on the contrary

  • na.反之
  • 网络正相反;相反地;相反的

on the contraryon the contrary

on the contrary


大学英语四级常用词组 ... consult with 与…商量(协商) on the contrary 正相反 to the contrary 意思相反的(地) ...


八年级人教版上册英语知识点总结_百度知道 ... 祝贺某人 congratulate sb. on sth. 相反地 on the contrary 失控 out of control ...


介词短语_百度百科 ... in consequence of 由于 …… 的缘故 on the contrary 反之,正相反 out of control 失去控制 ...


同等学力词汇手册 - 豆丁网 ... contrary 反面,相反 on the contrary 对立的,相反的 in contrast with 使对照,使对比 ...


颠倒_百度百科 ... [bad luck] 命运不佳 [on the contrary] 反而 [outcome;after all] 究竟;所以 ...


最新英语新课标必修3英语单词表_百度知道 ... contrary n. 反面;对立面 on the contrary 与此相反;正相反 cucumber n. 黄瓜 ...


英语作文连词经典汇总 ... conversely 相反的是 on the contrary 恰恰相反 similarly 与之相似地,…… ...

On the contrary, if I do not resign, all of these things, my permanent job, my ensured retirement, are all my opportunity costs. 相反,如果不辞职,我的稳定的工作,退休的保障,都是我的机会成本。
On the contrary, in light of its extensive audiences and its value to the enterprise marketing, it has great potential for further growth. 相反,从动漫广告接受群体、动漫受众对于企业营销的价值来看,网络动漫广告是有着巨大发展空间的广告形式。
You think you are clever; on the contrary, I assure that you are very foolish. 你自以为很聪明,相反地,我确信你很傻。
The second lady was Cai Qin. She did not give up singing with youth fading away. On the contrary, her career leapt to another culmination. 第二个女人叫蔡琴,她没有随着年龄的老去而放弃歌唱,相反,她的事业更臻佳境。
If on the contrary you wish to achieve this goal with me, kindly get back to me with your interest immediately for further details. 反之,如果你希望与我一起共同完成这一目标,请立即回信告知你有意得到更多信息。
On the contrary, she says, people began to respect her for her individuality and firm rooting in her faith. 人们反而更加尊重她,因为她有自己的个性及坚定的信仰。
On the contrary, he thought that work was the only lasting measure of a man. 相反,他认为工作是对一个人的唯一长久的衡量标准。
On the contrary, the natural result of diversity tends to be misunderstanding and tension, and even clashes, in some cases. 多元化不会必然催生和谐社会,相反,多元化可能会造成彼此间的误解和对立,有时甚至带来激烈的冲突。
There was no malice in her; on the contrary, she was very kind. 她并无恶意;恰恰相反,她人很好。
Doing so did not harm my health; on the contrary, it improved the well being of my hair in general and made me feel great! 这样做不仅不影响健康,相反,还从整体上改善了头发状况,让我感觉好极了!
On the contrary, it was the illegal mendacities of the dark that long ago tricked you into the belief that somehow you did not matter. 正相反,这曾经是黑暗势力的非法的谎言,在很久之前欺骗你们进入到这个信仰之中,以某种你无法质疑的方式。
Modern criminal judicature, on the contrary, focuses more on the interest of the state and the criminal instead of that of the victim. 现代刑事司法制度更多关注的是国家与犯罪人的利益,被害人逐渐被淡忘。
On the contrary, tensions continued to rise, partly as the large conglomerates, or zaibatsu, were the biggest winners from stimulus. 相反,紧张气氛持续升级,部分原因在于大型企业集团(即财阀(zaibatsu))是刺激方案的最大赢家。
On the contrary, I said, this has nothing to do with working women and everything to do with the human condition. 我答道,决非如此,我那决不是在描写职业女性,而完全是在描写人生体验。
But I believe that this gap is not determined by technology. On the contrary, it is dependent on the policies of the government. 但我觉得这种差距并不是由科技决定的,而是由政府的政策决定的。
On the contrary, Stossel responded, it is the African elites that are the enemy of both the African people and of the western taxpayer. 相反,Stossel则回应道,非洲的精英们才是非洲人民和西方纳税者的共同敌人。
On the contrary, your company is running smoothly with its ambition and getting the advantage with a strong momentum. 反而,你们公司已经雄心勃勃。驾轻就熟地运转起来,稳占上风,势头强劲。
It's not that everything he said in the speech was wrong; on the contrary, we agree with much of it. 并不是他在讲话中说的每一件事都是错的;恰恰相反,我们对其中的许多内容都表示同意。
On the contrary, the long wait between meetings only made the heart grow fonder , and each separate occasion became an exciting reunion. 相反,偷情后漫长的等待让两颗心更加缠绵,每次离别都会演变成更具激情的团聚。
On the contrary, the rise of a strong, prosperous China can be a source of strength for the community of nations'. 相反,一个强大而繁荣的中国的崛起,将成为国际社会的力量源泉。
On the contrary, some sales staff, although extremely eloquent, even able to say that black and white, said the dead are alive. 恰恰相反,有些销售员,口才虽然极佳,甚至都能够把黑的说成白的,把死的说成活的。
This did not seem to discomposehim; on the contrary, he looked rather amused. 但这似乎并没有让斯内普感到局促不安,他好像觉得这挺好笑的。
She did not seem delighted. On the contrary, she flung the invitation card on the table, and said spitefully. 她似乎一点也不高兴,反而把请柬扔在桌上,没好气地说。
On the contrary: last month, Wen Jiabao, China's premier, said he would "absolutely not yield" to pressure for a stronger renminbi. 相反,中国总理温家宝上月表示,“绝对不会”屈服于要求人民币升值的压力。
On the contrary, you know, if you have the heart to feel and the eyes to see, you discover that the world is not flat. 相反,正如你所指,如果你用心去感受,用眼睛去观察,你会发现世界并不是平的。
It seems, on the contrary, to have been a perfectly spontaneous, untaught feeling on his side, and this surprises me. 相反,他的感情好像完全是自发的,这就使我感到奇怪了。
She did not say she liked it, on the contrary, she disliked it. 她没有说她喜欢这事,相反她非常厌恶它。
What is earnest is not always true; on the contrary, error is often more earnest than truth. 重要的并不总是确实的。相反,谬误往往比真理来的更为重要。
To my great surprise, the woman did not thank the young man; on the contrary, she glared at him coldly, which made him embarrassed. 让我感应奇异的是,这位妇女没有感谢感动这位年青人,反而用冷淡的目光盯着他,使他感应困窘。
Those who are eager to leave are not the poor and desperate. On the contrary, most are entrepreneurs and students. 这些人并非身陷贫穷和绝望之中,正相反,他们中大多数人是企业家或学生。