off and on

  • na.断断续续;偶尔;(航海)时而靠岸时而离岸地;不规则地
  • 网络断断续续地;间歇地;不时地

off and onoff and on

off and on


大学英语四级常用词组 ... now and then 时而,偶尔 off and on 断断续续,间歇地 on account of 由于 ...


大学英语四级常用词组 ... occur to 被想到 off and on 断断续续地,不时地 and so on 等等 ...


大学英语四级常用词组 ... now and then 时而,偶尔 off and on 断断续续,间歇地 on account of 由于 ...


最常用英语短语 | 英语大学 ... now and then 时常,不时 off and on 断断续续,不规则地;偶尔 on purpose 有意地,有目的地 ...


大学英语四级常用词组 ... occur to 被想到 off and on 断断续续地,不时地 and so on 等等 ...


Account for 说明1_百度文库 ... mend one’s ways 改过 off and on 断断续续的 on account of 因为 ...


英语短语大全 - 豆丁网 ... now and then 时而,偶尔 384. off and on 断断续续,间歇地 385. off duty 下班 386. ...


新概念3英语语法精粹讲解 ... in hopes of 希望…… off and on 时断时续 all of a sudden 突然 ...

You know, scientists have collected this kind of information off and on over the years, but a lot of it stays within the science community. 你知道,科学家们这些年断断续续地搜集了此类信息,但很多信息却保留在了科学圈内。
As for the political parties, they seem to be able to turn the violence off and on as it suits them. 至于政党,它们似乎可以为满足一己利益而使用暴力或者停止施暴。
Only wind in the trees, which blew the wires and made the lights go off and on again as if the house had winked into the darkness. 只有树丛中的风声作响,风把电线吹动,电灯忽暗忽明,好像房子在对着黑夜眨眼。
The next step was the lengthy process of turning parts of the system off and on to see what made a difference. 接下来一个漫长的过程开始了,他们把系统的各个部分逐一打开、关闭,看看前后有何区别。
We've been a steady buyer off and on [this year] of individual items in the corporate-bond market, mostly investment-grade. 我们今年断断续续地买进了公司债券市场的一些个体产品,其中大多为投资级债券。
The desire to expand my roots and to bear fruit in my life developed into a tool that I've used off and on for more than 20 years. 在我的生活中,想扩展根系和结出果实的愿望变成了一个工具,我不停地用了二十多年。
When I arrive and stand at the turning to Youth, a small path comes into view off and on as if beckoning me. 当我站在青春的路口时,前面有一条小路若隐若现,仿佛在召唤我。
They were ashore nigh on a week, and us standing off and on in the old Walrus. 他们在岸上停留了有一个星期光景,我们这些人呆在老‘瓦鲁斯’号上。
The cylinder loads mutual lock safety device; the cylinder unable to install, if the switch has not turned off, and on the "on" position. 气瓶装入互锁安全装置;开关未关旋钮处于开的位置气瓶将无法安装。
As her patient slept soundly during the night, Nurse Betty was able to doze off and on in a bedside chair . 贝蒂护士的病人夜晚睡的很香所以她就可以在床边的椅子里断断续续地小睡了。
an apparatus for sending telegraphic messages by using a mirror to turn the sun's rays off and on. 利用能将太阳光转换的镜子来传送电信信息的装备。
Our 10-year occupation, and our off-and-on-again attempts at nation building, have been a disaster. 我们对阿富汗10年的占领和阿富汗国家建设方面时断时续的的尝试都是十足的失败。
The idea of being a writer had come to me off and on since childhood, but it wasn't until recently that the possibility took hold. 从孩提时代,我就断断续续地有当作家的念头,但直到最近,这一想法才有了实现的可能。
He wrote to a girl in London off and on for several years. 他与伦敦的一位姑娘断断续续地通了几年信。
The construction of the Yu Yuan Garden bean in 1558, but it was not completed until 1578 because building went off and on for lack of money. 豫园的建造始于1558年,但由于资金短缺时建时停,1578年才建成。
There have been talks off and on for 25 years but nothing has come of it so far. 高尔夫加入奥运会的话题已经断断续续25年了,但是目前为止没有任何进展。
Mills are expensive to turn off and on, while the capital needed to open up a new mine site is crippling. 钢铁厂开开停停很费钱,而开采一个新矿场需要大笔资金。
G had worked in the company off and on for two years before G went abroad. 出国前我在这家公司断断续续地工作过两年。
Active Lens can be turned off and on quickly and locally, which means individual parts of the LED panel can deliver 3D images. 动态调焦可以实时且局部的关闭和开启,即LED面板的任意部分可以随时输出3D图像。
Opposition supporters have demonstrated off-and-on for at least six months. 反对派支持者至少在过去6个月中一直在断断续续地示威。
Middle age turns him to Chinese tea that gives a delicate fragrance very gradual to come out, only discernable off and on. 人到中年,他爱上了茶的清香,若有若无,令人回味悠长。
The most let my heart slow down, still is music. The sound of music on the radio, and once in a while before the music off and on piano. 最让我心里舒缓上去的,仍是音乐。收音机里的音乐之声,和偶然钢琴前断断续续的音乐。
So as not to waste a drop, Michal Amar can even use his mobile phone to turn off and on the sprinklers . 目的就是为了不浪费一滴水。米绍尔·阿马尔甚至通过他的手机控制喷水嘴的开关。
He was a former industrial-arts teacher whom my mother dated off and on for much of my childhood. 他以前是教工业艺术的老师,在我童年的记忆中,他和妈妈总是分分和和。
The pads can be set to several modes, letting you trigger samples or use them to turn loops off and on. 这些垫子可以设置为几种模式,让您触发样品或用它们来打开和关闭循环。
The church bells tolled off and on all day and the flags were at half-mast. 教堂的钟成天敲着,旗子也降到了一半。
Mustn't beauty be shallow if it can be painted on? Mustn't beauty be a delusion if it can blink off and on like a flickering bulb? 如果美可以被描画出来的话它就一定不会是肤浅的吗?如果美能够像摇曳的灯泡一样明灭它就一定不会是一种错觉吗?
Before replacing components try turning the system off and on, enter the INIT command at the console prompt. 在更换组件之前,请首先尝试关闭系统,然后再打开,然后在控制台提示符下输入INIT命令。
NOT to turn the vibration of the vocal cords off and on rapidly. 有一点很显然,快速地停止又开始振动声带更为不易。
Before you buy a dog bed try taking the cover off and on - if it's easy, buy the bed. 给你的狗狗买床的时候一定要把它的床套拆下来再安装上试试,如果很容易操作,那就买这个。