pay back

  • na.偿还;报答;向…报复;付还
  • 网络回报;还钱;还钱给

第三人称单数:pays back 现在分词:paying back 过去式:paid back

pay backpay back

pay back


大学英语四级常用词组 ... pay sb. on the back 对某人表示赞许 pay back 偿还(借款等);回报 pay for 偿还;受到惩罚 ...


英语单词立体记忆 ... passive smoking 被动吸烟; pay back 偿还,回报;报复 I will pay you back next week. 我下星期会还你 …


大学英语四级常用词组 ... pay sb. on the back 对某人表示赞许 pay back 偿还(借款等);回报 pay for 偿还;受到惩罚 ...


高二英语词汇表 ... Shylock 夏洛克(男子名) pay back 偿还;报答 duke n. 公爵 ...


借钱和还钱的英文是哪个?_百度知道 ... lend 借出 pay back 还钱 跟人借钱 borrow money from sb ...


真题网 - 英语四级词组列表 ... pass out 失去知觉,昏倒 pay back 偿还,还钱给(某人);向...报复,回报 pay up 全部付清 ...


最新实用英汉国际金融词典 - MBA智库文档 ... payable at maturity 到期付款 pay back 偿付 payable at sight 即期付款 ...


动感英语口语 第45讲_恒星英语 ... pay for : 为什么付出代价 pay back归还 impossible : 不可理喻 ...

He said the 24 crew members were released "in good health, " the owner will pay back the Philippines. 他透露,获释的24名船员“健康状态良好”,将由船东出钱送回菲律宾。
She suggests that pullers might not be able to earn enough to pay back a loan for the current high cost of a Soleckshaw. 她说,由于现在太阳能人力车的成本很高,车夫或许不能赚到足够的钱来偿还贷款。
There was no way he could pay back the money he borrowed from his father on time. 他按时还从他父亲那儿借的钱是不可能的。
Someone even suggested a great and unknown crime, and was now trying to pay back his debt to society. 有人甚至揣测,这个人一定是犯过不可告人的滔天罪行,现在想要向社会弥补他的罪过。
With the money you save you could help pay back some of the deficit, help pay for the Olympic Games or help the elderly'. 把这笔钱省下来,你们好歹可以填填你们的财政赤字,拿去支办奥运会的钱,或者去救助老人啊。
Mathilde had to work hard day and night and bought such a diamond necklace as she had lost to pay back to Jeanne. 马帝尔德不得不日日夜夜地干活,来买一个像被她丢掉的那样的钻石项链还给让。
For bold investors, such a gap is ample insurance against the risk that Greece may not able to pay back all it has promised. 对于胆大的投资者来说,如此大的息差是防止希腊债务违约风险的巨大保障。
Therefore, as a phenomenon, the majority of "80 after" Parents will come up with savings to pay back the principal for the children. 所以,作为一种现象,大部分“80后”父母都会拿出积蓄为孩子支付房款。
Often, lenders did not make even the most basic of checks to see whether borrowers had the financial wherewithal to pay back what they owed. 经常,出借人甚至没做检查的最基本的看看是否借款人有金融必要的资力偿还他们欠的。
If his house rises in value over the next five years, he will have to take out a further mortgage to pay back other creditors. 未来5年,如果他的房子价格升值,他还需要办理一个抵押贷款去还其他债主的钱。
For your crimes, I sentence you to eleven lives as a cow, wherein you will pay back your debts to those victims of your malpractice. 因为你的罪行,我要判你当十一世的牛,你要偿还那些因为你的玩忽职守而死的人。
We're out of money and have to pay back the bank a five-million loan by Tuesday. 我们没有钱,但是到星期二我们得偿还银行五百万元的贷款。
They say that even if it helps boost the economy now, future generations of taxpayers -- that means you -- will have to pay back the money. 他们认为,即使使目前推进了经济的发展,但接下来的几代纳税人,也就是你们,将不得不还上这些钱。
Zale has five years to pay back Golden Gate Capital, which gave it a $150 million lifeline earlier this month. 扎勒还有5年偿还金门资本,这给它一个1.5亿美元在本月初的生命线。
Standing on top of a hill overlooking Thebes , Leto saw all this and was ready to pay back. 雷托此时正站在山顶上俯视底比斯城,当她看到这一幕,她决心要“以牙还牙”。
Conversely, if you owe your friend, then you will have to pay back the sum soon - it looks as though your friend needs the money. 相反,如果你欠别人钱,你会很快不得不偿还债务,因为你的朋友可能需要钱用。
If the State of New York would just let him start selling pellets again, Ceglia says, he'd be able to pay back his customers. 如果纽约州就只是让他开始销售木粒,切利亚说,他就能够偿还他的顾客。
But do you know how much customs duties I will have to pay back home on this? 但你知道我要付多少进口关税吗?
If you fail to pay back the money, friend may turn out to be enemies and your friendship will be totally damaged. 如果你最终不能还钱,朋友可能会反目成仇,而你们的友谊也会完全被毁。
Later , my mother told me that I should pay back everything I picked. She said to me the loser must be very upset. 后来妈妈对我说,以后不管捡到什么东西都要物归原主,因为失主会很着急的。
Like most men in thirties, you will know how much you need to pay back when seeing your parents' hair turn grey. 和绝大多三十多岁的男人一样,当你看到父母的头发变白时,你知道你要回报多少。
She talks eloquently about her sense of gratitude to the US for giving her the chance, about wanting some day to "pay back" in public life. 她滔滔不绝地谈起了对于美国给自己机会的感激之情,并谈到希望有一天,能够在公共生活中“回报”社会。
But at least part of the rise in spreads reflected concern that countries might find it hard to pay back their borrowings. 但是收益率差距扩大至少部分反映了人们对欧元区一些国家可能很难偿还借款的担忧。
It's not sure the dollar will keep its value as America borrows more than it might be able to pay back. 它不能确定,随着美国借入可能超出其偿还能力的数额,美元是否还能保值。
"Every time I ask Joe to pay back the money he borrowed from me, he sings the blues about all the things at home he needs money for. " “每当我要乔还他借我的钱的时候,他总是诉苦,说他家里有多少开支。”
Unable to pay back the equivalent of two years' earnings, he was in despair. He could see no way out. 此前,尚卡拉已经连续两年歉收,因无法还债陷入绝望。他看不到任何出路。
eg. He burst into tears, begging her to forgive him and swearing to pay back everything he had stolen. 他突然大哭起来,求她原谅,并发誓偿还他偷的所有东西。
Beautiful things in this world are not destined to last long , we kiss interrupted by a knock at the door. Dust and dry to pay back . 这个世界上美好的东西是注定不能长久的,我们的吻被敲门声打断了,烟尘和付乾回来了。
Vernon zhong: Pay back all the money, and bring my identity card back, and i can leave. 仲天骐:钱还完了,身份证领回来了,我就可以走啦。
If the ship owner fails to pay back the loans, he will lose the ship to the bank. 如果船东未能偿还贷款,银行可行使权利处置作为抵押的船只。