full name

  • na.(连名带姓的)全名
  • 网络姓名;全称;名字

复数:full names

full namefull name

full name


维多利亚·贝克汉姆_百度百科 ... 水瓶座( Aquarius) 全名Full name) 昵称( Nicknames) ...


用户注册 ... 证件正面照片( ID PHOTO) 姓名( FULL NAME) 性别( SEX) ...


用户全称(Full Name) 用户的全称,例如用户名称为TAI,而全称为"David TAI"用户密码(Password) 用户用来登录域的密码 隶属组(…


【17卷小说】预定_彩云国物语吧_百度贴吧 ... Address1 地址1 Full name 名字 Country 国籍 ...


100ONE VIP MEMBERS ... 所在省(州,县市) State *: 您的姓名 Full Name *: 电子邮箱 Email *: ...


网赚有真有假,放心点击站汇总_空中信步_新浪博客 ... Usename( 用户名) Full Name( 你的名字) Password( 密码) ...


form ... ■country name( 国名) ■full name( 名称) ■e-mail( 电子邮件) ...

Full name of the "artist's studio, a real moral of the story summed up in seven years of my artistic life situation. " 全名《画家的工作室,一个现实的寓意,概括了我七年来艺术生活情况》。
Mr Zhou (he did not want to give his full name) said his friend had a far more comfortable life in his modern apartment. 周先生(他不愿意透露他的全名)说他的朋友在现代的楼房里生活的很舒适。
Anat, who did not want to reveal her full name, told Israeli radio that she had wanted to surprise her mother. 阿奈特(她没有透露自己的全名)告诉以色列的电台说:她只是想给她母亲一个惊喜。
Perhaps one day, there will be a composition done of his full name, if possible to do so, or at least a reasonable rendering. 也许有一天,会有自己的名字做了充分的组成,如果可以这样做,或至少是合理的渲染。
Still wary of social stigma, she did not want her full name used. 由于不想接受社会耻辱,她不想使用她的全名。
I'd rather not tell you just now, but I suppose you'll discover it sooner or later. Did you know that my full name is St John Eyre Rivers? ' 我本不想现在告诉你,不过我想你早晚也会知道。你知道不知道我的全名叫圣约翰·爱·李维斯?
Obama opponents like to reinforce the belief by carefully referring to the president by his full name: Barack Hussein Obama. 奥巴马的对手想通过提及他的全名巴拉克-侯赛因-奥巴马来强化这一观念。
Looking for a paper from a particular meeting? Enter either the full name, or a portion of the name where the paper was presented. 寻找的文章是一篇特别的会议文章怎么办?输入论文集的全名或部分名称即可。
general airline manager points out a civilian battalion that does not wish to disclose a full name. 一位不愿透露姓名的民营通用航空公司老总指出。
Coming out of the closet is, as might be expected, not an option for Xiaojian, who asked that his full name not be used. 这场争执的结果完全可以预料,肖建(他要求不要透露自己的全名)别无选择。
According to her website biography, Kitty's full name is Kitty White and she resides in London, England. 根据她的网站的传记,凯蒂的全名是白凯蒂,她居住在英国伦敦。
I'll be glad to check that for you. Could you please spell passenger "s full name for me ? " 我来帮你查一下,您您能告诉我旅客的全名吗?
The columns in the grid display the full name of the person and the day and month on which he was born. 该网格中的列显示个人的全名和他出生的日和月。
I do not know well his full name, but his face is seemingly known well to me. 我不熟悉他的姓名,但他的面貌对我似乎是熟悉的。
On a recent trip to New York, a woman named Ling, who didn't want her full name used, went bargain hunting for a Gucci bag on Fifth Avenue. 一位自称“玲”的女士(她不愿透露全名)在最近纽约之行中,到第五大道为了一个Gucci的包包讨价还价。
In later drafts, he thought of Yoda as a kind of small frog, and Yoda had a full name: Minch Yoda. 后期的稿子中,他想釉达(Yoda)可以是一种小青蛙,这时釉达(Yoda)有了个全名:明奇.釉达(MinchYoda)。
When a new user is created in Active Directory, the Full name field is always generated in FirstName LastName format. 在ActiveDirectory中创建新用户时,总是以FirstNameLastName格式生成全名字段。
Never give out your full name, address &phone number, unless it is to a secure site or it is a reputable site with a Trust E privacy policy. 决不能泄露自己的全名、地址和电话号码,除非在一个安全的网上或者是一个拥有值得信赖的网上隐私条款的知名网站。
Therefore, you should send him your full Name and telephone number your correct mailing address where you want him to send the Draft to you. 因此,你应该尽快把你的姓名和电话号码你正确的邮寄地址在你想要他立刻把汇票向你。
Such a declaration automatically aliases the full name of the class (or module) to the short name. 这样一个声明会自动将这个类(或模块)的全名对应(别名)到一个短名上。
Full name: What you call your child when you're mad at him. 全名:你发脾气的时候才这么叫他。
My name on my checks does not appear in its complete form, but I sign my checks using my full name. 在我的支票上从来不会出现我的全名,但是我在签支票的时候是用全名。
Hans: Now, let me just check a few things. Your full name is Antony Austin, right? 汉斯:现在,让我来核对一下。你的全名是安东尼·奥斯汀,对吗?。
To tell Python which stats method you want to call, you must provide the full name. 为告知Python您要调用的是哪个stats方法,就必须提供完整的名称。
The full name of the British Open British Open Championships, hosted by the Royal and Ancient Golf Club. 英国公开赛的全称是英国公开锦标赛,由皇家古代高尔夫俱乐部主办。
Credit Number, full name and address of the opener and notify party have to be mentioned on all documents. 议付时以提交下列注明本信用证编号及开证人详细姓名、地址的各项单据为有效。
Javelin as a track and field events, is a more complex multi-axis of rotation project, full name should be: javelin throw. 标枪运动作为一种田径项目,是一个比较复杂的多轴性旋转项目,全称应该是:掷标枪。
Use your online name or nickname consistently and sign all messages with it (but protect your real identity by never using your full name). 保持你的网上用户名或者昵称并在你发的所有信息中签署你的名字(但是为了保护你的真实身份,不要使用你的全名)。
In the Customer Geography user hierarchy, change the name of the lowest level from Customer to Full Name. 在“客户所在地域”用户层次结构中,将最低级名称由“客户”更改为“全名”。
Jing, who did not want to give his full name, was toting a leather clutch during a visit to Sanlitun Village one Saturday afternoon. 荆(音译),他不愿给出他的全名,在一个周六的下午挎着一个皮包去三里屯。