pack up

  • na.把…打成包;打包;捆好东西;解雇
  • 网络收拾;收拾行李;把…打包

第三人称单数:packs up 现在分词:packing up 过去式:packed up

pack uppack up

pack up


2008年同等学力英语考试真题参考答案 - 豆丁网 ... D A. fix up 安排, 修补 C. pack up 打包, 整理 D. make up 编造 讲解: ...


高中英语必修一词组,和固定搭配··_百度知道 ... get along with 与…相处 pack up 收拾,打理行装 according to 按照;根据…


高一/二英语笔记_同济中学吧_百度贴吧 ... filter tip 滤嘴 pack up 打包,收拾行李 fresh man 新生 ...


新课标选修6-10分单元词汇表_岸江_新浪博客 ... oppose vt. 反对,反抗,抵制 pack up 把……打包,整理 frontier n. 国界,边 …


高中英语必修一词组,和固定搭配··_百度知道 ... get along with 与…相处 pack up 收拾,打理行装 according to 按照;根据…


英语选择题,, - 已回答 - 搜搜问问 ... end up 结束, 终结; pack up 打包 ,停止工作; give up 放弃 ...


... 2.spike vt. 以大钉钉牢,使 。.. 失效,用尖物刺伤 3.pack up 打包,收好,停止工作,出故障 Step 1: Take a dip( 泡个澡) ...


高中英语 会考复习词汇,短语,句型 - 豆丁网 ... hide away 躲藏 pack up 将(东西)装箱打包 get \be tired of 对。。。厌烦 ...

Patty asks for forgiveness, but Palmer orders her to pack up and leave the hotel immediately. 派蒂请求他的宽恕,但帕默命令她收拾东西,立即离开酒店。
I shall tell him straight out that if he is not able to do it well, he may as well pack up. 我将坦率地告诉他,要是他不能做好那件事,还是不做的好。
If so, get into the habit of making more of whatever you're having for dinner, then pack up the leftovers for lunch the next day. 如果有,那就养成多做晚饭的习惯,无论做什么,然后把剩饭留着,作为第二天的午饭。
It was with difficulty that Toussaint had obtained permission to pack up a little linen and clothes and a few toilet articles. 杜桑费了大劲才得到许可,包了几件换洗衣服、裙袍和梳妆用具。
In XiaLi pack up your luggage prepared to go back to the United States of America, unfortunate happens, her children a car accident. 就在夏丽收拾完行李准备回美国的时候,不幸发生了,她的孩子出了车祸。
"Yes, " he said, "it is all very well to say 'pack up, '" but he had nothing left to pack up, therefore he seated himself in the trunk. 这意思是很好的,但是他并没有什么东西可以收拾进去,因此他就自己坐进箱子里去。
I eat some breakfast, make a cup of coffee, and pack up to leave. 我吃了点早餐,喝了杯咖啡,收拾离去。
He said the main withdrawal would start on Tuesday. 'It takes a long time to pack up a tank, ' he said. 他表示,俄军主力将从周二开始撤军,坦克整队需要较长的时间。
Would pack up and go . And there was this kind of sense of the nomad in him . 收拾行囊抽身离去。在他身上有一种游牧者的感觉。我的意思是。
A rat eats through cables in a shed in Slough or Shanghai and crash - servers all over the world pack up. The screens go blank. 一只在Slough(英国城市,译者注)或上海的老鼠咬断光缆将导致整个世界的服务器崩溃。
Should you not be willing to stay with me, you could pack up and go away. 如果你不想和我在一起,你就收拾东西走人
In the morning, we pack up the boat and set off through the icy sea back to Kimmirut. 第二天早上,我们在船上装好东西,出发穿过冰海回到吉米如特。
As the last bell finally went, there was a scuffling as everyone rushed to pack up their books. 铃声终于响了,一阵混乱的脚步声,大家都冲过去整理自己的书。
If I fail and the plant doesn't fulfill the quota set by the state, I'll pack up and go back to cadre school to raise chickens and ducks. 我去后如果电机厂仍不能完成国家计划,我请求撤销我党内外一切职务。到干校和石敢去养鸡喂鸭。
The next time you decide to pack up and fly to China, make you're packing some of the stuff on my list. 下次你准备打包飞去中国时,确保你装了一些我清单上列的东西。
I'm gonna pack up and leave you darling because you know you done me wrong. 我将要停止和休假你亲爱的因为你认识错误被做我的你。
She had to pack up and deploy at midnight just 13 days after he got back from his deployment. 她不得不在他从调度中返回之后的第十三天之后打包调度。
Just what I said. Pack up your stuff and go home. 就像我所说的。收拾好东西回家。
The wife agreed to this, but asked that she be given 3 days on her own there, to pack up her things. 妻子同意了,要求丈夫给自己三天时间,在自己的公寓里收拾她的东西。
sorry everyone the reply thingy seems not to be working. have reached work. . . will do questions post pack up. love to all. 对不起啊,看起来不能回答问题了,要去工作…工作结束后再回来。爱你们。
Obama said that over the next two months the remaining 40, 000 military members will pack up and return to the United States. 奥巴马说,在未来两个月里,仍驻留在伊拉克的40000名美军将全部打点行装返回美国。
Volunteer dentists have designed portable equipment, that is light and compact, and extremely easy to assemble and pack up. 牙医志工发明了携带式医疗器材、轻便小巧,不管拼装或是收起来都很容易。
Let's pack up and get ready to start at once. 让我们收拾好行李,准备马上出发。
Jack Stanfield: Pack up your shit and get out of here, now! 杰克:现在,拿着你的东西离开这里!
After a long wait, some of them finally get to stay and settle down, while others have to pack up and leave for a new destination. 等待了很长时间之后,一些人最终获得许可和可以定居下来,而有些人只得卷起铺盖,另觅新居。
To cast a wider net, eBay is a good choice, although you'll have to pay seller fees and probably pack up and ship the computer. 想要扩大网络范围的话,eBay是一个不错的选择,尽管你可能需要支付销售费用,或者是电脑的包装和运输费。
Since he was living in Holland she decided to pack up her family and take a European vacation . 当他在荷兰定居后,她决定举家前往欧洲旅行。
I want you to pack up your stuff and get out of our house. 收拾好你的东西,滚出我家。
In the end of this paper, the authors pack up and induce the subjectivism tendency in their ideology. 本文的最后,对他们理论中所反映的主观主义倾向进行了整理和归纳。
Some villagers sealed windows locked, and some to pack up and get some Thunbergia sheep, everywhere people shouting, scene of a panic rush. 乡亲们有的封窗锁门,有的收拾行装,有的模牛赶羊,到处人喊马嘶,一片匆忙恐慌景象。