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Guge was an ancient kingdom founded by a branch of descendents of the last king of a unified Tibet in the 10th century. 古格王国是由10世纪西藏最后一个统治者的后裔建立的。
To the 10th day, his heart that today Ruozai someone, no matter how much money I have to give an immediate shot. 到第十天时,他心里说,今天若再有人来,无论给多少钱我也要立即出手。
Shilpa Shetty and Abhishek Bachchan's popularity seems to be low as they were on the 10th position. 希尔帕谢蒂和阿布舍克巴克强的受欢迎程度似乎较低,因为他们在第十位的。
Archaeologists say they have dug up a woman skeleton dating to the 10th century B. C. in an ancient necropolis in the heart of Rome. 意大利考古学家5月30日表示,他们在罗马中心区域的一个古代墓地中发现了一具女性骸骨。其历史可以追溯至公元前10世纪。
Blue-black jersey on the 10th Regiment of the others did not, it still wear Adriano in the body. 蓝黑军团的10号球衣没有给别人,它仍穿在阿德里亚诺身上。
As the Financial Times publishes its 10th global MBA ranking, this correlation is all too apparent. 在英国《金融时报》发布第10期全球商学院排名之际,这种关联变得十分明显。
He was no longer a nobody who choked at big events, like the 1988 Calgary Olympics, where he finished an unimpressive 10th. 1988年的卡尔加里冬奥会上,他表现平平,只得了第10名,可如今他再也不是在大型赛事中举止失措的无名小卒了。
Woods, 34, needs to be in the top eight US golfers to earn an automatic place in the team but is currently 10th. 伍兹,34岁,需要进入前八名才能自动成为莱德杯对参赛球员,但是现在他排名第十。
Since then , he's twice finished 10th and was forced to drop out in Malaysia when a wheel nut fell off his car . 此后,他有两次获得第十,还有一次是因为车轮上的一个螺母掉下来而被迫退出了马来西亚站的比赛。
What do you say to a man widely blamed for beating you, stealing your job and trying to have you thrown out of a 10th-floor window? 你会怎么说一个众人皆云他殴打你、偷走你的工作,甚至尝试把你从第十层楼的窗口扔出去的人?
10th. Participate in every education teaching of the garden of the kindergarten , parent-offspring and recreational activities actively. 积极参加幼儿园、亲子园的各项教育教学及文艺活动。
He skipped the team's mandatory minicamp last month and has said he intends to hold out until the 10th week of the regular season. 塞缪尔上个月错过了爱国者队的强制迷你营,并且表示将维持现状到常规赛第10周。
The new Mulan is at least the 10th film version of the Hua Mulan tale ( "Hua" is the heroine's surname). 新的花木兰至少是花木兰故事的第十个电影版本(“花”是女英雄的姓)。
Phil Neville wants to mark the 10th anniversary of his first call-up to the England squad by playing in the World Cup finals next year. 菲尔。内维尔想通过参加明年的世界杯决赛圈比赛来纪念他进入英格兰国家队10周年。
I just text ed her asking where she was and she said she was on 10th Street! ! 我刚给她发短信,问她在哪里,她说她在第十大街!
You see, on the day of my 10th year anniversary into the mad world of entertainment, I had the most exciting time of my life. 你们知道,在我淌入这个疯狂的娱乐圈,如今出道十周年的纪念日的这一天,我度过了我这辈子最激动的时刻。
No doubt he will be dismayed by yesterday's one-10th jump in the share price of the company he co-founded. 毫无疑问,这家杨致远联手创建的公司周二10%的涨幅会让他感到沮丧。
Figures announced on December 10th showed that exports fell by a startling 2. 2% in November, compared with a year earlier. 十二月十日的数据表明,十一月的出口比去年同期下降了2.2%,这个数据令人震惊,分析人士之前的预期是增长15%;
In the KGC is opened on October 10th, the company went out of his day, Komori organised a special opening ceremony. 在KGC开业的10月10日当天,小森公司特意举办了别具一格的开业典礼。
Tickets for a pop concert to mark the 10th anniversary of Princess Diana's death sold out in minutes on Wednesday, organizers said. 据主办方介绍,纪念戴安娜王妃逝世10周年的通俗音乐会门票于本周三被抢购一空。
Her first daughter contracted AIDS through being breastfed by her mother and died before her 10th birthday. 她的第一个女儿因吸奶而感染了艾滋病,然后在10岁生日之前就死了。
Back in early January, Houston was 10th in the West and widely considered one of the NBA's most disappointing teams. 回首一月初,休斯顿还是一支西部第10的球队而且被普遍认为是NBA最令人失望的球队。
On behalf of Taipei TungHai Rotary Club, I would like to say a few words to commemorate the 10th anniversary of the ABC Rotary. 我谨在此代表台北东海扶轮社,为祝福ABC扶轮社创社10周年说几句话。
Id like to book ten standard suites and two deluxe rooms for a week, starting May 10th. 我想预定10个标准间和两个豪华间,定期从5月10日开始,持续一周。
He said it was the simplest way to integrate the sports carmaker as VW's 10th marque. 他认为这是将该运动型汽车制造商整合为大众第十个品牌最简单的方式。
It's just like falling off the 10th floor in slow motion, you know? 就好象是从十层楼上慢动作坠落,知道吗?
For our season Premiere we travel to Las Vegas to pick up the best of the action from the IIC meeting, with both 10th and 12th scale action! 对于我们的赛季首演,我们前往拉斯维加斯拿起最好的行动的独立调查委员会会议上,与第10和第12次大规模行动!
Schooling is only available from nursery school through 10th grade, with plans to extend teaching for the remaining two years by 2012. 绿色学校设置了从托儿所到十年级多个层次的教育,计划将在2012年将范围扩大到十二年级。
And although historians are finding them quite difficult to date, they do believe that they were built somewhere around the 10th century. 虽然历史学家很难准确追溯准确建造时间,但他们认为这个时间大约在10世纪左右。
A man grooms himself in a "Hamam" or public bath, in Kabul, Afghanistan, on Tuesday, August 10th, 2010. 一名男子在一新郎“哈马姆”或公共浴池自己,在喀布尔,阿富汗星期二,2010年8月10日。