pass out

  • v.昏倒;分发;主要用于英式英语
  • 网络失去知觉;晕倒;昏过去

第三人称单数:passes out 现在分词:passing out 过去式:passed out

pass outpass out

pass out


介词短语_百度百科 ... pass to 转到,讨论,传到 pass out 失去知觉,昏倒 pay back 偿还,回报 ...


大学英语四级常用词组 ... pass on 把…传给别人;转入 pass out 失去知觉;分发 pass through 穿过;经历;遭受 ...


大学英语四级常用词组 ... pass on 把…传给别人;转入 pass out 失去知觉;分发 pass through 穿过;经历;遭受 ...


四级词组短语_百度文库 ... suffer from 受苦 pass out 分发,晕倒 as a result 结果 ...


不及物动词短语都有哪些_百度知道 ... 15.keep away 保持距离 ) 17. pass out 昏过去,晕) 18. show off 炫耀) ...

Pass是什么意思 - 已回答 - 搜搜问问 ... pass on v.去世,传递 pass out v.昏倒, pass over 不注意,忽略;省略 ...


水晶之恋 ... 3.pick someone’s brains 请教某人 4.pass out 醉到了 5.way back 好久以前 ...


英语口语 - Darlinglemon - 普特学友家园... ... *symptom“ 症状”。 *pass out昏过去,失去知觉”。 *pierce“ (痛苦等)刺骨,刻骨” …

If he took one more drink, he would pass out on us. 如果他再喝一杯酒,他就会晕倒在我们身上。
If he took one more drink, he would pass out. 如果他再喝一杯酒,他就会昏倒。
There is usually a damper in the heat saver you can adjust to allow hot air to pass out of your home in the summer. 通常热量保护器里面有一个气闸,在夏天时你可以改装让热的空气从家中散出。
I heard it approach the door and pass out without moving bolt or lock. It wandered away among the dismal corridors, straining the floors. 没有发出门锁和插销拨动时的声响,脚步声就已经穿门而出,在阴森森的走廊上来回徘徊。
Booths have been set up in many places where English-speaking volunteers pass out maps and give helpful directions to bewildered newcomers. 许多地方都搭建起了志愿服务站,说着一口流利英语的志愿者们会主动递上地图,并向新来的人指路。
Over the years, every time we hung out he was the first to pass out. Stacking on him quickly became my favorite thing to do. 多年来,我们每次出去他都是第一个睡下。在他身上堆东西很快成了我们最喜欢做的事。
But Bellick and Geary tied him at a toilet and waited for him to pass out of the key. 但是贝里克和加里把他绑在一个马桶上,等着他把钥匙拉出来。
If you think you might pass out, try forcing yourself to cough deeply. 如果你认为你可以挺过去,那就试着强迫自己使劲咳嗽。
Today, the doctor told me that I have Vasovagal Syncope: I pass out every time I get aroused. 今天,医生告诉我说,我患上了迷走血管性晕厥症——这意味着我将在性高潮时昏厥。
If you take enough alcohol, it then goes down to inhibit the excitatory parts of your brain and then you fall on the floor and pass out. 如果你喝够了酒,它将抑制你大脑部分的兴奋接着你倒在地板上然后拖出去。
Seriously, if you can't think of a clever, compact way to make people remember your points, just pass out a goddamned outline. 更为严重的是,如果你想不到一个聪明的、相关联的方式让人们记住你的演讲要点,那么最终只是给听众留下一个荒谬无比的印象。
They don't gain weight (muscle or fat) very easily because most of the calories are burned as energy or pass out of the system unabsorbed. 他们不容易增重(不管是肌肉还是脂肪),因为多数的卡路里被消耗掉了,或是没有吸收直接排出体外。
Then it is better for you that you cover your nakedness and pass out of love's threshing floor. 那么你最好遮掩起你的赤裸逃离爱的谷场。
He told me I should be a man and suck it, swiftly smacking my head, causing me to pass out. 他说爷们点撑过去,然后拍了一下我的头,我被拍的晕了过去。
I do strongly suggest a pump, or you might pass out trying to blow it up. 另外,我强烈推荐一款打气筒,不出门就能帮泳池充气。
When he would pass out, other users and visitors would rummage through his clothes to steal money. 当他晕厥时,其它吸食者和过客会翻遍他的衣物从中找钱。
I'm going to pass out. " Obama is known to keep his Oval Office at temperatures reminiscent of his native Hawaii. " 据悉,即使在白宫,奥巴马办公室的温度也能让人想起他的老家夏威夷。
Not a thing. Even if he were conscious that water's so cold he'll probably pass out and die of shock before he drowns. 不会痛。即使他有知觉,冰冷的海水很可能会让他昏死过去,多半被淹死前他就死于休克了。
So Tim and I slept on the floor, Natasha got one bed, Gene got the other, kids pass out, it's been very exciting for three days. 于是我和提姆睡在了地板上。娜塔莎和格伦各人一张床。两个孩子很快昏睡过去,过去的三天实在是太丰富令人兴奋了。
But we shall push the fond arms gently back and pass out through the sorrowing house and through the open door. 但我们会轻轻地推开这慈爱的手臂,在一片悲声中离开家。
The most prominent feature of dodo is its lifetime, it would not pass out unless you don't love it. 哆哆显著的特点是能长生不老,除非你不再喜欢他,否则他是不会死去的。
Next, we continued to pass out gifts to the one hundred men in the Shelter. 接下来,我们继续将礼物分赠给在场等待的一百位男众。
Don't do such an exhaustive noun and verb analysis that you pass out along the way. 不要对名词和动词做过度的分析,这会让你背离初衷。
Most will pass out of your system on their own, but some require treatment. 大部分的结石可自行通过泌尿道排出体外,但是仍有小部分需要特殊治疗。
He hired two people , paying them 30 yuan for an 8- hour shift to pass out leaflets and put up posters . Du was the Latin dance instructor . 当时,他共雇用两名员工来发传单、贴海报,工作8小时一轮班,30元。而杜勇则是那里的拉丁舞老师。
As soon as the last hunter collapses, you feel a huge pain in the back of your head and pass out. 就在最后一个猎人倒下的瞬间,你感到一股巨大的疼痛从脑后传来,晕死过去。
Maybe it should get wasted and pass out while vomiting all over the street. 或许今天就是拿来浪费的,喝个烂醉然后沿街呕吐。
Some young Turks even took the flyers to pass out to their own people, speaking eagerly in their own language. 有些年轻的土耳其人甚至自行拿起传单热诚地用当地的语言分送给自己的同胞。
Finally the large woman can't take any more. Her face is a bloody mess. She's starting to pass out. She releases the hold. 最终这个大块头女人无法坚持了。她的脸部被鲜血糊满了。她开始松手,最终松开了双臂。
May have been derived from the notion that an intense orgasm can cause one to pass out, or experience a 'mini death. 它可能来源于这种观念:剧烈的性高潮可能致使一个人晕厥,或者是体验一次“迷你型死亡”。