


Ramesses II is was the third king of the 19th dynasty Egypt, and is often regarded as the most celebrated of ancient Egypt's pharaohs. 拉美西斯二世是埃及第19王朝的第三位君主,他常常被认为是古埃及最了不起的法老。
The United States has been a leader in scientific research and technological innovation since the late 19th century. 美国一直在全球领先的科学研究和技术创新,因为19世纪后期。
On April 19th there was a moment of relief when the company told analysts that this year's earnings would be far higher than they expected. 4月19日,当公司告诉分析师今年收入额将远高于预期时,曾是值得欣慰的一刻。
It speeded up to a certain degree in the 19th century. the New York of today came into shape only within the last century. 城市的发展在19世纪速度提高到了一定程度。今日纽约市的雏形在上一世纪就已经成型了。
At the beginning of the 19th century, Switzerland is one of the most highly industrialised countries in Europe. 19世纪初期,瑞士已经成为欧洲最为工业化的国家之一。
Spain introduced the word "liberal" to world politics early in the 19th century. But it has no liberal party of its own. 西班牙早在19世纪就已经将“自由主义”这个词运用到国际政治范畴中,但该国如今却没有自己的自由主义党派。
They have been used to sterilise things since the 19th century, but steaming municipal waste in them is a new idea. 从19世纪开始就被应用于灭菌处理,但用于生活垃圾处理则是一个新的想法。
In the 19th century it had the right, vibrant combination: educated people and a mass of small businesses. 19世纪的时候,底特律有着正确的有活力的组合:有受过教育的市民和很多的小生意。
To illustrate this, let me refer to the naturalist science of the 19th century, and the effects it had on our opinions of life. 为了诠释这点,我要引用下19世纪的自然主义科学及其它对我们的生活观念所产生的影响。
Caroling is often associated with the long skirts, capes and top hats of 19th-century England. 颂歌时常会联想到十九世纪英格兰的长裙、披肩和高帽。
(On her 19th century Halifax home, a former brothel) I come in at night and expect to see some transparent slut at the top of the stairs. (关于她家19世纪的老房子,过去是个妓院)我晚上进去的时候,希望看到楼梯上站着一个透明的风尘女。
And yet, though we're never going back to the 19th-century, sin-centric character-building model, for breeding leaders, it has its uses. 虽然,我们永远不可能回到19世纪,但是,那种以克服恶为中心的品格培养模式在训练领导人方面还是有一定的作用。
If you want to understand 19th-century Russia would you do better to read a history book, or to read War and Peace? 如果你想了解19世纪的俄罗斯,是读历史书更好呢,还是应该去读《战争与和平》(WarandPeace)?
But what the 19th century achieved on this basis was bound to arouse the admiration of every receptive person. 但是19世纪在此基础上获得的成就必然会让每个愿意接受原理的人惊叹。
As you can see, the 19th century is by no means a time of philosophical uniformity or even passivity. 正如上面谈到的情形,19世纪的哲学从来就不是一个大一统或者被动接受的年代。
They have been used to sterilize things since the 19th century, but steaming municipal waste in them is a new idea. 从19世纪起人们就用压力锅灭菌,但把生活垃圾装到压力锅里去蒸却是个全新的概念。
Of course, I only had about six years of it, and I confess I may not even have been aware that it was the 19th century. 当然,我只有6年的经历,而且坦白的说,当时我可能根本没有意识到那就是19世纪。
It is no coincidence that the 19th Century, a time of gold coin standards for the most part, was an era of peace. 这不是巧合,十九世纪一个金币本位制的时代,对大部分人来说是一个和平的纪元。
By the mid-19th century, it had pushed Britain out of the Pacific Northwest and consolidated its hegemony over the Western Hemisphere. 到十九世纪中叶,它已经将不列颠人驱赶出西北部太平洋,并巩固了自己在西半球的霸权。
This is, after all, the only industry whose propensity to failure seems to be as great as in the 19th century. 毕竟,这是唯一一个失败倾向似乎与19世纪一样大的行业。
In his hands, he holds a traditional Adygei violin used by Adygei people up to the 19th century. 在他的手中,他拿着的是一把古典的在19世纪被阿迪格人民使用的阿迪格小提琴。
Dust trails laid down at various perihelion returns during the 19th century seem to have been responsible for the last two main outbursts. 奠定了在不同的近日点回报在19世纪的灰尘足迹似乎已经在过去的两个主要的爆发负责。
The white population of the new United States did not stretch far beyond the eastern seaboard until the 19th century. 在新诞生的美国,白种人直到19世纪才从东海岸向西深远进军。
It was traditionally a farm product, but with the Advent of the cream separator in the late 19th century it began to be mass-produced. 传统上是农场生产的产品,但19世纪晚期,随着乳脂分离器的出现,奶油已可大量生产。
At the beginning of the 19th century, America was a stumbling babe as far as a culture of its own was concerned. 十九世纪伊始,美国正如它自身所承认的那样,在文化还是一个行走绊磕的孩童。
Although the town's official name is still Bath, since the early 19th century it has been known as Berkeley Springs. 虽然该镇的官方名称仍为贝斯,但自19世纪早期后,它就以柏克莱泉闻名于世。
has a similar life story, a story in which he attempts to found a family dynasty in Mississippi in the 19th century. 中的人物托马斯·塞德潘有着一段与此相似的生活经历,小说中此人试图在19世纪的密西西比州建立一个家族王朝。
Vincent van Gogh was a master who has been a great influence on modern painting since the 19th century. 凡高是19世纪以来对现代绘画形成颇有影响的大师。
Thousands of dams built since the mid-19th century have "completely altered the planet's terrestrial plumbing, " he said. 他说:自19世纪中叶以来修建的几千座水坝已经“彻底改变了地球的地表径流。”
The notion of a universal, objective scale of intelligence, however, did not take shape until the 19th century and the arrival of Darwinism. 而普遍、客观的智力等级的概念,直到19世纪达尔文主义的产生才成型。