyscrapers when Britain's economy is still recovering from its nastiest shock since the 1930s. 英国经济还处在20世纪30年代以来最大的创伤的恢复过程中,此时建摩天大厦似乎很奇怪。
Originally I wanted to make it a musical with the feel of a 1930s screwball comedy. 起初我想将它制作成一部带有二十世纪三十年代怪诞喜剧色调的音乐剧。
Actress Ruan was one of the most prominent Chinese movie stars of the 1930s and is still regarded as an icon. 阮玲玉是19世纪30年代最杰出的女影星,至今仍是很多人的偶像。
Historically, it is argued that deficit financing in the 1930s did not turn around the Great Depression, and the argument is correct. 就历史经验而言,有人指出,上世纪30年代的赤字融资未能扭转“大萧条”的困境,确实如此。
They cite events like the heat and drought of the 1930s as evidence that extreme weather is nothing new. 他们引述了一些例子来证明极端天气事件并非什么新鲜事。
The U. S. economy appears to be emerging from its longest and deepest recession since the Great Depression of the 1930s. 美国经济看来正脱离1930年大景气萧条以来为时最长、也最为严重的衰退。
"That could, as it did in the 1930s, lead to a disastrous collapse in activity around the world, " he said in a speech. “那可能会像上世纪30年代那样,造成全球贸易活动发生灾难性的崩塌,”他在演讲中表示。
He said today that because authorities know how to respond to avert financial collapse, ``there's no question of a replay of the 1930s. '' 今天他说,因为当局知道如何防范金融体系崩溃,“1930年代的大萧条不会重演”。
These dangers to free trade do not add up to a repeat of the 1930s, but they all need watching. 这些自由贸易的危险不会相加成20世纪30年代的翻版,但它们都需要得到关注。
In the 1930s Roosevelt was the prophet of hope for the United States, just as he was for the free world in the 1940s. 在二十世纪三十年代,罗斯福总统预言了美国经济的复苏,正如他在二十年后对自由世界的预言一样。
By the 1930s it had fallen into disrepute, and an intense lobbying campaign demonized "reefer madness. " In 1937 the U. S. 然而到了1930年代,大麻就已经声名扫地,并有一批人大力活动游说,试图将吸食大麻的「疯狂行为」妖魔化。
The new laws are the broadest reform of the U. S. financial industry since the Great Depression of 1930s . 这项新的法律是1930年代以来对美国金融行业进行的最广泛的改革。
Japan's generosity has historically been driven at least in part by a desire to make amends for its invasion of China in the 1930s. 日本的慷慨捐助是出于历史原因,一方面是希望修补侵华战争对日中关系造成的伤害。
That might reflect a time-lag; after all, inequality did not really start to decline until the mid-1930s. 这或许反映出一种时间上的滞后;毕竟,上一次,收入差距直到上世纪30年代中期才开始缩小。
The United States experienced such a deflationary spiral during the Great Depression in the 1930s, and Japan experienced one in the 1990s. 美国在1930年代大萧条时经历过这样的通缩螺旋,1990年代日本也曾陷入这种局面。
More than a year after the economy began expanding following the worst recession since the 1930s, employers are slow to hire. 去年美国经历了1930年代以来最严重的经济危机,如今复苏初现,就业增长仍然滞后。
The economic debacle of the early 1930s is usually explained as a domestic disaster. {##**$$}20世纪3年代的经济大萧条通常被认为是国内的灾难。
"Of course, " they add, "regulators will be able to hire cheap skilled labor in 2009, just as they were able to in the 1930s. " “当然,”他们补充道,“在2009年监管机构将能够雇用廉价的有技能的金融从业者了,就像他们在20世纪30年代能做到的一样。”
Before the United States implemented the Social Security Program in the 1930s, there was no protection or labor employment law. 在美国于十九世纪三十年代实行社保项目前,还没有保障或是劳动雇佣法律。
The service's lead scientist for the eastern cougar, Mark McCollough, said the animal has likely been extinct since the 1930s. 管理局东部美洲狮方面的首席科学家马克·麦克洛说,这种动物有可能从20世纪30年代起就已经灭绝了。
In the 1930s, when I was growing up, there was all this talk about millionaires like John D. Rockefeller and Andrew Carnegie. 当我还在成长的时候,我们这里一直在议论关于约翰D罗克福勒和安舟.开尼格两为百万富翁。
Investors have been through this sort of meltdown twice before in the modern era: Wall Street during the 1930s, and Japan in the 1990s. 现代历史上,投资者曾两度经历过这样的不景气:一次是30年代的华尔街,另一次是90年代的日本。
But analysts said the experience of the 1930s remains an indicator of what may be ahead. 不过分析人士说,30年代的经历仍对判断股市的未来走势有借鉴作用。
Before the Great Depression of the 1930s any downturn in economic activity was referred to as a depression. 在三十年代的大萧条之前,任何经济活动的衰退都被称为“经济萧条”。
In the 1930s he worked with a theatre company, the "October Group" , linked to the Communist though not always reflecting the 's views. 30年代他为“十月”戏剧组织工作。这个组织与共产主义政党联系很深,但并不总是反映政党的意志。