


Like the 13th chime of a clock, policymakers who deny the obvious or claim to know the unknowable call into question all that they say. 就像一只会响十三声的时钟一样,否认明摆着的事实或声称自己知道不可知情况的政策制定者,无论再说什么也不会有人相信。
On July 13th Mr Kan said he wants Japan to reduce nuclear power on safety grounds, if not to get rid of it altogether. 7月13日菅直人表示如果不是全部取消,他想日本在安全基础上减少使用核能。
The narrow passage means that even in the 13th century it was easy to impede the flow of traffic. 狭窄的河道意味着,即使是在13世纪,阻断交通也是容易的。
On a recent trip to Afghanistan, British Defense Secretary Liam Fox drew fire for calling it "a broken 13th-century country. " 在最近一次对阿富汗的访问中,英国国防部长利安·福克斯因将阿富汗称为“残破的13世纪国家”而招惹了不少批评。
The agreement of December 13th did not include the reform of any other election laws. 12月13号的协议并没有包括任何选举法的改革。
Gillespie O Duibhne was the first to have borne the name, and founded clan Campbell at the beginning of the 13th century. 吉莱斯皮öDuibhne是第一个证明的名称,并成立部族坎贝尔开始时的13世纪。
Even if I had made it, I don't think I would have done better than 13th. 即使我进入第二阶段,我觉得顶多也是13位。
Asked if he was considering his options, with 13th his highest finishing position this year, Barrichello replied: "Not at the moment. " 本赛季最好成绩13位,有人问他会不会退休,他说:现在不会。
They date back to at least ancient Roman times, but Friday the 13th superstitions won't be getting much of a workout this year. 这个迷信至少可追溯至古罗马时期,不过今年的黑色星期五不会带来太多麻烦。
The Byzantine era extended from the 13th century and went into the 16th century and was characterized by art with religious influence. 拜占庭式艺术开始于13世纪,一直延续到16世纪,其主要特点是浓郁的宗教气息。
Greatest thrill Not to kill But to have the prize of the night Hypocrite Wanna be friend 13th disciple who betrayed me for nothing! 极致快感,不是杀戮,是拥有夜的瑰丽。虚伪之人,欲与我为伴,却让我蒙受第13次无谓的背叛。
It is traditionally regarded as unlucky for a ship to begin a voyage on the 13th , especially if it happens to be a Friday . 人们传统上认为,轮船在13日,尤其再碰巧是星期五起航是不吉利的。
But, as the 13th-century experience shows, we need not just competition but the right sort of competition. 然而,13世纪的经验告诉我们,我们不仅需要竞争,而且需要正确的竞争。
THE risk of a nuclear accident at a huge power plant in disaster-strewn north-eastern Japan has risen for a second day on March 13th. 位于日本东北灾区的巨大核电厂出现了核事故,发生核事故的第二天,即3月13日,核泄漏的风险正在上升。
On September 13th he made an eloquent plea against the "policy defeatism" he detects in Britain and other leading economies. 9月13日他做了一个有说服力的论辩,反对他了解到的英国和其他主要经济体存在的“政策失败主义”现象。
There seem to be two main reasons why Friday the 13th is regarded as an unlucky day. 十三号星期五之所以被视为一个不幸的日子,似乎有两个主因。
Ramming home the point on December 13th, India's foreign secretary, Nirupama Rao, chided China's ambassador at a public meeting in Delhi. 12月13日,印度外交秘书尼鲁帕玛·拉奥在德里的一次公开会议上嘲笑了中国大使,进一步表明了态度。
However, the modern logo designing dates back to the early days of the Renaissance, around the 13th Century. 但是现代的logo设计起源于13世纪的文艺复兴时期。
The Fannie Farmer Cookbook was an immediate classic when it was published in 1896. Now in its 13th edition, it's still a popular cookbook. 在1896年出版时,立刻成为畅销经典着作,现在已经出到第13版了,仍然相当受欢迎。
The 13th century Spanish king alfonso the tenth began to this offering gods activities for racing bulls performance evolution. 13世纪西班牙国王阿方索十世开始这种祭神活动演变为赛牛表演。
A speech on June 13th on "responsibility" , in which he deplored its absence among some bankers and welfare claimants, was a start. 在六月十三日的主题为“责任”的演说中,他表达了对银行家和福利诉求者们缺乏责任感的遗憾之情——这是某种开始。
After the quake, a man surveyed the damage in Iioka, Chiba Prefecture on March 13th and said: "It's like the wave passed through town. " 震灾发生后,一名男子于3月13日四处探查千叶县饭冈地区的受损情形,他表示,“就像大浪横扫过整座城镇”。
As a gift for his 13th birthday, Qui-Gon gives Obi-Wan the special rock he found from the River of Light on his home world. 他还把那枚珍贵光之河里的鹅卵石送给了欧比,当作他13岁的生日礼物。
Mysticism and profits have come together since the 13th century introduction of Islam to Indonesia by Indian Moslem merchants. 自从13世纪伊斯兰教通过印度的穆斯林商人传到了印度尼西亚,神秘主义和利润已经成为一体
Judas, the apostle said to have betrayed Jesus, was the 13th guest to the Last Supper. 犹大,这个据说背叛耶稣的信徒,是最后的晚餐的第13位客人。
The months leading up to May 13th will see a host of new claims to vast expanses of the seabed. 今起至5月13日的数月之中,联合国将收到许多要求延伸海底界限的新申请。
Known as early as 805 it was chartered in the 13th century and became one of the chief cities of the Hanseatic League. 早在805年就已闻名,在13世纪批准设市,并且成为汉撒盟的主要城市之一。
Scholars believe the frequently used shortened form of Christmas - Xmas - may have come into use in the 13th century. 至于频繁使用的圣诞节的简写形式“Xmas”,学者们认为也许是始于13世纪。
I was 13th, and way off a PR, but I hit the goal I had set for myself. I absolutely never gave up in the race. 跑了第13名,成绩也离自己的最好成绩相差甚远,但是我达成了自己设定的目标,比赛中绝不言弃!
Beguine: a member of any of several lay sisterhoods founded in the Netherlands in the 13th century. 贝居安:女修士会修女13世纪建于荷兰的几个凡人修女团体的成员。