in advance of

  • adj.优于
  • 网络超过;在……前面;在…的前面

in advance ofin advance of

in advance of


大学英语四级常用词组 ... in advance 在前面;预先 in advance of 在…的前面;超过 take advantage of 趁…之机,利用 ...


英语固定搭配-动词短语-汇总资料?? ... be strict with 对(某人)严格 二十二、24个常用 in advance of 在……前面 in aid of 帮 …


大学英语四级常用词组 ... in advance 在前面;预先 in advance of 在…的前面;超过 take advantage of 趁…之机,利用 ...


高中英语常考词组短语大全[I]_英语网 ... in advance 在前面;预先 in advance of 在…前面, 优于, 胜过 in aid of 为了帮助, 以助 ...


SamStar - 博客园 ... Demotivating (形容词)失去动力的 In advance of 在…之前,预先 Predecessor 前任 ...


高中英语常考词组短语大全[I]_英语网 ... in advance 在前面;预先 in advance of 在…前面, 优于, 胜过 in aid of 为了帮助, 以助 ...


希高翻译-经济词汇中英对照二十 ... 事先 In Advance 在…前,提前,胜过 In Advance of 预付保费 Advance Call ...


介词的固定搭配_百度文库 ... in advance 事先,预先 in advance of 在……之前;比……进步 in a hurry 急忙地,仓促地 ...

Its technical indexes and economic norms are in advance of or approximate to that of natural anthracite block and coke. 其技术经济指标优于或接近天然无烟块煤或焦炭。
It recently rejected an application to protect the name D. melanogaster, which had been made in advance of a proposed revision of the genus. 这个委员会近期拒绝了一份申请来保护D.melanogaster这个原先的命名,这份申请是在果蝇属类修正案之前提出的。
This means that Southern Company has a good idea, in advance, of how much money it will earn from generating electricity. 这就是说,与其他公司相比,南方公司在如何通过发电赚钱的问题上先想出一个好主意。
Committee members have said the questions asked by the Fed in advance of the meeting can give clues to the Fed's thinking. 曾有投资者顾问委员会的成员说,美联储在会前提出的问题可能会透露出一些线索,让人一窥美联储的想法。
But a new study is offering some good news: it claims to prove that we can bank sleep-and store it up in advance of a tiring event. 但是一项新研究带来些许好消息:它宣称已证实我们可以储存睡眠—在疲倦时刻来临前先储存睡眠。
In advance of the House vote, President Bush said the legislation will help the U. S. intelligence community protect Americans. 众议院对修改的外国情报监视法表决之前,布什总统表示,这项立法将有助于美国情报部门保护美国人民。
They have conferred on the poor, on widows and orphans, the right to have their meadows mown three days in advance of every one else. 他们给了穷人、寡妇和孤儿一种特权,使他们可以比旁人早三天割他们草场上的草料。
Could he have had his face tidied up a bit in advance of his bid to reclaim the presidency next year? 他还会在下一次总统竞选之前将自己的面容变的更加紧致吗?
Our sericulture is in advance of that of other countries. 我国的养蚕业比其他国家先进。
Schedule internal deadlines at least a week in advance of the scheduled post date. 附表内部期限至少一周后在规定的日期提前。
and I'll post chapters sort of in advance of the reading assignments. 我还会发一些章节作为阅读任务
At the time Cooper had just arrived back in Iraq after two years and was not told in advance of the operation. 库珀是与此段时间的两年后才回到伊拉克的,并且在那次行动之前库珀并未被告知。
Beijing and New Delhi have already begun to rehearse their arguments in advance of any new global negotiations for a post-Kyoto accord. 中国和印度已经开始排练它们的借口,以备各国就新的议定书展开新的全球谈判。
Setting up trusts years in advance of the death of a patriarch used to be a way to avoid inheritance tax. 过去还有家族掌门人在去世前提前数年创立信托基金,目的是为了避开遗产税。
A paper with the list of names was prepared by the bank in advance of a meeting with bank officials, ' Mr. Buhner said. 在他与银行管理人士会面之前,德意志银行已经事先准备好了一份监视目标名单。
The outcomes of these visits are then written up by the consultants in a briefing paper for the Review Panel in advance of the Panel visit. 顾问随后会整理考察成果,并在检讨委员小组进行考察前向其提交书面报告。
The key element in this is our defense technology, which is far in advance of that of your secret governments. 关键的因素是我们的防御科技,它比起你们的秘密政府高级太多。
The production of formal specification of interfaces between components in advance of coding had not previously been done. 在编码没有完成之前生成组件间接口的正式规范。
The first company that I sold (in 1998) I started meeting with all the ad agencies about a year in advance of selling. 我在1998年出售的第一个公司,在出售前一年我开始和所有的广告代理会面。
It does not, however, obviously make sense to give away in advance of a negotiation that you are likely to lie or cheat in it. 然而,在谈判进行之前先行放弃显然没有意义,你可能会在谈判中说谎或欺骗。
At their weekend Berlin summit they made a genuine effort to forge a common policy in advance of the Group of 20 meeting in London in April. 在周末的柏林欧盟峰会上,他们做出了真正的努力,试图在4月份伦敦举行的20国集团(G20)会议前制定一种共同政策。
Many Lebanese fear that, in advance of any possible fight with Iran, Israel will try to remove the threat of Hizbullah's retaliation. 许多黎巴嫩人担心,一旦以色列与伊朗爆发战争,以色列会先铲除真主党这个威胁,以防其报复。
The mice needed to take the drug in advance of a heart attack in order for it to be effective. 为了使这种药物起作用,实验小鼠需要在心脏病发作之前服用此药物。
The building had been closed in advance of the protest and diplomatic staff were told to stay at home. 大使馆在抗议开始之前就已关闭,外交人员都被通知呆在家里。
His national security team should have provided him a much better developed program of policies in advance of a major speech. 他的国家安全团队真应该在他每次发表重要讲话之前精心策划好方案。
The level of anticipation whipped up in advance of the January event was unusual even by Mr Jobs' own, impressive standards. 在1月份的发布会之前,即使是按照乔布斯自己的苛刻标准衡量,外界对苹果的期望程度也是异乎寻常的。
For Facebook, the potential payoff is huge, especially as it seeks to make itself more valuable in advance of a possible public offering. 对脸谱来说,潜在的报偿是巨大的,特别是当它追求使自己更加有价值,从而超过一些可能的公共提供的时候。
In a briefing on Tuesday in advance of its announcement, Google said that the service might be supported by advertisements in the future. 发布会之前,在周二的一份简报中,谷歌提到这项服务未来还可能会支持广告内容。
In advance of any party, I'd have to send Web links and lists of local shops just to make the request intelligible, let alone manageable. 在任何宴会前,我都不得不发送网络链接和当地商店的清单以便我的请求能够被理解,更别提能否得以处理了。
shall be deemed delivered when deposited in the United States mail, first class postage prepaid, five (5) days in advance of the meeting. 开会通知在开会5天前交付美国邮局,预付一级邮资后以邮件投递。