sit back

  • na.松劲休息;不活动
  • 网络放松;袖手旁观;休息一下

第三人称单数:sits back 现在分词:sitting back 过去式:sat back

sit backsit back

sit back


我的似水流年 - 坐看落花 - 网易博客 ... attitude towards life 人生态度 sit back 休息,放松 weekend getaways 周末旅行 ...


我的似水流年 - 坐看落花 - 网易博客 ... attitude towards life 人生态度 sit back 休息,放松 weekend getaways 周末旅行 ...


英语单词立体记忆 ... Sit down,please. 请坐下吧。 sit back 袖手旁观 site 地方 地点 位置 ...


托福听力习语速查 - 豆丁网 ... outfit: 套装 7 sit back休息一下 12 be up to: 有资格做 ...


英语词汇新译 S_翻译家( ... sit at the stern 管理公共事务 sit back 不采取行动 sit by 无动于衷 ...


沪江小D - 英语万花筒的图文集- 沪江碎碎图文集 ... sit about/around 懒洋洋地闲坐; sit back 向后靠着坐。 fresh snow 新雪; ...


back - 在线词典_Online... ... win back 恢复,夺得 sit back 颓然坐倒,坐下来休息;不采取行动 flash back 反射;倒叙,回叙 ...


道地美语Follow Me(附光碟). (豆瓣) ... no brainer * 没有脑袋的人 sit back * 坐在后面 stop cold turkey * 停止吃冷火鸡 ...

They showed me that there are real, wonderful people being treated unjustly and that I cannot sit back and let that happen. 他们让我真实的看到这样一群善良的人受到不平等的对待,而我不能坐视不理。
Even if you did not know who the witch was, you would make one of these and sit back to see who died, then that person was the witch. 即使你不知道女巫是谁,你会制造这些之一而且袖手旁观看见谁死,然后那个人是女巫。
Many of the best sushi-ya have no menus; the meal is closer to a degustation parade of what's best on the day -- so sit back and enjoy. 很多顶级的寿司屋是没有菜单的,因为上桌的食物更像是一列承载着当日最佳食材的味觉大游行的队伍——所以只管坐回去好好享受吧。
On this day we all sit back and think about how much our mothers do for us. 在这一天,我们将会抽空休息一下,想想妈妈们帮我们做了多少事。
As you grow tired over the course of a day, you become less capable of analytical, high-focus thought and more likely to sit back and drift. 当你一天中逐渐疲惫时,你对分析,高注意力的思考能力越来越少;更可能放松坐在那里“飘离”。
Explanation: If you could sit back and watch clouds and the sky move all night and day, what might you see? 解说:如果你能端坐着整天整夜地观察云彩和天空的话,你会看到什么呢?
To say that foreign investment from China is welcome, however, is not to argue that governments should just sit back and enjoy the benefits. 不过,欢迎来自中国的外资,并不是说政府只需袖手旁观,坐享其成。
So he's just going to sit back and watch this world burn ? Dean I know how much this means to you Dean. 那他就打算袖手旁观,看着这个世界毁灭吗?我知道这个对你来说有多重要。
I usually write a few paragraphs of text on a given topic and then sit back to simply think them over just once more. 我通常会就某一主题写几段文字,然后坐回去,单纯地考虑一遍它们写得如何。
And yet you are back in politics, and you're even making headlines again. Why don't you finally sit back and relax? 你依然要重投政治,甚至重新成为头条.为什麽你临老不好好享受人生?
And once you've done all that, just sit back, relax and soak up all the praise for your newfound football savvy. 一旦你做了这一切,只是坐下来,放松和享受您的新发现的足球悟性各界的好评。
We followed every lead, explored every possibility and when those leads ran out, did not sit back and wait for the phone to ring. 我们跟踪每一条线索,考察每一种可能性,而当这些线索断掉之后,我们也没有一味坐等电话铃声响起。
On the European side, it would be a mistake to sit back and wait for a sea-change in Tory attitudes once the party is in power. 欧洲这边,袖手旁观并等待英国保守党在上台后态度发生180度大转弯的做法是错误的。
If your happy with your current salary, it would be easy to just sit back and enjoy it. 如果你对自己当前的薪资非常满意的话,那就坐回去继续享受吧。
Birthdays are time to sit back and reflect upon how much older you are. 生日就是轻松地坐下来,想一想自己又老了多少?
sit back in your chair honey, quit trying to climb out i told you it's okay hawaii, wanna ba-ba? 甜心坐回去,别再往外爬。我告诉过你都会没事的嗨嗨想要便便?
He produces moments that make you sit back and say: 'that's world class'. The pass he gave Ronaldo in the second half was unbelievable. 他的表现让我不得不说是世界级的,他在下半场给罗纳尔多的传球,真的很棒。
You can then sit back and let out an impressive burp to impress your friends as the carbon dioxide is vented out of your mouth. 你就可以往后一靠,打出一个响亮的嗝以给你的朋友留下深刻印象了,这是二氧化碳在从你嘴里跑出来。
However, being the big fish, in the case of Berry Masters does not mean sit back and let the others run behind you. 但是,由于大的鱼,在贝里大师赛的情况并不意味着坐视让别人后面运行。
What do not understand or do not understand, just sit back and relax as long as written, you can hear the sounds of the explanation. 有什么不理解或听不懂,也只要拍拍书面,就可以听到动听的解释了。
Again, ask open-ended questions and sit back and listen, with only the occasional " tell me more about that" if they seem to stall. 同样要问开放性的问题,然后静静地聆听,只要偶而在他们要停下来时来一句「关于这件事多告诉我一些」。
Hello everyone. Its all getting ready to go. Sit back, grab some popcorn, and dont touch F5. 大家好。我们准备开始了。坐好!拿好爆米花,别按F5刷新~。
In business the end of the first half of the year marks a time to sit back and examine how things have been progressing. 在商业中,到了年中的时候就是一个稍作休息进行自我检讨的时间。企业会在这个时候回顾上半年的工作并了解工作进度。
That means developers need to lower their prices further, otherwise buyers will sit back and wait, he said. 他并称,这意味着,地产商需要进一步调低房价,否则买家将持续观望。
China may make noise but at the end of the day they can do nothing but sit back and wait for the issue to resolve itself. 中国可能会制造些噪音但是最后他们什么也做不了,只能坐回去等问题自己解决。
There was nothing to do but sit back in comfortable teak chairs and watch the city go by. 在船上唯一可干的就是靠坐在舒适的柚木椅子上,看着城市从旁掠过。
"They're going to let him spin himself into the ground and will sit back and watch the show, " the person said. “他们将放任葛涵思一头栽倒在地上,并袖手旁观,”这位人士说。
With our new tap you can now watch your pint being poured. So sit back and enjoy, the night is young and like the pint, it's alive inside . 但是这一切就要改变了,现在你可以看着我们为你倒满酒杯,你只需要坐下,然后尽情享受这个年轻充满活力的夜晚就可以了。
An exquisite line of amenities will pamper and relax you as you sit back and enjoy the flight. 高雅精致的客舱备品,陪伴您渡过舒适自在的飞行时光。
But that does not mean Microsoft can simply sit back and ignore the threat to its core profit centres. 但这并不意味着微软就会袖手旁观,并忽略对自己核心利益中心造成的危险。