made up

  • adj.捏造的;做作的;制成的;拼好版的
  • 网络虚构;编造出来的;化妆的

made upmade up

made up


Transformers 变形金刚-英语点津 ... special effects 电影特技 made up 虚构 set to 应该会(增加) ...


... lecturer 讲师 made up 编造出来的,凭空想象出来的 rowing trips 划船旅行 ...


made是什么意思 -... ... made from 由…做成(看不出原材料);由…制造 made up 编造;化妆的;作成的 made for [口语]完全 …



OMG美语 - Get Back Together! 和好! ... made up 和好了,又在一起了 I have something to tell you 我有一件事想告诉你 ...


OMG美语 - Get Back Together! 和好! ... made up 和好了,又在一起了 I have something to tell you 我有一件事想告诉你 ...


in2english - What's on ... cartoon strip 连环漫画 made up 虚构的 depiction 描画 ...

I made up my mind to do my work as if I actually enjoyed it. 我提出了我下定决心做我的工作,如果我其实是喜欢。
Either of these types of made-up needs can be eliminated. All it takes is the willingness to let go. 在这些不同的需要当中没有一个需求能被去除。所需要的只是一种意愿,那就让他去吧。
Every chunk of rock is actually made up of thousands of tiny crystals, each with its own unique age, composition and history. 事实上,每块岩石都是由好几千个极微小的晶体所组成,每个微小晶体都有著各自的年龄、组成与历史。
That I can't go on any longer without you. I made up my mindthat you were the only woman for me. . . the first day I saw youat Twelve Oaks. 我没有你就活不下去了。在十二橡园第一次见到你的时候……我就知道我要的就是你。
e. g. He made up his mind to be a teacher when he grew up. 他已下定决心,当他长大后他要成为一名教师。
Remove trailing spaces to the last nonspace character or to a single-space character for strings made up of only spaces. 删除最后的非空格字符后面的尾随空格,而对于只由空格组成的字符串,一直删除到只留下一个空格。
The reporter could not get to see the minister, so she made up a completely bogus interview with him. 记者见不到那位部长,于是她虚构了一篇对他的采访。
By and by I felt ashamed and made up my mind to be with you if you love me. 后来,觉得对不起你,就下决心跟你在一起,如果你爱我的话。
He made up for it, however, by nabbing the only goal in United's Champions League opener against Besiktas on Tuesday. 但是在周中的欧冠他用全场唯一的进球击败了贝西克塔斯,做出了补偿。
The performance of my smaller portfolio lagged but I made up for it in spades. 我管理的那个规模较小的组合表现不佳,但大组合的业绩很好。
Waiting for call to begin. Share are up in after-hours trading, and have made up for the dip earlier today on the Steve Jobs health news. 00等待电话会议开始。股票在交易几个小时后开始上涨,已经改变了今天早些时候公布史蒂夫健康状况时的低迷走势。
Were you surprised to see Alexandria say that she didn't trust any of you after she and Brittani made up in the limo? 记者:对于山楂在车里说,她对于你们任何一个人都不信任,你有感到惊讶吗?
Omar then asked the maid for her phone number, a police source said. After she gave him a made-up number he let go, and she fled the room. 奥马尔然后问她的电话号码,一名警方消息人士说。在她给了他一个编造的号码之后,他放她走,她迅速逃离了房间。
He made up his mind to continue his experiment, but this time he would do it in another way. 他决心继续他的实验,不过这一次他将用另一种方法来做。
Since any human utterance is a continuous speech flow made up of at least one syllable, it cannot be cut into independent units. 人的话语是一个连续的语流,由至少一个音节组成,不能被切分为若干独立的单位。
Finally made up my mind to leave here, the dream which had not come true 3 years ago, have been strongly aroused at this moment. 终于有决心想要离开这里,高三毕业那年没能实现的愿望,在这一刻又被强烈的唤起。
So far, however, King Bhumibol seems to have made up his mind that Prince Vajiralongkorn will succeed him. 但到目前为止,普密蓬国王似已下定决心要传位于王储。
Judging from what he said to me today, his mind's made up. 根据他今天同我说的话来判断,他已经下了决心。
I saved as much as I could, and my mum made up the rest of the money. 我尽自己所能攒了一些钱,不足之数由我妈妈凑齐。
'Yes, and that's what upset him most, because he took the fact that our minds were made up as a sure sign of our love for each other. ' 讲过了,最惹他生气的正是这件事,因为他在我们这个主意里面看到了我们相爱的证据。
What frightened me the most was that I knew that this wasn't a made-up story, it had really happened to members of my family. 最让我害怕的是,我知道这不是虚构的故事,它真真切切地发生在我的家人身上。
The little tadpole, about the size of a sesame seed, is now made up of three layers: the ectoderm, mesoderm and endoderm. 芝麻籽大小的小蝌蚪现在已经分成了三层:外胚层、中胚层和内胚层。
'I tried to discourage her from wanting to be an artist, but she has made up her mind, ' says Mr. Liu, who worries about her choice. 对女儿的这个选择刘小东很是担心,他说,我劝她不要从事艺术行业,但她已经下定决心了。
So much of the "money" out there today is basically made up out of thin air. 所以,今天大部分在市场里的“钱”基本上是凭空创造出来的。
Since the satellites are made up mostly of copper, they would be relatively easy to construct. 因为该卫星是由铜制成的,相对容易建造。
Immigration and the property bubble made up for these failings for a while, but no longer. 外来移民和房产泡沫也许会暂时弥补一下上述的不足,但并不是长久之计。
Because Helen could not hear, she did not know how to talk. She made up her own signs. If she wanted an ice cream she shivered! 由于听不见,所以海伦不知道如何开口说话。她自创了一些示意动作。如果她想要吃冰淇淋,她就会打冷颤。
No one could turn him from his purpose once he had made up his mind. 他一旦下定决心,没有人能使他改变主意。
After Herriot graduated from high school, he made up his mind to be a vet, especially for dogs. 赫瑞尔高中毕业后,决定做一个兽医,尤其为狗治病。
I am glad that you brought up the question of investigations into the made up of the earth interior. 我很高兴你们可以提出关于我们关于地球内部组成的调查。