
  • na.二十世纪八十年代
  • 网络1980年代




牛津英语7A Unit6 Fashion... ... 5. His clothes are from the 1980s. 他穿着二十世纪八十年代的服装。 1980s 二十世纪八十年代 ...


The two Koreas' situation is often compared to that of West and East Germany in the 1980s, but it's more extreme in several ways. 韩国和朝鲜通常会被拿来与20世纪80年代的西德和东德作比较,但是朝鲜半岛的情况在很多方面都更为极端。
It's an old 1980s tune, but whenever I have parties at my house, or my friends come over to get ready to go out, we play it full blast. 这是一首上世纪80年代的老歌,但是,只要我在家举行party,或者是朋友过来准备一起外出时,我们就用最大的音量播放这首歌。
Even though Americans underestimate how much inequality exists, they still want less of it, as studies have shown since the 1980s. 根据从20世纪80年代的研究,即使美国人低估了存在的收入差距,他们仍然希望这种差距能减小。
A: Back in the 'dress for success' 1980s, the interview suit -- dark and serious year round -- was a woman's trusty piece of armor. 答:在上世纪80年代“穿着得体”的风潮中,一年到头都是深色、严肃庄重的面试装就像女性可以信赖的一件盔甲。
Set against the political repression and violence of the 1970s and 1980s, the story has something of a Turkish film melodrama about it. 在20世纪70、80年代政治压迫和暴力背景的映衬下,小说的故事情节有几分土耳其电影闹剧的味道。
Since early 1980s, there have been a number of non government organizations (NGOs) involved in environmental protection enterprise. 自1980年初,非政府组织之环保团体相继成立。
Since the 1980s, choral music has had a hard struggle to survive, although many composers have continued to make experiments in this field. 80年代以来,合唱艺术面临着严峻的生存环境,但许多作曲家仍在这个领域苦苦探索。
In the 1980s, in London, this more positive approach to the cultural industries developed into a more explicit economic argument. 在二十世纪80年代,在伦敦,他们基于一个非常明确的经济决策来更积极的发展文化产业。
The ratio between them has moved in steady cycles, and between well-defined limits, since the recession of the early 1980s. 自上世纪80年代初的经济衰退以来,新订单与库存的比率一直在一定的范围内呈现稳定的周期性波动。
Jones grew up in Paris and is fluent in French. As a young officer in the 1980s he was the Marine Corps' liaison to the U. S. Senate. 琼斯将军在巴黎长大,能说一口流利的法语。在1980年代,他是一名年轻的海军陆战队驻美国参议院联络官。
And during the 1980s, there was even talk about Japan's economy some day overtaking that of the United States. 在20世纪80年代,甚至有声音认为日本有朝一日将超越美国。
It was my boss, the Minister of Health in Mexico in the 1980s who was an infectious diseases expert and a very exceptional visionary. 事实上它是由我的一位上司于1980年提出,当时他是墨西哥卫生部部长,我是副部长。
In the 1980s scientists believed that Earth's regular extinctions could be the result of a distant dark twin of the Sun, called Nemesis. 20世纪80年代时科学家们认为地球周期性的生物灭绝可能是由遥远太空的涅墨西斯星球造成的,该星球和太阳很相似。
To become the world's best free-climber, as he had set out to be and as, in the 1970s and 1980s, he was, took years of training. 在1970和1980年代,他是世界上最好的徒手攀岩者,这也是他当初给自己设定的目标,而背后则是多年的训练。
Pig's "spelling" in the early 1980s, the wind just learning English began to rise. 自己对一下吧中文:猪的“拼写”在80年代早期,风就学习英语开始上升。
That was in the 1980s, when flights were not crowded. The airline did not even charge him for the extra luggage. 那是上世纪80年代,乘客不多,航空公司甚至不收行李超重费。
And that in a country where speculative bubbles have been a constant phenomenon since market-based reforms picked up pace in the 1980s. 而且,自上世纪80年代市场改革提速以来,投机泡沫在中国一直经久不衰。
But it's been pointed out that this uptick is probably only an echo of a small baby boom in the 1980s, and may not sustain itself. 但必须指出的是,这次增长可能仅仅是80年代小婴儿潮的余波,并不能持久。
In the late 1980s, during a visit to Bangladesh, I saw a woman with her baby on her back, breaking bricks with a hammer. 世纪80年代晚期,在一次出往孟加拉国的任务期间,我看到背着孩子的妇女在用锤子将砖头敲碎。
There are reports said the man previously killed one of his sisters in the 1980s in what's described as an honor killing. 有报道称,该男子在1980年曾杀死过他的一名姐妹,那次事件被称为“荣誉谋杀”。
Back in the 1980s there was one hot hatchback that could easily see off Volkswagen's mighty Golf GTI. 上世纪80年代,有一款热门的掀背车,它能轻易把大众汽车的高尔夫GTI远远抛离。
There is the matter of the Japanese kidnapped during the 1970s and 1980s and taken to the North to be trained as spies or language teachers. 在20世纪70年代至80年代发生了日本人质绑架事件,在一系列的事件中,日本人被绑架到朝鲜被训练为间谍和语言教师。
Those old enough to remember the 1980s will recall that Japan used to be an up-and-coming economic superpower. 那些能记得二十世纪八十年代的长者们,会想起日本曾是个新兴的超级经济强国。
By the early 1980s it had begun to dawn on GM that the Japanese could not only make better cars but also do so far more efficiently. 而到了20世纪80年代初,通用终于开始明白日本人不仅能造出更好的汽车,而且生产效率也远高于他们。
Hollinghurst said he chose to set his novel in the 1980s because it was such a difficult period tol ive through. 霍灵赫斯特说他选择上世纪80年代作为他小说的背景是因为那是一个生活过得非常困难的时期。
Nobody wants to see a repeat of the devastating crash of the early 1980s, which drove hundreds of farms and lenders out of business. 没有人想看到20世纪80年代初毁灭性崩溃的那一幕重演,迫使数百农田和放贷者无法运行。
In the 1980s its swift recall of Tylenol capsules, after some packs had been laced with poison, made it a model for crisis management. 80年代,强生召回泰诺胶囊,原因是部分药品包含有毒物质,召回速度之迅速使其成为危机管理的楷模。
Chang Jinming, a young man born in the 1980s, made a big decision to donate a part of his liver to save his mother' s life. 80后的儿子常津铭为了挽救患肝硬化的母亲,做出了一个勇敢的决定,捐出自己的部分肝脏挽救妈妈的生命。
It was the late 1980s and there was more help available for autism sufferers and their families. 那时已经是20世纪80年代了,有更多的相关帮助能够提供给孤独症患者和他们这样的家庭。
The mantra following the 1980s recession was that of the "free agent" . 上世纪80年代的衰退过后,人们的箴言变成了“自由职业者”。