
美 [es]英 [es]
  • abbr.圣人;圣徒;(尤指服装的尺码)小号的;小型的
  • n.英语字母表的第 19 个字母;熵

复数:S's 复数:Ss



1.[c][u]英语字母表的第 19 个字母the 19th letter of the English alphabet

When you see a shortcut, it's usually a temptation to cut the corner financially, ethically or morally - just take a little shortcut. 你面对一个捷径时,这通常是一个试探,叫你偷工减料,或是在金钱上,或是伦理上,或道德上--只是走一点点捷径。
I'd really like to see the details of the economics of this spelled out and may try to winnow it out of the info on Sen. Obama's web site. 我真的想要知道这些建议背后的经济学原理,有可能的话我会去奥巴马的网站上去查阅相关的信息来搞明白。
As I was eating, one of my wife's colleagues came up and nudged me. You know that your wife is in the White House, he asked. 我正吃着的时候,我夫人的一个同事走了过来,用胳膊捅了捅我,问:“你知道你夫人在白宫吗?”
He was a bully always picking fights-Wall Street, health insurers, oil companies, the U. S. Chamber of Commerce. He took on all comers. 他是个好斗之人,从华尔街、医疗保险公司、石油公司到美国商会(U.S.ChamberofCommerce),他跟所有人较量过。
a South Asian countries in a work of the United Nations Children's Fund staff on the ground to take such a picture. 1989年,一名在某南亚国家工作的联合国儿童基金会工作人员在当地拍下了这样一张照片。
That's why I propose you. And it had nothing to do with your looks. 那才是我向你求婚的原因,和你的外表无关。
"It's important that we all know we have a future and it can be very successful, should we as an industry decide to make it so, " he said. 他说:“我们都知道未来会更美好,这点很重要。因此我们行业应该作为一个整体去决定该怎么做。”
The USOC said the two Americans were family members of a coach for the U. S. men's indoor volleyball team. 美国奥委会说,两名美国人是美国室内男子排球队的一名教练的家人。
But just to make it concrete and to see what's at stake, consider the distribution of wealth in the United States. 但是,为了让大家的思考能落实到具体的利害攸关点,我们可以考虑一下,美国的财富分配。
As we discussed this further it became clear to me that he was restrained only by guilt about his mother's reaction. 当我们进一步谈论此事时我才清楚,唯一使他犹豫的是他母亲对此事的反应。
Who else but a bookworm, with none of the normal kid's tendency to play rather than study, would grow up to be a teacher anyway? 不管怎么说,除了不像一般孩子那样生性贪玩、不愿学习的书呆子之外,还有谁愿意长大后当老师呢?
After this, his brother came out, with his hand grasping Esau's heel; so he was named Jacob. 随后又生了以扫的兄弟,手抓住以扫的脚跟,因此给他起名叫雅各(就是抓住的意思)。
He said ending the year without a new START treaty could also cost the U. S. Russia's support on other issues. 他说,如果今年年底前不能批准新的削减战略武器条约,也会让美国失去俄罗斯在其它问题上的支持。
Why you're not sure that it's good for Chinese tennis? Seems to be very good. 为什么你不认为这对中国网球有好处,看起来这一切好极了。
He hates everything to do with his dad's company, except the money it makes that allows him to stay well-stocked with cocaine. 他讨厌与父亲的公司有关的一切事物,他只在乎公司赚的钱能为他买来大量的可卡因。
No one in his life, except maybe Tanya, would recognize him now, sitting on this stranger's bed, about to have sex with a man. 除了坦尼娅,不会有人能认出他的现在这个模样:坐在陌生人的床上,即将和一个男人上床。
"Tom, what's the matter with your brother? " asked the mother in the kitchen. “汤姆,你弟弟怎么了?”在厨房的妈妈问道。
In the days leading up to the offer from JPMorgan, Bear Stearns released statements suggesting the company's finances were sound. 在摩根大通向贝尔斯登发出收购要约的日子里,贝尔斯登发布报告称其财务状况很健康。
'You've been a fine bother to us all this time, and I'm glad to hear it's going to stop. 这阵子,你叫我们大伙伤透了脑筋,我很高兴听到你说,这一切都将结束。
It's like Brazil. When your fans have been used to you winning everything they expect you to go on and do so. 就像巴西队一样,当你的球迷习惯于你赢得一切,他们会希望胜利就这样一直延续下去。
You know, it's very random, and I think for me the bottom line is trying to get to know a little bit about the person. 你知道,这是非常随机的,我想对我来说底线就是尝试去了解一下对方。
The jury in Dearborn, home to one of the country's largest Muslim communities, said such a protest would disturb the peace. 密西根的迪尔朋是美国最大的穆斯林社区之一。当地的陪审团表示,这种抗议会扰乱和平。
You know, if Trent's such a jerk, why do you hang out with him? 如果崔特是个大烂人你干嘛跟他在一起?
Indeed, the book gives a strong sense of the confidence of the technocratic elite in India's performance and prospects. 事实上,这本书让人强烈感觉到,专家型政治精英们对印度经济现状和前景充满了信心。
This halfling is unlike most other halflings , because when he's trapped to be the hero, he always comes out on top. 这个半身人和其他半身人不一样的地方在于,当他被迫要做英雄的时候,他总是能做得很好。
And then, while Cassie continued to sleep peacefully on her caretaker's belly, the doctor gave the dog the final injection. 卡西继续安详地睡在它主人的肚子上。医生给它注射了终止生命的一针。
When a happy new mother moved the cloth to look upon her new baby's tiny face, she was shocked. The baby had been born without ears ! 当一个开心的母亲挪开襁褓端祥新生婴儿精致的脸蛋,她给吓着了,小宝贝天生没有耳朵。
Plus, he said, there's always the possibility of an adverse reaction to anything placed inside the body. 他还说,植入体内的任何东西总有产生不良反应的可能性。
This may come to nothing, but at least Europe's competition authorities show willing. 这或许无关紧要,但是至少欧盟公平竞争委员会表达了他们的态度。
One video shows police appearing to squirt water up a man's nose, then dunking his head in a hole said to be full of excrement and rats. 录像显示,警察向一名男子的鼻子喷水,再将他的头塞入据称满是粪便和老鼠的洞内。