arrive at

  • v.到达;得出
  • 网络抵达;达成;达到

第三人称单数:arrives at 现在分词:arriving at 过去式:arrived at

arrive atarrive at

arrive at


大学英语四级常用词组 ... up in arms 起来进行武装斗争 arrive at 到达(某地) as a rule 通常,一般(说来) ...


介词短语_百度百科 ... allow for 考虑到 arrive at 达成,得出 ask after 询问,问候 ...


几个介词的用法_百度知道 ... pour in 源源而来。 arrive at 抵达, call at 访问某地, ...


介词短语_百度百科 ... allow for 考虑到 arrive at 达成,得出 ask after 询问,问候 ...


自考综合英语一 A - 人人听力网( ... what for 为什么 arrive at 得出,做出,达到 apply to 适用于 ...


七年级英语短语语法汇总 - 豆丁网 ... (China) “到达…. . ” 26. arrive at + 小地点 (school) “到达…. . ” 27. ...


迎中考第一轮复习英语资料 - 秋之韵的日志 -... ... arrive in (到达大地点) arrive at到达小地点) reach (到达地点) ...


博客来书籍馆>初级片语STA... ... 接地点」指在某个区域之中,如:在城市 = in the city 介系词 + 地点 = 抵达某地点 arrive at

When you arrive at one of them, you can take a bus or taxi to any place in New York. 当你抵达了其中的一个,你可以乘公共汽车还是坐出租车到任何地方在纽约。
She set out in the early morning from Wuchang but did not arrive at my home after two and half an hour. 她清早就从武昌出发,两个半小时还没有到我家。
Jack: With me killed, you'd arrive at the cove, find it a stronghold, nigh impregnable. . . able to withstand blockade for years. 我要是死了,你进到那个海湾,却发觉那是个无坚不摧的军事要塞,够你轰个十年八年的。
It took him a week walking and travelling by bus to arrive at the place of his dreams. 一个星期的步行加上坐公交车,他才到达了自己的梦想之地。
He is a thin man, with a date for me. To arrive at some point, I do not know when it will be. . . 他是个和我约会的瘦削男人。为了达到某个意图,我不知道那将是什么时候……
I shall ponder the matter carefully, my friends, and with the heLP of prayer, I may yet arrive at some solution of our difficulties. 朋友们,我要仔细考虑这件事,也许祈祷会有助于我们找出解决困难的办法。
Few boats seem to arrive at its docks; smoke emerges from only one of the factory chimneys. 没有几艘船抵达它的港口;这座城市的工厂烟囱中,只有一座有烟飘出。
And with the exception of a solitary man, no one saw them arrive at the little flag station known as College Park. 除了唯一一个男人,没人看见他们走到叫做高校公园的小信号停车站。
Hence does the farmer's daughter arrive at the king's in front, king to ask her to is like this intelligent. 于是农夫的女儿来到国王面前,国王问她是不是这样聪明。
But I do not think I'd ever become Chinese. I can only say that I can arrive at understanding of what it is to be Chinese. 但我不认为我曾一度成为中国人,我只能说,我能够理解怎样才算是中国人。
It did not arrive at NBC's headquarters in New York until Wednesday because it had the wrong postal code. 由于邮政编码出现错误,这份邮件直到星期三才到达国家广播公司的总部。
The difference may simply be that we arrive at a decision faster and with more certainty that our gift is right for that person. 不同的是我们能够更快地做出决定,同时更确定我们的礼物对那个人来说是合适的。
Also, your interview starts the moment you arrive at the company, so make sure you act professional at all times. 此外,您的采访开始的时候,你到达公司,所以一定要确保你的行为在任何时候都专业。
The concrete how much money I am not clear, you may arrive at the horizon graduating to live, on bank BBS and so on has a look. 具体的多少钱我不清楚,你可以到天涯啊应届生啊,银行BBS上啊等去看看。
We never wanted things to arrive at this point, but unfortunately, the Syrian administration has forced us to take such a decision. 我们从来没有想要的东西在这一点上达成,但不幸的是,叙利亚政府已迫使我们采取这样的决定。
Arrive at the gate at least an hour and fifteen minutes before your scheduled departure and ask the gate agent if he needs volunteers. 在你预订离境前1个小时15分钟到达代理处,询问他是否需要志愿者。
Love, originally easily, is gently put you in the heart, love, not originally easy, is unable to arrive at you at heart, don't you think? 爱,原来很容易,就是轻轻把你放在心里,爱,原来不容易,就是无法走到你心里,你不觉得吗?
As packets arrive at their destination they are picked up by the network interface, ready to be sent to the next level. 当数据包到达他们的目的地,网络界面将会接收到他们。
Cofell admits to being on his way to a meeting with a machine tool businessman before he is to arrive at the airport. 科菲尔说在去机场前,他正准备去与一位机床商会面。
The participating groups that are not able to arrive at the meeting can interact with the experts and students through microblogging. 不能到现场的参赛组可以通过微博与场内的专家和同学们互动。
In the next house, a great roar told them that they had been lucky enough to arrive at feeding time. 在第二座屋子里,巨大的吼叫声告诉他们,他们很幸运能在喂食时间到达这里。
Condense all that time into a year and we don't arrive at the party until a few minutes before midnight on New Year's Eve. 假如把这些时间浓缩于一年,我们到达新年晚会不过是子夜前几分钟的事。
Cafu is always with me, he talks to me, he gives me suggestions and he's a reference point for the Brazilians who arrive at Milan. 卡福也经常会和我待在一起,他给了我很多建议,他是那些在米兰的巴西人的参考点。
In trying to arrive at the best financial management decisions, how should risk and return be balanced? 在试图做出最佳的财务管理决策时,风险和收益的关系应该怎样平衡?
Describe a time when you saw a problem differently than others. What was you solution and how did you arrive at it? 介绍一下当你和别人意见相左的时候,你的解决方案是什么,又是如何实行的?
He was late today, nevertheless his teacher forgave him for he was the first to arrive at school in general. 他今天迟到了,然而老师还是原谅了他,因为他通常都是最早到校的。
In life, there is no station, no one place to arrive at once and for all. The true joy of life is the trip. The station is only a dream. 在人生的旅途中并没有车站,也没有一个能够一老永逸的地方。生活的真正乐趣在于旅行的过程,而车站不过是个梦。
We hope to arrive at a convergence of opinion on the matter in question. 我们希望对所谈问题取得一致意见。
I preferred to go there than arrive at the tournament very early, because it was a little quieter and a more relaxed environment. 比起尽早去比赛,我还是更喜欢留在迪拜,因为那里更安静一点儿,也更轻松更有意思。
The point is to see if they are still muon-neutrinos when they arrive at Super-Kamiokande. T2K实验的目的是看当它们到达超级神冈探测器的时候,是否仍然是缪子中微子。