pass for

  • na.被认为
  • 网络被看做;冒充;混

第三人称单数:passes for 现在分词:passing for 过去式:passed for

pass forpass for

pass for


pass_百度百科 ... pass by on the other side 不帮助,不同情 pass for 被看做,被认为,冒充 pass into 考进,进入,载入,变 …


pass_百度百科 ... pass by on the other side 不帮助,不同情 pass for 被看做,被认为,冒充 pass into 考进,进入,载入,变 …


pass_百度百科 ... pass by on the other side 不帮助,不同情 pass for 被看做,被认为,冒充 pass into 考进,进入,载入,变 …

字典中 哄 字的解释 ... (4) 呵叱[ berate] (3) [ pass for;palm off as] (1) 吵闹;喧嚣[ uproar] ...


高考必备词组 - 豆丁网 ... pass off 消失,顺利地进行 pass for 冒充,假扮 pass on 传下去 ...


pass by中文 ... pass by 从旁经过 ;忽略;回避;不予理会 pass for 被认为是,被当作...;冒充... ... Pass Ticket 通行票 ...


沪江博客 - 无底洞 ... 13. I'll get right back to you. 我马上再打给你。 16. pass for 被看作 19. formality n. 形式,礼仪 ...

Bill: Ah. . . economy. But I thought if I make a " pass " at you, then my boarding pass would pass for first class. 比尔:嗯……经济舱,但我想如果我得到你的允许,我就可升级到头等舱。
Canyonlands The wall of a crater could pass for Arizona. It may have been sculpted by a flood in relatively recent times. 峡谷地貌火山口的墙壁有亚利桑那州那么宽。这也许是相对较近的时间里洪水冲出来的。
He pronounces his words like a native, and if it were not for his body language, he could pass for a Latino. 他的发音很地道,如果不是他的手势,简直跟拉丁人分不清了。
A still frame of one of Prusinkiewicz's computer-grown lilac sprays with its myriad flores could pass for a photograph in a seed catalog. 普鲁辛凯维奇用计算机栽培的那些繁花朵朵的紫丁香的其中一幅静止图像,完全可以被用作植物种子图录中的照片。
One travel executive says his Gold Pass for fast-tracking his way through transport security has been rendered worthless. 一位旅游公司高管表示,他持有的运输安检快速通道通行证已变得毫无意义。
The copy he made of the painting can pass for an authentic one. 他临摹的画足以乱真。可靠的,可
Hollywood stars seem to be arguing, in some ways, that Polanski's talent should allow him some sort of free pass for his past behaviour. 好莱坞的明星们似乎认为,从某种程度来说,波兰斯基的才能,会让人们对他过去的行为既往不咎。
( speak loudly )I know I can pass for leap, we let me know your distant place in this working time. (大声说话)我知道我能就此飞越过去,我们在这工作的时候让我知道你的远方。
The hotel is a 5 minute walk from Town Hall train station - from which you can buy an all day pass for use on all ferries, trains and buses. 酒店离霍尔镇的火车站只有五分钟的路程。在火车站,你可以购买到整天可在船、火车和公共汽车通用的通行证。
At any other time, numbers like these would be apocalyptic , but they're what pass for good news these days. 要换作别的时候,这样糟糕的数据足以让人产生大难临头的感觉,但当前这些数据却会被看作好消息。
That a piece of paper of no intrinsic value should pass for good money the world over is nothing less than a secular miracle. 一张没有内在价值的纸片竟然被全世界奉为优等货币,这简直是这个世俗世界的一个奇迹。
The effects have been felt as far afield as Los Angeles , the city where a graphic T- shirt and pressed jeans used to pass for formal . 影响也已波及到了遥远的洛杉矶,在这个城市,绘花T恤衫和烫过的牛仔裤过去就可以算为正装。
Her son hopes to pass for a lawyer at the end of his three years study at the university. 她儿子希望在大学三年学习期满时能考试合格,成为律师。
All has come to pass for you; not one word of it has failed. 这一切都应验在你们身上,没有一句落空。
It is strange that such a man should pass for a scientist [hero]. 奇怪的是,这样一个人竟然能冒充是科学家[英雄]。
Pass for press Authorised the final form of a publication for printing . 核准出版物的最后形式,授权印刷的情况。
That might sound like a free pass for the small guy, until you consider that most businesses are run by individuals. 这听起来似乎个人账户无足轻重,但事实上绝非如此,要知道绝大多数企业是由个体经营的。
It is strange that such a man should pass for a scientist. 很奇怪这样一个人竟然被当作是科学家。
I found presently, that whether I was a whore or a wife, I was to pass for a whore here. 我立刻看出,无论我是个荡妇还是个妻子,我现在总是被人当作荡妇看待。
When all the acceptance tests pass for a given user story, that story is considered complete. 当验收测试达到某条给定需求后,此需求就认为已经完成了。
I devised a complicated scheme to take over The New York Review of Books, but it meant I had to pass for Lionel Trilling. 我订了个接手《纽约书评》的复杂计划,但是这意味着我要冒充莱昂内尔·特里林。
Do you think this jacket and pants will pass for a suit? They're almost the same color. 你觉得这件短上衣和裤子看上去象是一套的吗?它们颜色几乎一模一样。
Waiting for a check At the checkpoint, many vehicles were waiting for thorough check in order to get a Border Pass for the Mount Everest. 《排队待检进入珠峰路段》去珠峰必须办理边境通行证,检查站有很多车辆在等候检查过关。
Therefore the current process must be improved for upgrading the first percent of pass for soft-nitriding heat treatment. 为此就须改进现有工艺,提高软氮化热处理的一次合格率。
"I think maybe I wasn't sexy enough, " the still sensuous Horne told Carson, with a sarcasm so deft, it could pass for airy banter. “我想也许我还不够性感吧。”当时还风韵犹存的霍恩好似开玩笑却不无讽刺地告诉卡森。
The truth is that at present, much of what pass for scientific "facts" about the sea and what lives in it are still based on guesswork. 事实上,目前大多数被认为是科学“事实”的有关海洋以及生活在其中生物的情况仍然基于猜测。
Students who register for these first Program offerings will get an automatic attendee pass for the Collaboration Summit. 报名参加这些首批课程的学生将自动取得通行证,出席协作峰会。
Not cool at all. His class is tough. I don't think he will give a easy pass for the project. 给力个毛。他的课很难的。我不认为他会这么容易就让我们的课件通过。
The CalculationCurrentPass function returns the zero-based index of the calculation pass for the current query context. CalculationCurrentPass函数针对当前查询上下文返回计算传递的索引(从零开始计算)。
But that's a sacrifice you have to make if you want a cake that could pass for your handbag. 但想要把蛋糕做成你手袋的样子,这点牺牲就是必须的了。