prior to

  • adj.前于
  • 网络此前;在…之前;先于

prior toprior to

prior to


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大学英语四级常用词组 ... on the principle of 根据…的原则 prior to 在前,居先,比…在先 in proportion to 与…成比例;与…相 …


大学英语四级常用词组 ... on the principle of 根据…的原则 prior to 在前,居先,比…在先 in proportion to 与…成比例;与…相 …


大学英语四级常用词组 ... on the principle of 根据…的原则 prior to 在前,居先,比…在先 in proportion to 与…成比例;与…相 …


2012年学位英语必备复习资料_阳光妈咪_新浪博客 ... 47. keen on 热衷于 57. prior to 在…之前,优先于 38. guilty of 有…罪 ...

Comply with the controls stated on the permit. Post the permit at the point of entry prior to any person entering the space. 遵守许可证上规定的控制措施。进入密闭空间前将许可证张贴在各个入口处。
Prior to its restructuring, it had no experience providing credit. Indeed, even its clients' deposits were kept by China's central bank. 在重组之前,它并无任何提供信贷方面的经验,甚至连客户的存款都是由央行保管的。
WikiLeaks' role is not the same as the press', since it does not always endeavor to vet information prior to publication. 维基解密和新闻媒体的作用是不一样的,因为它在公布信息前并不会总是尽力去审核资料。
Prior to Christmas day , prior to the beginning of this new era and humanity , God was not the God we know today . 在圣诞节以前,在这个新纪元和慈爱的观念以前,神不是我们今天认识的模样。
He answered the question of world origin with Li Prior to Qi and regarded the Confucian morality as the summit of the world. 他以“理在气先”回答世界本原问题,实际上是把儒家的伦理道德作为宇宙的最高本体。
a seller requires a buyer of automobiles not to sell or exhibit them prior to a fixed date which represents the beginning of a model year. 此类限制的一个例子是:卖方要求汽车的购买者在代表新产品年度开始的一固定日期前不出售或展览这些汽车。
but will be paid by the partnership out of existing cash plus the proceeds of the sale, prior to any distribution of cash to the partners. 同时,负债不转给北方公司,而由合伙企业从库存现金和出售企业的收入中支付,剩余现金再分配给合伙人。
Prior to the crisis the general consensus was that rich countries could safely have public debts worth 60% of GDP. 危机之前的普遍共识是发达国家负债额不超过GDP60%就是安全的。
None of the inspectors had worked with the system to be reviewed; nor did they have access to any system artifacts prior to the study. 这些审查员既不能用已经审查过的系统进行工作,也不能在研究之前接触系统工件。
Inviting the men might as well say the move is the most primitive desire, a woman is tempted by a move prior to the brain. 男人动心了还不如说动了最原始的欲望,女人动心了是之前动了脑筋。
Prior to the sixth edition, he had tried to stay out of that fray and rely on his network of friends to defend his ideas. 在第六版之前,他一直都在试图避免这些争论,依靠自己的朋友圈来捍卫自己的思想。
In this case, the serum was mixed with dried EDTA to stop the action of any native complement, prior to the addition of the test red cells. 这种情况下,在测试的红细胞增加之前,用干燥的EDTA与血清的混合,停止任何副反应。
In an interview with local media prior to his arrest, Mr. Vu said he was 'dizzy' at the speed with which Vinashin unraveled. TranQuangVu在被捕前接受当地媒体采访时表示,越南造船工业集团崩溃的速度之快令他“发晕”。
Women are able to retain all property they owned prior to marriage in the case of divorce. However, this provision does not apply to men. 在离婚案件中,女性可以保留她们婚前所拥有的所有财产。然而,这项规定并不适用于男性。
Star Star Cool Sites Cool Sites Third, after the audit in the matter and prior to the transfer of risk prevention. 星酷网星酷网三、审计时从事后向事中及事前转移,防范风险。
A beautifully wrapped present had been sitting on my dresser for a few days prior to the heart-filled holiday. 在充满红心的日子到来的前几天,他还在我的梳妆台上留下了一份包装漂亮的礼品。
Prior to that he'd been the interim CEO, or iCEO, and OS X was the last major part of the company he needed to fix. 在此之前他是临时CEO,而OSX系统是他要塑造的公司中的最后一个重要部分。
With the total entry of WTO in 2006, the practical ability of English now is prior to any other time. 随着2006年中国入世的全面开放,英语实际的运用能力在这个时候显得最为重要。
We suggest you apply at least eight weeks before you plan to travel and do not purchase air tickets prior to the visa being issued. 我们建议您在计划离境日期前八周申请签证,在没有得到签证结果之前请不要购买机票。
Then, re-read your sheet at once before you go to bed and once when you wake up for a few days prior to your speech. 其次,每天睡觉前诵读一次你的讲稿,然后到了临近演讲那几天,每天一醒,限度遍讲稿。
Prior to the final Lakers possession, it was never a question of whether he would get a good shot off, only if it was going in. 在湖人进行最后一攻之前,不用怀疑科比是否会投出漂亮的一球,你只需要看球进不进就行了。
Prior to her current position, she was the Director of Technical Recruiting for the Business Groups for Microsoft. 在担任目前职位之前,她曾经是Microsoft业务组的技术招募部主管。
The investigation found a history of exposure to dead chickens in his home within the week prior to symptom onset. 调查发现他在症状出现前一周内有与家中的死鸡接触史。
He does not expect Force India to be able to make much development headway during the Friday practice prior to the races. 他不希望部队能够印度取得很大的发展进展在周五的练习赛之前,。
Visitor: Hello! I would like to have a brief idea of the pavilion layout and orientation prior to my visiting, or to I would be lost. 参观者:你好,我想在参观前大致了解一下方位,以免迷路。
Earlier this week the USDP was asked by an election candidate to ensure it had severed ties with the ruling junta prior to the polls. 本月初,调查之前一周,一位选举候选人提出,要求联邦巩固发展党与执政的军政府断绝关系。
Prior to his resignation, the cracks had been beginning to show at Anfield. 在达格利什辞职之前,裂缝已开始出现在安菲尔德。
Prior to that, HP notebooks were essentially "technology in kind of a nondescript container, " he said. 他表示,在此之前,惠普笔记本基本上只是“装在毫无特点盒子里的科技产品”。
I can't stress enough that it's important to put your environment into a known state prior to any relevant build activities. 在进行任何相关的构建活动之前要将环境置于已知状态,这一点再怎么强调也不过分。
It must be a great concern for you to choose and book a good hotel prior to your arrival to watch the Olympics and Paralympics in Beijing. 来北京观看奥运会和残奥会的比赛,提前挑选一家让您满意的酒店一定是您十分关注的问题。