made up of

  • na.由…组成
  • 网络由…构成;包含

made up ofmade up of

made up of


大学英语四级常用词组 ... major in 专攻,专修 made up of 由…组成,由…构成 make as if 假装;装作 ...


大学英语四级常用词组 ... major in 专攻,专修 made up of 由…组成,由…构成 make as if 假装;装作 ...


composed of-用法 ... The company is composed of nine subcompanies. 这家公司有9个分公司。 made up of 由…组成;包含 ...

Since any human utterance is a continuous speech flow made up of at least one syllable, it cannot be cut into independent units. 人的话语是一个连续的语流,由至少一个音节组成,不能被切分为若干独立的单位。
Every chunk of rock is actually made up of thousands of tiny crystals, each with its own unique age, composition and history. 事实上,每块岩石都是由好几千个极微小的晶体所组成,每个微小晶体都有著各自的年龄、组成与历史。
Remove trailing spaces to the last nonspace character or to a single-space character for strings made up of only spaces. 删除最后的非空格字符后面的尾随空格,而对于只由空格组成的字符串,一直删除到只留下一个空格。
If you zoom into the surface of the neocortex, you discover that it's made up of little modules, G5 processors, like in a computer. 如果你放大到大脑皮层表面,你会发现它有许多小模块组成,就像计算机里的G5处理器。
Duct Ink reservoir in a letterpress or offset printing machine made-up of a duct roller and duct blade, designed to meter out a film of ink. 活版或柯式印刷机上的贮墨装置。由墨槽轴和墨槽刀片组成。这个设计,可计量的放出墨膜。
A typical optocoupler made up of two electronic assembles: An IR LED and an output optoelectronic detector which are integrated into a DIP. 典型的光耦合器是将两个电子组件-红外(IR)发光二极管(LED)和输出光电探测器集合到一个双列直插式封装(DIP)中。
The little tadpole, about the size of a sesame seed, is now made up of three layers: the ectoderm, mesoderm and endoderm. 芝麻籽大小的小蝌蚪现在已经分成了三层:外胚层、中胚层和内胚层。
A pack is usually made up of a male parent, a female parent and their pups from the last few years. 一群狼通常由父狼、母狼和它们最近几年产下的幼崽组成。
Now a team made up of a geneticist, philosopher and chicken farmer claim to have found an answer. It was the egg. 现在由遗传学家,哲学家和养鸡场主组成的一个小组宣称找到了可以回答上述问题的答案:先有蛋。
The spar may be made up of a number of modules connected to one another primarily via overlapping shear webs. 该桁梁可以由主要通过重叠的抗剪腹板彼此相连的多个模块构成。
The bed was a bit uncomfortable as it was made up of of two single beds pushed together so there was that annoying gap! 床铺有点不舒服,因为它是由两个单人床合到一块的,所以中间有条让人烦恼的缝隙。
In modern western societies, a family group is usually made up of a man, his wife and his children. 在现代西方社会,一个家庭一般由丈夫、妻子和孩子组成。
The suspended sediment of natural streams is usually made up of grains with a broad spectrum of sizes and fall velocities. 天然河流的悬沙,通常系由各种大小尺寸和沉速的粒子组成。
Society is made up of these fragments, and the do-gooder and the reformer are trying to patch up the broken pieces. 社会由这些碎片构成,而行善者和改革者正试图缝补这些碎片。
Most modern Scottish bagpipes are made up of three wooden pipes, which come out of the top of a bag made of sheep or elk skin. 现代苏格兰风笛大多有三根木质音管,从一个羊皮或鹿皮风袋的上方伸出来。
Like the Portuguese man-of-war (see picture), the new creature is actually a colonial organism, made up of many animals. 就像僧帽水母(Physaliaphysalis)一样,这种新物种实际上也是一种群体生物,由许多动物组成。
The army, led by Alawite officers but made up of a largely Sunni corps, has never been trusted by the regime. 由阿拉维派军官领导、但主要由逊尼派(Sunni)组成的军队,从未得到过阿萨德政权的信任。
The hyphen is all that is left to show that it is a word made up of more than one word. 连是剩下来要表明,这是一个字由超过一个词。
I am glad that you brought up the question of investigations into the made up of the earth interior. 我很高兴你们可以提出关于我们关于地球内部组成的调查。
Seen from the top, the stadium looks like covered with a gray net, as if a nest made up of tree branches. 从顶部往下看体育馆看上去像盖着一张灰色的网想一个用树枝搭建的鸟巢。
Wu, 68, said he made up of his mind to buy his wife a piano long ago, even though their life was poor. 68岁的吴政说,尽管家境并不富裕,但他很久以前就下定决心要为老伴买架钢琴。
The collection seems to have been made up of cuttings from old newspapers, magazines and annuals. 收集物好像是由那些从旧报纸、旧杂志和旧年刊剪下来的内容组成的。
I met a Silicon Valley psychologist this year who told me that much of his practice was made up of recovering Apple employees. 我今年遇见了一位硅谷的心理医生,他告诉我,他的大部分工作是为苹果员工做心理康复。
The bottom layer is made up of the shortest running tests, which, as you can imagine, are the easiest to write. 底层由运行时间最短的测试构成,可以想象的到,它们也最易于编写。
IT was a human storm, made up of a thunder of cries, and a hail of sweetmeats, flowers, eggs, oranges, and nosegays. 这是一场人为的风暴,如雷般的叫喊,千万人的欢呼,鲜花,蛋壳,种子和花球所组成。
Strano said the sensors are made up of thin filaments of carbon molecules known as carbon nanotubes. Strano称,传感器是由被称为碳纳米管的薄丝碳分子制成。
The connection itself is made up of a set of connection objects and a user request that keeps the connection open during the request. 连接本身由一组集合对象和一个在整个请求过程中使连接保持打开的用户请求组成。
The British Isles are made up of two large islands-Great Britain (the larger one) and I reland, and hundreds of small ones. 不列颠群岛由两个大岛—大不列颠岛(较大的一个)和爱尔兰岛,及成千上万个小岛组成。
Peptides are short oligomer and polymer substances made up of two or more amino acids linked in a chain. 肽是短的寡聚物或两个及以上氨基酸连接成的肽链组成的聚合体。
Although aerogel is classed as a solid, 99% of the substance is made up of gas, which gives it a cloudy appearance. 虽然气凝胶被归入固体类物质,但它99%的成分是气体,这使得气凝胶拥有云雾状的外观。