
美 [ˈfaɪtɪŋ]英 ['faɪtɪŋ]
  • v.战斗;打架;作战;打斗
  • n.斗争;打架;打斗;搏斗
  • 网络地下拳击场;格斗;打仗



v. n.

战争;战斗in war/battle

1.[i][t]打仗;战斗;作战to take part in a war or battle against an enemy


2.[i][t]~ (sb)搏斗;打斗;打架to struggle physically with sb

竞赛in contest

3.[t][i]参加(竞赛);竞争to take part in a contest against sb


4.[t][i]~ (sth)极力反对;与…作斗争to try hard to stop, deal with or oppose sth bad

争取try to get/do sth

5.[i][t]努力争取;为…而斗争to try very hard to get sth or to achieve sth


6.[i]~ (with sb) (about/over sth)争辩to have an argument with sb about sth

拳击in boxing

7.[i][t]~ (sb)参加拳击比赛to take part in a boxing match


8.[t][i](为…)和某人打官司to try to get what you want in court


fight your/sbscorner

维护地位、立场等to defend your/sb's position against other people

fight fire with fire

以眼还眼,以牙还牙to use similar methods in a fight or an argument to those your opponent is using

fight for (your) life

(尤指严重伤病时)与死亡作斗争to make a great effort to stay alive, especially when you are badly injured or seriously ill

a fighting chance

要努力奋斗才有的一线成功机会a small chance of being successful if a great effort is made

fighting fit

十分健壮;彪悍extremely fit or healthy

fighting spirit

斗志;战斗精神a feeling that you are ready to fight very hard for sth or to try sth difficult

fighting talk

战斗性的言论comments or remarks that show that you are ready to fight very hard for sth

fight a losing battle

打一场无望取胜的仗;虽必败无疑犹作奋斗to try to do sth that you will probably never succeed in doing

fight shy of sth/of doing sth

不愿接受(或做)某事;回避;躲避to be unwilling to accept sth or do sth, and to try to avoid it

fight to the death/finish

打到有一方倒下;一决雌雄to fight until one of the two people or groups is dead, or until one person or group defeats the other

fight tooth and nail

坚决斗争;全力以赴地斗争to fight in a very determined way for what you want

fight your own battles

独力战胜;独自奋斗成功to be able to win an argument or get what you want without anyone's help


类别为 动作 的电影列表 第3页 ... 致命一击 Deadly Impact 地下拳击场 Fighting 别 名: 次日危机 Next Day Air ...


高一英语单词表 - 豆丁网 ... bunny n 兔子 fighting n 战斗;打仗 conflict n 斗争;战斗;冲突 ...


口袋妖怪卡片_百度百科 ... 暗( Darkness) 格斗( Fighting) 火( Fire) ...


战争 - 搜搜百科 ... warfare n. 战争, 冲突 fighting n. 对抗, 打架 confrontation n. 对抗, 冲突 ...


高一英语单词表 - 豆丁网 ... bunny n 兔子 fighting n 战斗;打仗 conflict n 斗争;战斗;冲突 ...


战斗力(Fighting)予人惊喜。极具威力的主场(Home)是史云斯博得佳绩的关头,为成功找方法,不为失败找借口.当今8轮主 …


初二下册英语单词表_百度文库 ... action 动作;行动 fighting 战斗,打斗 play 扮演;玩;踢,打,弹...... ...


牛津英语高一词汇 - 豆丁网 ... 迷惑,混乱,混淆 confusion n. 127. 战斗;战争;打斗 fighting 128. 影响 n. influence n.vt. 129. ...

Britain said the military team would not train or arm Libyan rebel forces in fighting troops loyal to Libyan leader Muammar Gadhafi. 英国称,军事小组将不会培训或武装利比亚的反对势力,与忠于利比亚的领导人卡扎菲的军队作战。
As Miss Barclay, she was the only woman to have served on a British fighting ship during the war. Bayard婚前姓Barclay,她是战时唯一一个在战船上服役的女性。
Some groups evolved from ones that had been fighting India in Kashmir, but most were tribesmen who previously had not been active. 在这些组织当中,少数起源于当年与印度在克什米尔作战的组织,但绝大多数是从前并不活跃的部落分子。
A man is knee-deep in the dark water and looks to be fighting something, maybe grappling out a big fish. 一个男人泡在齐膝深的黑水中,好像在跟什么东西较劲,也许是在捞一条大鱼。
He said his opponents should focus on fighting him in elections. 并称,其对手应当将精力放在“选举上放手一搏”。
Don't say premier to her Jing dollar cure injury of is isn't that he hard to say, he now gush is fighting to want her to be responsible for? 先不说给她精元治伤的是不是他都很难说,他现在倒是吵着要她负责了?
Some Americans did understand that the United States was now a world power and needed a strong and modern fighting force. 一些美国人也明白,美国现在是世界强国,需要一个强大和现代化的战斗力量。
If he is to become a revolutionary with an indomitable fighting spirit, he must be tempered in the arduous struggle from his youth. 若想成为一名具有不屈不饶的斗争精神的革命战士,必须从青年时代开始接受严酷的淬炼。
And the early evidence suggests that the kitchen may indeed contain potent disease-fighting agents, just as the medicine cabinet does. 而且,早期证据表明,就和药柜一样,厨房可能的确含有有力的抗击疾病的东西。
Soldiers were told they came from an oppressed class and that the nature of the war they were fighting was to end exploitation. 战士被告诉说,他们来自被压迫阶级,他们所进行的战争就是为了消灭剥削。
And yet, with its rigid currency policy, China is fighting the inflation battle with one hand tied behind its back. 然而,由于中国死板的汇率政策,中国在抗击通货膨胀的过程中被缚住了手脚。
Thus, there has been a child smoking, fighting, truancy . . . until the child is detained by public security organs, parents only surprise. 于是,出现了孩子抽烟、打架、逃学……直到孩子被公安机关拘留,家长才大吃一惊。
Not many flight instruments existed that could help him find his way. He was alone, fighting against sleep. 在没有很多飞行器械辅助飞行的情况下,他一个人不眠不休。
We need you to put out a fire here. Several students in the dorm are fighting. 我们需要你来这里处理紧急事件,宿舍里有几个学生在打架。
Fighting the flu has always been a difficult task, since the virus is constantly mutating and forming new strains. 对抗流感一向是个大难题,因为病毒会不断突变,形成新的种类。
He said: "Ray has given me a bit of a grilling in the press but it would be so easy for me to come out fighting. " 他说:“雷胖子在媒体上给我制造了点麻烦,我要出面和他争一争还真是个容易事。”
But Mr Son said he was not interested in pushing this point by fighting for stronger control of Yahoo globally. 但孙正义表示,他无意争取对雅虎的更大控制权,以此来印证上述观点。
I refuse to spend the next three days fighting with you. I said I was sorry. I meant it. 我拒绝往后三天花在和你吵架上,我说我对不起,而我是真的抱歉。
He said the couple were not injured in the fighting. 他说那对夫妇并没有在战斗中受伤。
Promise me that you'll give faith a fighting chance, And when you get the choice to sit it out or dance. 答应我你将要展现出不服输的信心,当你获得离开或者跳舞的机会时。
He holed himself up in Jabba's palace, fighting a disorganized war against others trying to carve apart the carcass of the criminal empire. 他躲在贾巴的宫殿里,在一场无组织的战争中对抗试图分割犯罪帝国残骸的其他人。
Only the body of the white pine away, their cold, he was fighting the wind and snow, all day all night in the mountains, "the boil. " 唯独松树把身上的白衣甩开,自己受冻,任风吹雪打,整日整夜在山上“熬着。”
"Since they went out of the Champions League, the Rossoneri have been giving everything and seem to be fighting back, " Nedved stressed. 内德甚至米兰人会绝地反击,他说:自从米兰人被冠军杯淘汰,他们表现得很好,并且恢复了状态。
Using tanks and planes that are easily targeted by French President Nicolas Sarkozy's planes is not the only way of fighting. 出动法国总统尼古拉斯·萨科齐很容易就瞄准的坦克和战机并不是唯一的斗争方式。
He permits nothing to trouble his mind, does everything as he pleases, and all the time lives like a fighting cock. 他什么事都不操心,爱做什么就做什么,一直过着养尊处优的日子。
But the fighting there highlighted the increasingly militarized nature of an uprising started months ago by peaceful protesters. 但那里的战斗凸显出几个月前抗议者和平反抗活动的急剧武装化。
You know you said yesterday that perhaps it would be better if everybody stopped fighting and accepted the occupation? 昨天您说人们如果停止反抗接受被占领也许会好点,是吧?
They had to leave due to fighting between security forces and militants in the tribal area of Bajaur, along the Afghanistan border. 由于激进分子和保安部队在靠近阿富汗的巴焦尔部落地区发生冲突,他们的家庭被迫从家乡巴基斯坦逃离。
From finding it to fighting it was a necessary step, one that put him on a path toward cosmopolitanism. 从发现偏见到发奋消除偏见是一个必要的过程,推引他走上世界大同之路。
He says it was not the first time fighting in Burma had forced villagers to flee to Thailand and would not be the last. 他说,缅甸战火迫使村民逃往泰国不是第一次,也不会是最后一次。