follow up

  • v.把…探究到底;回答
  • 网络跟进;追踪;跟踪

第三人称单数:follows up 现在分词:following up 过去式:followed up

follow upfollow up

follow up


GRO OR GSM ... 3. Take down the notes. 记录 4. Follow up. 跟进 Shangri-La Hotel standard. 使用标准用语 ...


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什么是UL?如何解读UL黄卡数据表 ... 分类( Classification) 跟踪( Follow up) Color 颜色 ...


考博英语词汇 ... find out 发现;找出;弄清楚;认识到;查明 follow up 继而进行...;追踪,跟踪 fond of 爱好;喜欢 ...


EBM术语中英文对照表 - 豆丁网 ... fixed effects model 固定效应模型 follow up 随访 foreground questions 前景问题 ...


考博英语词汇 ... find out 发现;找出;弄清楚;认识到;查明 follow up 继而进行...;追踪,跟踪 fond of 爱好;喜欢 ...


若有需 要追踪服务follow up),辅导主任亦应监督工作人员进行后续服务,直到转 介完成,或学习障碍排除,问题解决,才 …


科学家:气候变化导致极地冰川融化_恒星英语 ... come down 下来, 下落 follow up 跟着; 追逐; 继续 pour out 倒出; 使流出 ...

Mr. Obama plans to follow up the official beginning of his re-election bid with a series of campaign stops across the country this month. 在正式启动连任选战之后,奥巴马打算这个月在全国各地巡回拉票。
So it's hard to understand why salespeople so often miss the boat and don't follow up with prospects. 所以我总是不理解为什么那些销售人员不去跟踪以致错失良机。
Dr. Attal said he expected a longer follow-up to show that the drug prolonged survival as well. Attal博士说他们希望通过长期的随访证实药物确实也能够提高患者存活期。
Report service problem to the service department. Follow up to see that are resolved. Strive to provide the best service to the customer. 向服务部门反映维护问题,并跟踪解决情况。力求为客户提供最优质的服务。
When sent out on a business trip of any kind, prepare for it, execute the business to completion, and follow up after you return. 被公司派去出差时,无论是什麽形式的公差,都要做好准备、贯彻执行任务,并且在返回工作岗位后持续追踪,直到完成为止。
I didn't know what he was angry about, for it was just a stream of vulgarities, until I saw his email follow-up. 由于文字很粗俗,我不知道他为了什么生气,直到收到他随后的邮件。
Follow-up studies show no long-term disadvantages to a bit of short-term fun. 后续的研究也表明,短期的享乐不会有长期的坏处。
My name is ABBY, is TOSI company salesman, then I will follow up with you and VICO single, thank you for your continued support! 我叫ABBY,是TOSI公司的业务员,接下来我会和VICO一起跟进你们单,感谢你们一直以来的支持!
The researchers are trying to improve the cognition of Long-Term and Late Effects, and then make a guide for follow-up care. 研究者正致力于改善对长期和迟发效应的认识,由此制定出随访护理指南。
In fact, regardless of any person, was smiling face greet will be infected, like to see a good follow up with the sun, very naturally go to. 其实不论任何人,面对有人微笑打招呼,都会受到感染,像是见到阳光心情跟着好起来一样,很自然会打招呼响应。
The researchers conducted follow-up assessments, especially in terms of neurological development, in the children. 研究人员,特别针对儿童的神经发育情况进行跟踪评估。
Direct preventative maintenance through a support program of record keeping and follow up to ensure scheduled work completed. 通过记录、追踪来指导设备的预防性维护以确保按时完成计划工作;
It was so quiet and lively automobile market, that price would be the next follow-up to this? 这使一度平静的车市又热闹起来,那谁会是下一个降价的跟进者呢?
Expected end of the frying pot, the next follow-up to the next chili pepper aroma, and then boiled together with the soup brine. 在炒火锅底料时,下辣椒后续下花椒增香,而后与汤卤一起熬制。
Receives all incoming correspondence and sorts it out: for action, for signature, for follow up, etc. 接收所有来信,并就下列各内容分类:要处理的,要签名的,要继续联系的,等等。
Patients discharged from emergency rooms with depression endure voicemail hell trying to schedule follow-up care in mental health clinics. 抑郁患者从急诊室出院后忍受语音信箱地狱,他们试图排定精神卫生诊所里的跟进治疗。
When you see an opening for a breakthrough, it will be important for you to follow up quickly to show interest. 当你看到一个开放的突破口,这将是重要的,你要跟进迅速表现出兴趣。
If it looks like a plug-in activation problem, you may want to have the user follow up for you by examining his plug-in registry view. 如果问题看起来是个插件激活问题,那么您可能要让用户检查其插件注册表视图来替您一查究竟。
Make a note in your diary, so that you can follow up the matter if you don't hear within the time stated. 在日记上留言,这样你就能在指定时间期限内没有得到答复后继续跟进。
And if I assign you to be delegated person to control this meeting, what will be the key elements you should tracking and follow up? 如果我给你授权的人可以控制本次会议,会是怎样的关键因素应该跟踪和后续?
If Zahida had received self-care education and routine follow-up for her diabetes, her complications could have been prevented. 如果Zahida获得其糖尿病的自我照护教育和常规随访,她的并发症可以得到预防。
Aguilera is nearing the finish line on her as-yet- untitled follow-up to Stripped, and the sound might surprise fans. 阿吉莱拉接近在她的迄今无标题的后续行动上的终点线脱去,并且声音可能使爱好者惊讶。
Be sure to ask that! Failure to do so may give the impression that you're not that interested, and you need to know when to follow up. 务必问这个问题!没问这个问题可能会让他们觉得你其实没那麽感兴趣,而且让你可以知道何时该进一步行动。
the doctor is now able to follow up the correct diagnosis of many illnesses with specific treatment of their causes. 现在医生能够跟着很多疾病的正确诊断针对它们的病因采用特殊的治疗
Follow up on the resume with a phone call or e-mail after about a week if you haven't heard anything. Good luck! 如果一周后没有收到任何回复,可以打电话或发邮件来跟踪下。祝你好运!
You're obviously anxious about this, but let's not get into a string of "yes but" or "what if" follow-up questions. 我知道你对此感到焦虑,但是请别重复“是的,但是…”或“如果…”之类的跟帖。
Meanwhile, Bolivian youngster David Suarez is hoping Chelsea follow up their reported wish to invite him to Stamford Bridge for a trial. 同时,玻利维亚的年轻球员大卫苏亚雷斯希望切尔西能够像外界传闻的那样把他带到斯坦福桥。
Arrange preparation work before put in new product and follow-up in the trial produce, check the new product when put it out. 新产品提交前的准备工作安排和试产过程中的跟踪,以及新产品提交时的确认。
With a follow-up letter, you want to thank the person for spending time with you and reiterate your interest in the position. 在信件中,你需要去感谢对方花时间在你身上,并且重申你对该职位很有兴趣。
In a follow-up Tweet, he said he expected the app to be approved within a week. 在后来的推中,他又说他希望该应用程序能在一周内通过审核。