for one thing

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  • 网络首先;一则;一方面

for one thingfor one thing

for one thing


介词短语_百度百科 ... in terms of 依据,按照;用 …… 措词 for one thing 首先,一则 on the second thoughts 经重新考虑,一 …


介词短语_百度百科 ... in terms of 依据,按照;用 …… 措词 for one thing 首先,一则 on the second thoughts 经重新考虑,一 …


英语作文连接词有哪些_百度知道 ... as/so far as I know 据我所知 for one thing, 一方面 for another thing 另一方面 ...


发现化石人 - 免费文档下载 ... teenager 青少年 for one thing 原因之一,有一点是… dreary 沉郁的 ...


以动词开头的习惯搭配 - 豆丁网 ... for nothing 免费 for one thing 第一,首先 for another 第二,其实 ...


高中英语短语大全 - 高中 ... 37. for long= 长久地 2 38. for one thing= 首先,一则 2 39. for short= 简称,缩写 2 ...


发现化石人 - 免费文档下载 ... teenager 青少年 for one thing 原因之一,有一点是… dreary 沉郁的 ...


英语四级作... ... 1:Compared with A,B…… 与A比较,B…… is bringing great damage.⑤On one hand/For one thing, 原因一/ …

Well, for one thing, it was immediately clear that, for your footballer, working from home is never really going to be an option. 首先,马上能弄清楚地是,对于你的球员,在家工作是绝不可能的。
For one thing, Mayr's concept did not give any indication of how reproductively isolated a species had to be to qualify as a species. 首先,麦尔的观念没有指出生殖隔阂要隔阂到什麽程度,才让一个物种有资格称做一个物种。
For one thing, the automatic closing out of your trade when the margin reached the exhaustion point was the best kind of stop-loss order. 其中一个原因是,当你亏完保证金而被自动清除头寸是最好的止损方法。
I've got a TV. For one thing, I've got to drop by the bank to get some money. 有一件事,我得去趟银行取些钱。
For one thing, it has encouraged the sort of foreign entanglements that are now causing China such embarrassment. 一方面,这助长了如今令中国陷于尴尬境地的那种外国纠缠。
The feat would qualify as creation of life in a test tube if it weren't for one thing: Szostak's lab does not rely much on test tubes. 若不是绍斯塔克实验室并不太依赖试管的话,这项成就可谓“在试管中创造生命”。
For one thing, I've got to drop by the bank to get some money. 一件事是我必须到银行去取点钱。
There was so much to read, for one thing, and so much fine health to be pulled down out of the young breath-giving air. 我有很多东西要读,这是其中一件,并且需要在新鲜的空气中汲取许多的营养。
I'm afraid that I won't be able to spend the weekend with you in Dalian. For one thing, I have no money and another I'm too busy. 恐怕我不能和你一起去大连度周末了,一来我没有钱,二来我太忙。
I can't go to see the film with you. For one thing I have seen the film; also one of my friends will call on me this evening. 我不能跟你去看电影。一则我看过这部电影,再则晚上有个朋友要来我家。
For one thing, the app attrition rate is often a factor in calculating store sizes. 一方面,软件流失率通常作为估计应用商店规模的一个因素。
For one thing, the information might be stored in a database or other proprietary software that varied among organizations. 首先,信息可能存储在数据库,或其他所有权软件中,而各组织所采用的又各不相同。
For one thing, I grew up in a family business, and I'm familiar with the challenges. 原因只有一个,我从小生长在家族企业当中,我很熟习这类企业所面临的挑战。
For one thing, inventories don't seem to be rising; if the inventory data is correct, consumers were burning all that $145 oil. 首先,存货似乎没有增加;如果存货数据无误,那就是消费者在消费那些每桶145美元的石油。
For one thing, I've got to drop my the bank to get some money. 有一件事,我将去趟银行取些钱。
'but it would be a boring world if we always had to tiptoe around, being kind. for one thing, we wouldn't be able to tell any jokes. 你可以问这三个问题,但如果大家都小心翼翼地当好人,这个世界就会变得很无聊。至少有一点可以肯定,我们没办法开玩笑了。
For one thing, humanity's ancestors do not seem to have been exclusively coastal. 首先一点就是,人类的祖先似乎没有独占海岸。
For one thing, he took command of a ragged army of revolutionaries. 首先,他勇敢地出任一支破破烂烂的革命军的司令。
I can't go out with you. For one thing, I have something important to do, also, my parents are not at home. 我不能和你一起出去,一则我有要事去做;二则父母亲也不在家。
For one thing, Yi isn't going back to China to waste a year he could be using in the NBA to prepare for the 2008 Beijing Olympics. 一方面,易建联将不会回到中国去再浪费一年时间,这一年本该是在NBA度过的,为2008奥运会做准备。
" I could have stood it if it hadn't been for one thing " , he said. “如果不是因为一件事我本可以忍下去的,”他说。
That's not a problem in the Fowler family. For one thing, there's not much of an estate to leave. 不过,对戴维的家人来说,这根本不是一个问题。
For one thing, Tim was at the top of the hill, which meant Ronnie would have to hike up the steep grade again. 一个理由就是蒂姆在山顶,那意味着罗尼又得爬上陡峭的石阶。
For one thing, the benefits of being the first brand into a market could last longer than might be assumed. 首先,最先进入市场的品牌,其受益期可能比理论上要长。
For one thing, the last time a large revaluation of the yuan occurred, it had little impact. 首先,人民币上次经历大幅重估的时候,其产生的经济影响是很小的。
For one thing, the commitment to those very British civil liberties seems to be declining fast. 其中一项便是,人们对公民自由的忠诚度在迅速下降。
Eddie Brock: It's Brock sir, Edward Brock Jr. I'm here humbled and humiliated to ask you for one thing. . . I want you to kill Peter Parker. 埃迪.布洛克:我叫布洛克,先生,小爱德华.布洛克,我站在这里,满怀卑微和耻辱,向您请求一件事……我希望你能杀死彼得.帕克。
This example is a tad clumsy; for one thing, it would require that you set up a redirected socket for each remote end point you wish to use. 这个例子稍微有点笨拙,其中之一就是需要为希望使用的每个远程端点都设置重定向的套接字。
It is wonderful, but it brings its own problems, too. For one thing it tends to make people lazy. 电视很好的,但是也有其自身的问题。首先,电视将人变的懒惰。
For one thing, UV, IR and green light cannot be utilized by plants so that leaves out a pretty high-energy part of the spectrum. 一方面,植物因无法利用紫外、红外、绿色光而浪费了光谱中很大一部分能量。