10 minutes

10 minutes10 minutes

10 minutes

About ten minutes later the farmer will get a text message. The message will advise what kind of fertilizer to use and how much. 大约10分钟后,农民将收到一条短信,短信将对肥料类别和用量提出建议。
"It's like the marathon: if you're five miles behind, you can't make that up in the last 10 minutes of the race, " said David H. 这就像马拉松一样:如果你落后了五英里,你根本不可能在比赛的最后十分钟赶上来。
Her work shows that we are likely to lie several times a day, or in one out of every four conversations that lasts more than 10 minutes. 她的著作告诉我们,大家很可能一天说几次谎,或者说在超过10分钟的对话里,每参与四个对话就说一次。
So just take 10 minutes off, get out of your office building, and breathe fresh air for a while. 所以,只需抽10分钟,走出你的办公大楼,呼吸一下新鲜的空气。
I checked my computer every 10 minutes to see if I had been traded and must have checked my phone at least100 times! ! ! ! ! ! ! 我每10分钟就会看一下我的电脑,但有没有我被交易的消息,然后检查手机100次!!!!!
After a while she woke up to find what I was doing. She gazed at me, and ten minutes later tears flooded her face. 后来她醒了,醒后的她盯着我看,10分钟后,我突然发现她泪流满面。
Walking along the River Drava for at least 10 minutes, it occurred to me that perhaps my trekking skills were lacking, and I had passed it. 期间还有个小插曲,我沿着德拉瓦河走了十余分钟后觉得自己已经走过头了,看来我徒步旅行的经验尚有不足。
Obama and his wife arrived at the White House about ten minutes early. 奥巴马及妻子提前10分钟抵达白宫。
Habits of exercise for ten minutes are likely to be forgotten, while two hours of exercise a day might be too hard to take all at once. 10分钟左右的锻炼习惯很容易就被忘记;而一次就做到每天锻炼2个小时则太难了。
I sat silently for about 10 minutes as the power of it sunk in. I really felt the weight of the situation and of my life wash over me. 我静坐了大约10分钟,随着练习力度深入我真正感觉到了周围的压力和生活的压力侵覆着我全身。
It was a catastrophic evening where we lost a striker after 10 minutes and there was a penalty due to a poor decision by the referee. 这是一个灾难的夜晚。开场仅仅10分钟我们就折损了一名前锋。随后,因为主裁判的一个糟糕的判罚,我们被判了一个点球。
Well he waited about 10 minutes just sitting there before he decided to look out a window and no one was there. 他在车库里坐了大约10分钟,还没等到父母,便探头向窗外望去,但外边根本没人。
" After 10 minutes in his office, it was clear to me that I had no choice but to work with his " organization. 10分钟后在他的办公室,毫无疑问我无可选择只好参与他的“组织”工作。
We used to think uh, that we had anywhere from 8 to 10 minutes, that we had a safe margin, to go in and begin attacking the fire. 我们过去认为,嗯,无论怎样我们都有8至10分钟时间,作为富余的安全时间,让我们进入房屋内部灭火。
If you can get out for a walk, I highly recommend it for at least 10 minutes once in a day. 如果你可以出门去散散步,我强烈建议你每天至少10分钟。
Like the time he decided he couldn't brush his teeth before he worked out for at least 10 minutes. 比方说,上次他就决定,如果健身时间不达到10分钟,他就再也不刷牙了。
Nancy Drew: I found a tunnel and I'm going in. If I don't come back in 10 minutes, that means something bad has happened. Corky: laughs. 南茜·朱尔:我发现了一条地道,现在就进去。如果我10分钟之内没有回来,就意味着我出事了。考基:真好笑。
Making time for exercise, even if it's just 5 to 10 minutes at a time, is your first step to making it a permanent part of your life. 抽出时间锻炼,即使每次只有5到10分钟,但是这将成为构筑你完美生活的第一步。
He took a full ten to fifteen minutes to check his smart phone while I was sitting directly across the table from him. 他整整用了10到15分钟的时间一直在查看他的智能手机,而我那时就坐在他桌子的对面。
Some people have commented that, if you be with him on 10 minutes, you just served as a pair of tranquilizers. 有人曾评论说,如果你同他一起待上10分钟,你就像服了一副镇静剂一样。
The cost of food and clothes kept increasing. Before it was all over, the total inflation averaged 1 percent every 10 minutes. 食品和服装的成本持续上涨。在这场恶性通货膨胀结束之前,总通胀率平均起来是每10分钟上涨1%。
I don't care. You know better than to hit him. Go sit on your bed for 10 minutes. 我不管。你知道你不该打他的。去,到你房间床上静坐十分钟
You'll only ask me again in 10 minutes, so I might as well tell you that. . . When anyone goes off the side of the pitch, they're offside. 10分钟之后你肯定还会再问我,我不妨告诉好你了……当任何人在球场跑错位置的时候,他就越位了。
In such a case, it is not unusual that a simple rule that evaluates only a few number of records can take 10 minutes or more to complete. 在这种情况下,只有少量记录需要评估的规则,很可能要执行10多分钟。
Jobs' attitude throughout was, as he said about 10 minutes in, that the whole thing was "blown out of proportion. " 但乔布斯在这段约10分钟的讲话里透露出的观点却是,这次“天线门”事件完全是被媒体夸大了。
Just entered a room to be less than 10 minutes, the door is opened suddenly from outside, be foul-mouthed ground entered a man to come in. 刚进了房间不到10分钟,房门突然从外面被人打开,一个男人骂骂咧咧地闯了进来。
I tried several cups of Susanto's brew, which had been roasted by hand in an earthenware pan over a wood fire for seven to 10 minutes. 我尝了几杯Susanto煮的咖啡,他将咖啡豆放在木头火堆上的陶土锅里,手工炒了7到10分钟。
If I put my hand down your pants and play with your balls for 10 minutes, I will be able to tell you your exact age. 只要我把手放进你的内裤里,玩你的蛋蛋十分钟,我就会知道你的准确年龄。
Short bouts of exercise of at least 10 minutes can be added up to the total time needed. 至少10分钟的短时间阶段运动可以加到需要的全部时间里。
Anderson Mobile Estates are studio friendly and can be broken down and ready to travel in as little as 10 minutes if necessary. 安德森移动屋工作室友好的,可以被打破,并准备在旅行小10分钟,如果需要的。