
美 [ˈɪnˌdeks]英 [ˈɪndeks]
  • n.指标;索引;标志;(物价和工资等的)指数
  • v.为…编索引;将…编入索引;将(工资等)与(物价水平等)挂钩
  • 网络首页;索引值;禁书目录

复数:indexes 复数:indices 现在分词:indexing 过去式:indexed

comprehensive index,numerical index,alphabetical index
base index,compile index,make index


n. v.

1.索引a list of names or topics that are referred to in a book, etc., usually arranged at the end of a book in alphabetical order or listed in a separate file or book

2.(物价和工资等的)指数a system that shows the level of prices and wages, etc. so that they can be compared with those of a previous date

3.标志;指标;表征;量度a sign or measure that sth else can be judged by


索引与排序的命令第 6章 索引和排序索引INDEX) 可以对表中的记录进行逻辑排序,排序( SORT) 可以对表中的记录进行 …


大连世纪华汇投资咨询有限公司 ... 原油( Oil) 指数Index) 外汇( Forex) ...


UNIT 5. The Day Mother Cried_旺旺英语教学网 ... ecstatic 欣喜若狂的 index 指数,指标 pressure (心理上的)压力 ...


广东科学中心 ... INFORMATION 信息公开 INDEX 首页 OVERVIEW 中心概况 ...


索引值(Index)来辨识各个控制项。 9-1 9-2 9-3 9-4 9-1 在本书一开始时,我们就介绍过视窗应用程式 基本上就是一个以事件 …


当然是禁书目录Index),虽然小说后面跑远了,但女主就是女主.......因蒂帕丝 好:0 不好:0 问问专家团 动漫粉丝团 争取人人 …


索引号Index) : 编号(No. ): REQUEST FOR CONFIRMATION OF BALANCES : 本公司聘请的无锡公勤会计师事务所有 …

Columns of a unique index are allowed to be NULL, while columns in a unique constraint are not. 唯一索引的列可以为NULL,而唯一约束的列不能为NULL。
The number of pages shown in the index for a particular document may be less than the total number of pages in the original document. 在该指数显示为一个特定的文件页数可能比原始文档中的总页数少。
After the fortune is written to the user buffer, I increment the next_fortune index by the length of the last fortune written. 在将这个fortune写入用户缓冲区之后,在next_fortune索引上增加刚才写入的fortune的长度。
This means you cannot use these counters to determine whether an index has been used or not, or when the index was last used. 这意味着,不能使用这些计数器确定是否已使用索引,或确定上次使用索引的时间。
In judging researchers early in their career, the h-index seems to be a poor measure. 在评价处于早期职业生涯的研究者的学术水平方面,使用h-index看起来是一种不靠谱的方法。
The script will prompt you to either drop an existing multiline text index or to create a new multiline text index. 这个脚本将提示您要么删除一个现存的多行文本索引要么创建一个新的多行文本索引。
Since the table is "empty, " it is obviously easiest to read the entire table rather than trying to use an index. 由于表是“空”的,那么很显然读取空表比采用索引更简单。
A tire with a load index equal to that of the Original Equipment tire indicates an equivalent load capacity. 轮胎负载指数与平等的,表明了相当于原设备轮胎负荷能力。
B. If client is unable to see print clearly, test each eye separately by placing index card over one eye at a time. 如受检者看不清报纸文字,可用卡纸盖住眼睛轮流测试两眼视力。
But the VIX index of American stockmarket volatility (a measure of the cost of buying options) was close to a ten-year low in late October. 但是美国股市的波动率指数(VolatilityIndex,VIX,一种衡量购买的期权成本的方法)却在10月低接近10年内的最低点。
The spatial distribution law of urban surface temperature was approximately contrary to that of vegetation index. 城市地表温度与植被指数具有大致相反的空间分布规律。
He said the fund doesn't rule out investing in domestic stock-index futures, which China plans to launch April 16. 并表示,不排除投资国内股指期货的可能性。中国的股指期货交易计划在4月16日正式启动。
Helping students to understand the function of different parts of a book; front cover, publishing notes, index. 帮助学生认识一本书各个部分的作用,包括:封面,出版信息,索引…
Obviously, the effective index is not just a material property, but depends on the whole waveguide design. 有效折射率不仅仅是一种材料的性质,它也依赖于整个波导的设计
Note that this is usually not the only attribute with a database index. 注意,通常情况下,CSCDISIS属性并不是惟一有数据库索引的属性。
Perhaps it was his way of giving economics a wider appeal but in 1926 US economist George Taylor coined the theory of the hemline index. 也许是为了使经济学能够吸引更多人的关注吧,在1926年美国经济学家乔治.泰勒(GeorgeTaylor)创造了裙摆指数理论。
Taking the crash into account, the oil fund's performance was essentially indistinguishable from that of a passively managed index fund. 把危机的原因考虑在内,石油基金的表现从本质上来看与被动的指数基金并无差别。
All the children were similar in height, weight and body mass index (BMI; a ratio of height to weight used to measure obesity). 所有儿童在身高、体重和体质指标方面(BMI;身高体重之比,用来测量肥胖)都极为相似。
Or price index rose at a stage when turnover is often quite small. Index peaked when turnover is withering. 指数或价格处于上升阶段时成交量往往很大;股指见顶时成交量便极度萎缩。
The index ranks the policies of each country according to how much they encourage free trade, both internally and with other territories. 这个排行榜根据各国或地区对国内外自由贸易的鼓励程度将其经济政策进行排名。
'China's stock market index is usually not a good leading indicator of economic growth, ' Wang Tao said in a research note. 她在一份研究报告中指出,中国股指通常不是一个好的经济增长领先指标。
Drug therapy for the treatment of tumors is often limited by a narrow therapeutic index. 药物疗法,用于治疗肿瘤,往往限制了一个狭窄的治疗指数。
Each element at a specific index of every array corresponds to a specific sequence point. 每个阵列中指定之索引处的各个元素都对应至特定的序列点。
It had an interactive section where you could calculate your Body Mass Index, complete with a silhouette of a perfectly proportioned lady. 那上面有个互动版块,可以计算出你的身体质量指数,还辅以一魔鬼身材的女性轮廓。
The derivative problems seem to have accelerated, though Buffett is probably doing better this quarter with the stock index derivatives. 尽管巴菲特本季在股指衍生性商品上可能操作较佳,但衍生性商品的问题看来已经加重。
So far so good, the index seems to be ready for a test of key resistance around the 1400 level. 标普目前走势不错,似乎已经准备好向1400点附近的关键阻力位作出测试。
Number of scans caused by system queries that the recommended index in the group could have been used for. 可能使用组中建议索引的系统查询所导致的扫描数。
There was also no correlation between the body mass index (BMI) of a mother and the sex of her child. 母亲的身体质量指数(BMI)和孩子的性别也没有相互关系。
Most of this variability can be described by a strong linear dependence on the North Atlantic Oscillation (NAO) index. 其中大部分变异可以说是由一个强有力的线性依赖于北大西洋涛动(脑瘤)指数。
During the past four months the NOK has shown a strong correlation with a commodity index like the CRB shown here. 在过去四个月挪威克朗呈现出与商品指数CRB有很强的相关性。