mingle with

  • na.和…混合
  • 网络和...混合;混和;的混合

mingle withmingle with

mingle with


刘毅3000词汇lesson11--刘毅_可可英语 ... ★be used for: 用来做... ★mingle with和...混合 ★strong language: 强硬措词 ...


hotvocabulary ... minglev. 使混合;交往 mingle with 混和 minimal a. 最小的;最低限度的 ...


六级英语高频词汇 下... ... )D.announced 宣布 【mingle with (不同意识形态,不同民族)的混合 mingle to (气味 声音)的 …


新东方六级网课单词笔... ... sensitive 敏感的 mingle with 混合(不同意识形态)不同民族 8 I6 H;x1 U5 Ein the vicinity 在附近 ...


词组 ... take a gamble 冒风险 mingle with 与……相融合 the profession 同行 同业 ...


研究生英语学位课考试词汇与练习鲁大师另一力... ... merge 合并; mingle with 交往; mock 讥讽 628. ...


英国大学新生也有社交恐惧症- 双语新闻 -... ... tweed 斜纹软呢 mingle with 与某人混合 inhibition 压抑 ...

"But you might mingle with other young people, " his mother reproved him, but felt a kindness in her heart. “但是你也许可以和其他人年轻人一样。”他的母亲责备他道,然而却是语重心长的。
And if anyone does not obey our word through this letter, mark this one so as not to mingle with him, in order that he may be ashamed. 若有人不顺从我们这信上的话,要记下这人,不和他交往,叫他自觉羞愧;
Those who engage in improper behavior, like trying to mingle with strangers or sell products too aggressively, are kicked out. 那些有不当行为的人,比如与可疑人混在一起或是大肆推销东西的人会被踢出去。
We encourage the kids to mingle with schools in other countries and then of course things like skype now make that fantastically easy to do. 我们鼓励孩子们跟其他国家的学校交流,当然现在像skype之类的东西使得做这件事容易多了。
Calico is one of at least three cafes that have opened up in Tokyo this year where visitors can mingle with cats as they enjoy a cup of tea. Calico咖啡馆是今年东京新开的至少三家猫咪咖啡馆之一。在这里,顾客能一边喝茶一边和小猫们玩耍。
As you mingle with the crowd, you could rub elbows with someone who literally will take your breath away. 当你混入人群,你可以与某人交往确实会帮你带走我的呼吸。
I'm not the superstar of this team and I don't want to over shadow anyone, I just want to mingle with the rest of the guys. 我不是这个球队的超级明星,我也不想使别人相形见绌,我只想和其他队友精诚合作。
The hope was that the virus would mingle with the bone marrow cells and inject the healthy gene into the stem cells. 科学家把这两个袋子连接起来,希望病毒会与骨髓混合并将健康的基因注到干细胞里去。
The spies infiltrate armies by trying to obtain a soldier's uniform in order to mingle with the rest of the army. 间谍渗透军队时会试着找到一套士兵的制服以便混在其他敌人军队之中。
Social stigma will not permit them to return to their own villages or to mingle with the population in the Sinhala-dominated south. 社会舆论不允许他们回到自己的村庄,他们也不能在大部分都是僧伽罗人的南部生活。
But even from the beginning, the aim was to create an interdisciplinary platform for executives to mingle with others. 不过,即便是在开始的时候,其宗旨也是为高管提供一个跨学科的平台,进行相互交流。
and a natural ability to mingle with all men on a basis of equality are more important than any degree of technical skill. 以本质才能与人类同情,在平等的基础上,对人处事,实比任何巧妙的技术更为重要。
He was tortured constantly. Only when he was allowed to mingle with other prisoners again did he begin to overcome his despair. 对他的折磨从未停息,只有在被允许再次和其他犯人呆在一起的时候,他才开始克服绝望。
She slowly walked away, turning back a few times to check if I started to mingle with the other kids. 她慢慢地走开了,回头数次检查,如果我一开始混入其他小朋友。
Mingle with He rushed into the busy street and mingled with the crowd, hoping in that way the police would not spot him. 他冲进了热闹的大街,混入人群中,希望那样警察就认不出他了。
Although Ryken says he will not attend either of these OneWheaton events, he does plan to mingle with its members at the football game. 虽然Ryken说,他将不出席这些OneWheaton事件,他的计划,其在足球比赛中的成员打成一片。
b. The Public Relations Officer did not speak much. What is worse, she hated to mingle with people. 那位公共关系署的官员没有太多表态,更糟的是,她厌恶和别人混在一起。
Halfway through the program there's a break to let investors mingle with founders and swap contact information. 项目进行到一半的时候有一次休息,投资者们就可以和创建者们交谈互换联系信息。
At the Nightlife events, humans and robots mingle with Hunter's hartebeest, one of the world's most critically endangered animals. 在夜生活活动,人类与机器人混杂在一起亨特的麋羚,是世界上最濒危的动物之一。
Orlando Sentinel reporter Scott Powers was assigned to cover the event, but he wasn't allowed to mingle with guests. 奥兰多守望报记者史考特‧鲍尔斯被指派报导此事件,却被禁止与来宾互动。
In the eventide, when fires and shadows mingle with the gloom of dust, he wearily comes back to the ruined temple with hunger in his heart. 黄昏,当光和影与阴暗的灰尘相混合时,他疲倦的带着他内心的渴望回到荒庙。
They wear tracksuits and mingle with the locals, standing out in the open until they rush to attack. 他们穿着运动大衣,和当地人混在一起,光明正大地站在外头直到冲出去战斗。
Scar: Why, if it isn't my big brother descending from on high to mingle with the commoners! 刀疤:怎么,难道是我的大哥屈尊来看平民百姓啦!
If you mingle with Asian girls that frequent the clubs for any length of time, you will eventually meet ladies who are unfaithful. 如若你把亚洲女孩当作是那种经常出入酒吧的不良女人时,你可能最终会遇到一些不忠的女人。
For all their connections, the couple does not often turn up at A-list parties in Washington or mingle with the city's political elite. 尽管这对夫妇人脉资源丰厚,但他们并不经常出席华府的顶级派对,也很少见到他们跟这座城市的政治精英打成一片。
Coffee began to mingle with the floral scent. 咖啡开始与花香交融。
A dozen luxury hotels cater to the weekend crowd of wealthy Thais from Bangkok who mingle with tourists at a huge shopping mall. 十二家豪华宾馆接待着周末从曼谷蜂拥而至的泰国富人,在一家巨型购物中心,富人与游客汇集到了一处。
As these broad black raindrops mingle with the waste of waters, making a trifling and momentary eddy, and are then lost for ever. 就象这些沉重的黑色的雨点一样落在茫茫大海里,只引起一道微不足道、瞬息的涟漪,从此永无踪影。
As the day's session paused for tea and lunch breaks, we took the opportunity to mingle with the participants. 在茶点和午餐的休息时间时,我们趁机与参加者交谈。
He did not mingle with the newcomers at first. 他最初不与新来的人来往。