shout out

  • na.大声嚷
  • 网络大叫;恶;呼喊

第三人称单数:shouts out 现在分词:shouting out 过去式:shouted out

shout outshout out

shout out


带有out动词短语_百度知道 ... hurry out the room 从房间匆匆出去 shout out 大叫 out ot sea 航海中 ...

shinee_百度百科 ... 《Hit Me/ 干脆打我》、《少年少女相遇了》(珉豪/ 《Shout Out/ 》、 新加坡室内体育馆 NGK Insulator…


最新国际音标_barry_新浪博客 ... trousers 长裤; shout out 呼喊; brown mouse 棕色的老鼠 ...


新概念二第九课作业_Amanda在线_新浪博客 ... Get the upper hand 占上风 Shout out 大声嚷 Shout for help. 呼救 ...


英语音标知识(3) ... plow 犁 shout out 喊出来 without doubt 无疑; 毫无疑问 ...


CNN news 2011-10-02 加文本|CNN news ... connect with 与…连接 shout out 大声叫喊; 喊着宣布 figure out 计算出; 解决 ...


八年级下: Unit 1-5_ellen_新浪博客 ... shout one’s name 喊某人的名字 shout out 大声喊出 be closed 关着的 ...

This was clearly a shout-out to the US, and indirectly a subtle hint to the Bank of Japan to refrain from direct FX market intervention. 这当然指向美国,也间接隐晦指向日本央行,暗示后者不要直接干预汇市。
EXAMPLE: While accepting the award, the employee said he wanted to give a shout-out for his colleagues who always were willing to help him. 在领奖时,这位员工表示他要对一直愿意帮助他的同事深表感谢。
A week after elections, Brazilian women bloggers continue to shout out in chorus: yes, she can. 选举结束之后一个星期,巴西女博客圈继续齐声表示:是的,她可以。
Our in having the once , the dream, Zeng and schoolmates shout out together to the sky: "Have had a holiday " ! 有一次,梦中的我,曾和同学们一起对着天空喊出:“放假了!”
Often as he walked, the hunger pains were so great that he would shout out in anger, kicking savagely at the tangling shrubbery. 经常,他正在走路的时候,强烈的饥饿感,使他痛苦难忍,于是,他就会生气地大喊大叫,猛烈地踹着纠结的灌木丛。
If I feel depressed when I would shout out loudly cried my heart out of the depressed mood troubleshooting easy for a lot of natural feel. 如果我心情郁闷的时候我就会大声喊出来喊到我心里的郁闷排解掉心情自然就会觉得轻松好多。
Others call it a shout-out to the man who studied microbial decay, brought you spoilage-resistant milk and found a vaccine for rabies. 还有人认为把这认为是巴斯德的一种留言或者是警示,而巴斯德研究微生物衰变,并为我们研究出了抗腐败牛奶以及发现了狂犬疫苗。
On a rainy day, shout out the name of the girl or boy that you love and wish her or him happiness if you are not brave enough to him or her. 在一个飘雨的日子里,如果你没有勇气告诉他(她),那就大声喊出你爱的那个女孩或者男孩的名字,并且祝福她(他)幸福。
It is usually noisy. Stallholders shout out the prices of their produce, laid out on wooden tables or on sheets on the ground. 一如既往的嘈杂,摊贩们把他们的商品摆在木桌上,板上,或者直接堆在地上,大声吆喝着。
shout out to my Russian fans as i get some incredible letters from you. . . i do notice u and i thank u for your support. 还有俄国的粉丝们……由于收到了你们一些很不可思议的信,我注意到了你们并且感谢你们的支持。
"Walking out on the street, people would recognise who I am, shout out my Chinese name and ask for hugs, " he said. “走出去在街上,人们会承认我是谁,喊了我的中文名字,并要求拥抱,”他说。
(Applause) Well, before before we wrap it up, she would like to give a shout out to all our animal friends back at the Knoxville Zoo. (鼓掌)在我们结束之前,她希望问候所有在我们诺克斯威尔动物园的动物朋友们。
Oh, and let me give a special shout-out to "centrist" pundits who won't admit that President Obama has already given them what they want. 好了,让我对那些不承认奥巴马总统已经给了他们所有的东西的“中间派”专家特殊地喊一声。
So far all the responses have been hoaxes, but asking for a shout-out never really hurts. 迄今为止所有回应都是恶作剧,但邀请外星人发一次言没什么坏处。
I said. She is a great voice. In her happy. She will be disregarded others view loudly shout out. 我说。她是一个大嗓子的孩子。在她开心的时候。她会丝毫不顾别人的眼光大声喊出来。
Don't like it, write your own library and article (and send me the URL so I can put in a shout-out to you in a future column). 如果不喜欢,您可以编写自己的库和文章(并将URL发送给我,我会在未来的文章中向您发起挑战)。
Did you shout out in anger, in fear for your neighbor or did you just sit down and cry ? 你是否大声怒喝,为你的街坊邻里着急不安,还是独自坐下默默掩面而泣?
Major shout out to all my guys for getting it done last night and throughout the series against Portland. 首先,我为我的队友们在昨晚以及整个系列赛中面对波特兰开拓者时的表现欢呼。
A big shout out to all our beta testers ! We haven't forgotten about you . Please check the event announcements for your rewards . 一个声音向我们所有的测试员们喊出!我们并没有忘记你们。请查看活动公告来获得你们的奖品。
I think. . . I can remember her name in real life. She's also amazing. She made a shout out to me. 可以记得她真实生活中的名字。她也很棒不可思议她赞扬了我。
Go Yellow Team! Thanks for the experience of a lifetime. A big shout out to my family & friend love you all. 黄队加油!感谢一生的经验。对我的家人和朋友大喊我爱你们。
In the first time, diligently to shout out spring greetings, and then picked up the pen RuChuan depicted in the heart blueprint. 在第一时间,用心喊出春天的问候,然后,拿起如椽之笔描绘心中的蓝图。
Hey can u hear me? when i shout out loud i wish that you could be near me. 嘿,听得到我么?我大声叫喊着,希望你能在我身边
The road was lined either side by tall trees which shout out the sun. 路的两边是高高的成行的树木,在向太阳欢呼。
We shout out English outside the classroom in the morning and none admit it to be foolish the least bit. 我们早晨都在课室外大声喊英语。我们中没人承认这样做有点傻。
Be sure to give me your name and location (and a link, if you want) so I can give you a little shout out. 记得留下你的名字和地点(如果你愿意,还有链接)这样我就可以直接回复。
But he honored the request for a public shout-out to Lu. 但他仍对粉丝们想大张旗鼓地宣传Lu的请求表示了尊重。
The winner of the Masters golf tournament gets the green jacket. That's your answer, and that's your shout out. 美国名人赛的获胜者会得到一件绿色外套。那就是你的答案,那就是你的大喊。
When you smell smoke or see fire, shout out "Fire! " as loudly as you can. 当你闻到烟味或者看到明火时,下意识的会尽可能大声得喊着火啦!
Then shout out the word as loudly as possible. 然后用最大声喊出这个单词;