my answer

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my answer


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我的答案 ( My answer ) ~ 日 一 二 三 四 五 六 分类:今日话题 2011/02/14 10:50 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12


我的回答是My answer):Everyone wants to have a favorite subject of personality, a welcome treat group of students shoul…


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Library record_ 16-1-2011 ... B09 B09.17 My Answer 一千个怎麽办 F01 F01.8 Life Retouched 璀璨的新生 ...

By the end of the summer I had my answer: I needed to leave him, even if it meant getting a --gasp --roommate. 在夏末,我有了答案:我得离开他,就算要有一个--啊--室友。当他回来时,我们好好地谈论了一番。
To these questioners my answer is that Chinese students differ from one another just as do those of any other nationality. 针对这类问题,我总是回答,中国学生和其它任何国家的学生一样,也因个性和程度的差异,各有不同。
As the two walked away, I looked to the sky. There I saw my answer, too. Tears began to run down my cheek, and with a big sigh I prayed. 爷孙俩走远了。我仰望天空,在那里我也找到了我的答案。泪水开始滑过我的脸颊,我深深地叹了一口气,开始祈祷……
My answer to that individual was, "any position that easy to lose is not worth having" . 我对那个人回答说:“任何轻易失去的职位都不值得拥有”。
My answer was that it's probably not the best public policy to be deciding who can be sexually active and who cannot. 我回应说,决定谁可以过活跃的性生活而谁不可以不是一个非常好的公共政策。
My answer is always the same--it's just as challenging as it is anywhere else in the world. No more, no less. 我的答案总是一样的——在那的挑战和在其他任何地方都一样,不多不少。
My answer on the last test question was just a shot in the dark. 我上次考试的答案只不过是瞎猜的。
My answer to that would be maybe yes and maybe no, but I would not even try it. 我对此的答案是,可能是,可能不是,但我甚至不会尝试它。
So then. To everyone who has ever emailed to ask me for advice on writing, my answer is: get a deadline. 那么对于那些曾发邮件向我讨教写作建议的人,我的答案是:定个截止日期。
She asks me a question, then answers it herself, and after that she explained to me for half an hour why my answer is wrong. 她总是先我问个问题,然后自己给个答案,紧接着还要花半小时跟我解释,我的这个答案到底错在哪儿。
Hopefully, my answer will bring a conceptual understanding to your mind and to the minds of those who wish to go there with me. 但愿我的回答会带给你们心智概念上的瞭解,也带给那些希望跟我一起的心智。
As the two walked away, I looked to the sky and saw my answer too. Tears ran down my cheek and with a big sigh I prayed. . . 看着祖孙二人渐渐走远,我仰望天空,看到了我的答案。眼泪顺着脸颊滚落。我长叹一声,心中不住地祈祷……
I had my answer, and a few days later, I extracted an even more specific one from a staff officer in headquarters. 我得到了我所希望的答复。几天之后,我从总部的一个参谋人员的口里得到了更加明确的回答。
My answer was that economic growth depends not on the harshness of the political climate, but the friendliness of the economic climate. 我的回答是:印度增长,不取决于“政治气候”的争吵程度,而是取决于经济气候的友好程度。
But I can tell you my answer is, you are gonna have to deal with this as well. 但我会告诉你们我的回答是,你们还是自己来处理吧。
My answer: close your eyes and wait for death, even if the last moment, the world will not nostalgia. 我的回答:闭上眼睛等待死亡,就算最后一刻,也不会留恋这个世界。
Rufus. Rufus Well, my answer is usually "never say never, " but for you, I'll make an exception. 我通常会回答“永不说永不”但对你我要例外一次了
And my answer to that, of course, is no. 对此我的回答是肯定的不行
If you will asked me to give up everything my answer is no. Why? Because you're my everything and I can't give you up. 如果你让我放弃一切,我的回答一定是,不。为什么?因为你就是我的一切,而我不会放弃你。
My answer to his threat was to hit him on the nose. 我对他的威胁的回答是照他的鼻子打去。
my answer is usually "never say never, " but for you, I'll make an exception. 我通常会回答“绝不说不”但对你,我要例外一次了。
The teller considered my answer and called over what must have been a manager. 出纳员想了想我的回答,叫来了一个经理般的人物。
During lunch today, you asked me why I wanted to work abroad, my answer was that I wanted to see my real ability because of my friend. 今天中午吃饭时您问我为什麽想去国外工作,我的回答是因为朋友的关系,所以也想出国工作试看看自己的能力。
I warned her my answer would be boring ---- in short, I became what I wanted to be. 我事先告诉她我的回答可能相当乏味无聊——简而言之,我如愿以偿。
My answer is tied to one special word in the last paragraph, the word contribution. 我的答案就是上一段的一个词:贡献。
Therefore, my answer to the question about why I take the train is that riding trains in China embodies all that I enjoy about travel. 因此,对于我为何坐火车的疑问,我的回答是:在中国乘坐火车体现了我所有的旅行乐趣。
David, I'm positive that you are not going to like my answer on this one: I'm in absolute agreement with your manager. 大卫,我很肯定你不会喜欢我的回答:我绝对同意你经理的做法。
As a broad defence of rational economic man, my answer wasn't too bad; but as a way of understanding online volunteering, it was useless. 作为对理性经济人的宽泛辩护,我的答案还算不错,可惜对于理解在线志愿行为并没有帮助。
I cried , but i feel happy , because i get my answer, there is no doubt. 我哭了,但是我很快乐,因为我已经知道了答案,再也没有疑问了。
I have given my answer on the pitch, if Dunga thinks that this is not enough to go to South Africa there is nothing that I can do. 我已经用我在球场上的表现给出了答案,如果邓加认为那还不足以让我去南非的话,那我也无能为力了。