or so

  • un.与其说…不如说…;大约
  • 网络左右;上下;大概

or soor so

or so


大学英语四级常用词组 ... ever so 非常,极其 or so 大约 so...as to 如此…以至于 ...


大学英语四级常用词组 ... or else 否则,要不然 or so 大约,左右 other than 非;除了 ...


21世纪大学英语读写教程单词表(一) - 豆丁网 ... slang n. 俚语 or so (表示约数)左右,上下 take the place of 替代;替换 ...


英语短语大全 - 豆丁网 ... or else 否则,要不然 427. or so 大约,左右 428. other than 非;除了 429. ...


雅思口语中易混淆的读音_Michelongelo_新浪博客 ... Also 也 Or so 大概 Ancient 古代的 ...


英语短语大全... ... on the contrary 正相反 or so 约莫,大约…左右 on purpose 并非偶然地,故意地 2.特地,特有的目的 ...


词语“左右”的解释 汉典 zdic.net ... [anyway;anyhow;in any event] 反正 [about;or so;or thereabouts] 用在数量词后面表示概数 ...

The autumn equinox on Tuesday can elevate your reputation over the next month or so and encourage you to pursue your professional goals. 周二的秋分将提升你在下个月的声誉,激励你追求自己的职业目标。
He set up a bay and worked with his two film editors in an 1862 farmhouse on the Mission property for a week or so. 他和两位电影剪辑师在「传道度假」牧场一栋1862年的农舍内作业约一星期。
Sporting and exercising are very beneficial to you, as far as you don't do so long or so much. 只要不要长时间剧烈运动,体育锻炼也是对我们有很大的好处哦!
Clinton expressed the hope that there would be "semi-regular, once-a-year-or-so" meetings of the same kind. 克林顿说她希望以后召开“半定期,大概一年一次”的这种会议。
But the chief medical officer for the miners said most are in good enough health to leave the hospital within a day or so. 但是,矿工们的首席医疗官表示,他们中的大多数人健康状况良好,一两天就可以出院。
Grandpa stopped walking, stared at the horizon, and said nothing for a minute or so. 外公停住脚步,眼睛望着远方,一句话也没说,就这样过了好一会儿。
And for the whole assembly equipment, after completion of the precision testing and adjustment, takes longer, usually need a week or so. 而对于整体装配完毕后设备,则需对其进行全面的精度检测及调整,需时更久,一般情况下需一周左右时间。
He, or so it will be claimed, has nailed down the occupiers and made them promise to leave within three years. 他已经–或将这么宣称–与占领者敲定协议并使他们承诺在三年之内离开。
I came to see a game here a year or so ago, but I don't remember who the opponent was they were playing. 我在一年多前来过这儿看球,但是我不记得当时皇家马德里的对手是谁了?
B: Yeah, in a couple of days I have to decide who I'll be going out with for the next five years or so. 乙:是啊,过两天我就得决定往下五年跟谁交往了。
The cornfield across the road does not seem nearly so tall or so green as it ought to be, given the time of year, but I am not discouraged. 道路的对面的玉米田几乎并不像一年时间里它应该长成的高大和碧绿,可是但我并不为此而感到气馁。
A dozen or so trolls began to smash apart the chamber with their clubs, while hags glided about the place in search of children to eat. 大概十二个左右的食人魔用手中的花棒打碎房间,同时女魔滑行着搜寻这个地方,看有没有小孩子吃。
The financial crisis slowed this demand growth for a year or so, but it has since regained momentum, especially in Asia. 金融危机对需求增长起到了一定抑制作用,但是需求增长已经开始复苏,中国尤其如此。
However, occasionally the Headmaster would come in and spend an hour or so , teaching some subject in which he was especially interested. 但是,校长偶尔也会到班里来,用上大约一个小时讲授一些他特别感兴趣的课程。
She was a big girl now, so there was no need for little secret signals anymore. . . or so I thought. 她是一个大的女孩现在,所以无需为小秘密信号了…或所以我以为。
Young animals, particularly, tumble, chase, run wrestle, mock, imitate, and laugh (or so it seems) to the point of delighted exhaustion. 幼小的动物,特别地,翻倒,追捕,跑摔交,嘲弄,模仿,而且高兴疲惫扼要笑(左右它似乎)。
The twelve or so teenagers who live at the shelter attend parenting classes four days a week. The class is called Mommy and Me. 住在收容所的12岁到19岁的少女妈妈会参加一周4天的父母课堂.这个课程叫做妈妈和我。
Rough calculation, each about the winning or losing a hundred or so, and the pressure of each injection, lottery time just a few minutes. 粗略算来,每一把输赢大概在一百元左右,而每把的压注、开奖时间仅仅几分钟而已。
A week or so before your surgery, your doctor performs a painless ultrasound test to measure the size and shape of your eye. 手术之前的一周左右,医生会给您做一些无痛的超声检查,以便测量您眼球的大小和形状。
From the moment that our ancestors, perhaps two and a half million years ago or so, began imitating, there was a new copying process. 一个是我们的祖先那个时候的,或许是250万年左右,开始模仿,有了一个新的复制过程。
I guess it was a bit like you being away on a trip or those times when we didn't find the time to even speak on the phone for a week or so. 我想这有点像你外出旅游或那些当我们没有找到时间甚至一个星期左右没有打电话聊天的日子。
The chaos only ended when a judge started handing out instant sentences of a week or so. 一名法官在作出即刻监禁一周左右的裁决后,这种混乱才得以终结。
Mr Obama may well be called on to help sort out that mess if conflict breaks out again, as many fear, within the next year or so. 许多人担心明年冲突再次出现,这样的话,奥巴马就得帮助解决混乱的局势。
The children will begin to write book reports on their books with in a week or so. 孩子们将在一个星期左右完成读书报告。
It was lonely for a day or so until one morning some man, more recently arrived than I, stopped me on the road. 一天到晚是很孤单的,直到一天早上一个比我更初来乍到的人在路上拦住了我。
The dolphins and whales hold the original cause for how this came to be so, or so earth's records have revealed in her recent ascent. 海豚和鲸鱼持有如何成为这种情形的原始致因,在地球的早期提升中,她的记录也已揭露了这一点。
No one knows why, but she may have done it because of Tasha, and splitting up with her boyfriend just a day or so before. 没有人知道原因,不过她有可能是因为塔莎的缘故才自杀的,而且在那之前一两天她刚好和男友分手了。
And I'm going to go through that, at least the last hundred years or so, very quickly right now. 然后我将对其进行阐述,至少在离现在很近的大概一百年前的时间。
Such consequences would be especially unwelcome today with the prospect of subdued US growth or even recession over the next year or so . 如今一想到美国在未来一两年可能出现增长放缓、甚至经济衰退,上述后果尤其不为人乐见。
In a year or so, you will see a variant of this as the local degree to anchor us in these locations. 再过一年左右,你会看到这个学位变身为本土学位,牢牢确立我们在这些地区的地位。