
美 [ˈaɪˌkɑn]英 [ˈaɪkɒn]
  • n.图标;偶像;图符;圣像
  • 网络图示;图像;圣像画

复数:icons 复数:icones




1.图标;图符a small symbol on a computer screen that represents a program or a file

2.崇拜对象;偶像a famous person or thing that people admire and see as a symbol of a particular idea, way of life, etc.


添加图标(Icon): l Icon File:含图标的文件; l Icon Index:在图标文件中的索引,如果图标文件只含一幅,将其设为0; l Insta…


图示Icon),亦作图标,广义上指所有有指示作用的标志,在中文中一般指电脑萤幕的桌面上用来指示用户执行各种操作的图 …


第五图像(icon)需要排中原理和与它连接的其他命题。最简单的这种公式是: {(x —< y) —< x} —< x。 {(x —< y) —< a} —< x, …


小学生怎么记忆英语单词????_爱问知识人 ... gaggle n. 鹅群 icon n. 偶像,圣像 maple n. 枫树 ...


圣像icon)被从教堂排除时,形象(image)也便被法律所禁止。形象被认为太世俗太感性而且可能败坏人性,所以它就应 …


未分类 - - Nicolas’ Blog - Upholstery ... icelandic 冰岛 icon 图符 iconify 图符化 ...


圣像画Icon),可以说是基督宗教信仰中其中一项重要的宗教艺术和文化遗产。它除了是艺术作品外,更是教会用以表达信仰 …


托福词汇表_百度文库 ... church beam 梁 icon 肖像,画像 coin: 硬币 ...

The Coaching Icon was carted to the locker room Saturday after one of his own players ran into his left leg. 周六,在他的一名队员撞到他的左腿之后,这名偶像级教练被强制送往衣帽间。
Rapprochement with pro-democracy icon Aung San Suu Kyi appears to be going well since she was released from prison almost a year ago. 民主领袖昂山素季被释放将近一年来,政府与之和解的进程进展顺利。
If all goes well, though, the days when a smoking funnel was an icon of every child's drawing of a ship on the horizon may be numbered. 如果一切顺利,那些冒烟的烟囱在每个孩子的画里都是地平线上轮船的标志的日子也许就会屈指可数了。
The Queensland National Trust has named it a state icon of Queensland. 昆士兰国民托管组织命名它为昆士兰州的象征。
The Apple menu, represented with a small apple icon in the top left of any screen, works like parts of the Windows Start menu. 每个屏幕左上角的小苹果图标所代表的苹果菜单工作方式与Windows开始菜单有些相似。
Clicking on words marked with the DOC icon will allow you to open and modify the Word document. 点击标有DOC图标的词,您就可以打开和修改Word文档。
"It was going on television in 1963, the same year as the Beatles, that made it possible for her to become a popular icon, " Mr. Spitz said. “她是在1963年上电视的,跟甲壳虫乐队同一年。那个节目使她成为广受欢迎的偶像,”施皮茨说。
Okay, for a second example, think about this cultural hero, icon on the left, creator of this character. 好的,举第二个例子,想一想这个文化英雄,左派人物,这个角色的创造者。
So, the first set of pathologies, they end up in the stick man on his icon, But the rest of them are really what's important here. 这第一系里的病理组成了这个条状的人的标志。然而,在这里,其余的信息才是真正关键的东西。
A well-thought logo design can effectively use a simple icon to leave a deep enough impression for the public. 一个好的商标能够运用简单的图标有效的给公众留下深刻的印象。
Solzhenitsyn was an icon of freedom to the Western world, but he did not return the esteem it heaped on him. 对于西方世界来说,索尔仁尼琴是自由的象征,但他并没有回馈这些赋予其身的尊重。
The printer icon in the bottom right is inviting, and you'd expect to be able to click there and get a printout of the invoice. 右下角的打印机图标是诱人的,您希望能够有单击那里并获得打印发票。
Back in June the company unveiled a brand new stylized 'g' icon with a blue background. 6月的时候,谷歌公司发布了一个崭新的蓝背景、风格化的“g”标识。
These icons seem to stack up in a messy pile; in one folder I made, called 'Social, ' only the blue beak of Twitter's bird icon was visible. 我创建了一个名叫“社交”(Social)的文件夹,却只能看到Twitter图标上的那张鸟嘴。
If you're trying to fit your icon into a grunge style website design, you'll likely be adding texture to the style of the icon's design. 如果想使自己设计的图标与“车库摇滚”风格的网页相协调,您需要给它们加入一些纹理。
Paragraph Installation will take just a couple of moments, and Mikogo will then automatically start with an "M" icon in your system tray. 安装将在短时间内完成,Mikogo将会自动运行,并在你的系统托盘中显示一个“M”的图标。
This type of icon will show up in the Scene View as a text label using the name of the GameObject. 这个图标的类型将显示在场景视图,作为一个文本标签使用游戏物体的名字。
It also has the ability to run as an icon in the task bar tray, and round call times up to the next minute. 它也有能力来说,作为一个图标在任务栏托盘中,一轮通话时间至明年分钟。
The titlebar has an arrow for folding out, a help icon, and a settings menu that depends on the type of the object supplied. 标题栏有可折叠箭头,帮助图标和设置菜单,取决于物体支持的类型。
After you open a collection, to upload documents, click the icon that looks like a bent piece of paper with a plus sign next to it. 打开一个集合后,要上载文档,可单击看起来有点像一张弯曲的纸、旁边有一个加号的图标。
China's new First Lady, Peng Liyuan, has become something of a global style icon on her first official state visit. 首次出访的中国新任第一夫人彭丽媛,俨然已经成为全球时尚偶像。
Actress Ruan was one of the most prominent Chinese movie stars of the 1930s and is still regarded as an icon. 阮玲玉是19世纪30年代最杰出的女影星,至今仍是很多人的偶像。
Once we needed an icon for a data filter which is often portrayed using the metaphor of a funnel. 曾经,我们需要一个数剧过滤器的图标。它一般被做成一个漏斗。
Mona Lisa could no longer be ignored, but if she had become an icon it was only in 1911 that she became truly popular. 蒙娜丽莎再也不能忽视,但如果她已成为一个图标直到1911年,她成了真正的流行。
Or, if you want to see a thumbnail of the actual content of your files, you can choose one of the Icon views. 或者,如果想要查看文件实际内容的缩略图,您可以选择“图标”视图。
Thnks for the help i got rid of the dam icon just trying to get rid off the web site when i log on to the internet . 为帮助我摆脱了大坝图标只是试图摆脱过网站当我向互联网入网。
If we were to literally copy the form of an average address book, our icon would look more like a regular book, or a plain notebook. 如果我们从字面上复制平均地址簿的形式,我们的图标看起来更像是一个普通的书,或一个普通的笔记本电脑。
Choose an icon from the selection below to link to a specific country profile or to the system itself. 从下面选择图标链接某一国家概况或链接系统本身。
Rendezvous demeanor coupled with the sense of superiority to the developers, the door to international icon Garden just become CBD East. 名家风范加上发展商金地的精品意识,金地国际花园成为CBD东大门新地标指日可待。
Both authors point to the tragedy of her career even though her book sales turned her into a multimillionaire and a cultural icon. 两位作者也都指出了其事业的悲剧,尽管她的书大卖使她成为了亿万富豪及文化偶像。