in no time

  • na.立刻
  • 网络马上;很快;立即

in no timein no time

in no time


英语作文常用句型及词组 - 豆丁网 ... 吐出(食物),呕吐 throw up 立刻,很快 in no time 交通堵塞 traffic jam ...


大学英语四级常用词组 ... from time to time 时常,有时,不时 in no time 立即,立刻;马上 in time 及时,适时;还早 ...


英语作文常用句型及词组 - 豆丁网 ... 吐出(食物),呕吐 throw up 立刻,很快 in no time 交通堵塞 traffic jam ...


大学英语四级常用词组 ... in no case 决不 in no time 立即,马上 in no way 决不 ...


英语短语大全 - 豆丁网 ... in line with 与……一致,按照,和……成直线 98. in no time 立即,马上 99. in no way 决不 100. ...


英语作文连接词有哪些_百度知道 ... since then 自从那时起 in no time 不一会儿 after a while 一会儿 ...


Unit 4 Career Planning ... from time to time: 不时,有时,偶尔 in no time: 立刻,马上, 一会儿 Regarding:prep: 关于, 至于 ...


英语听力经典词汇1 ... 35,in good shape = 状态良好 36,in no time = 立即,不久 37,in spite of = 尽管 ...

But with Accounting Professional, you'll be up and running in no time because we've made it powerful, yet easy to use. 但与会计专业,您和运行在任何时候,因为我们已经做出了它的强大,但很容易使用。
"Nope. I shut him up in no time , " said the Navy guy. 海军说:“没问题,我一下就把他嘴巴给闭上了。”
He might get a head start while they searched the cavern. But, with the launch, they'd make it up in no time. 他的确可以趁他们在搜索洞窟的时候甩开他们,但是凭借汽艇,敌人可以轻松地追上他。
The problem is, you don't have as much as you think, so be careful. You could go over your budget and into your savings in no time. 你的问题在于误以为自己拥有很多,要谨慎一点,你可能会立刻透支预算,动用到存款。
Rub a dry bar of soap over the mosquito bite. At least one of these solutions should stop your itching in no time! 直接用条形肥皂擦拭被咬的地方。以上至少有一种方法可以帮你迅速止痒!
With a pair of scissors, she can turn out a beautiful design in no time. 用一把剪刀,她可以立即剪出一个美丽的花样来。
In a time of war, this strip of land could be cut-off by Chinesetroops in no time especially since the vulnerable corridor is downhill. 一旦发生战争,这个地带很快就会被中国军队切断,特别是因为这个脆弱的走廊是下坡的。
In no time at all he was at the very top of the giant bean stalk and jumped off into what seemed to be a cloud ! 不久他就到了巨型豆茎的顶上,然后他跳进一朵云里。
Oh, come on! cheer up! It could have been a lot worse. I'm sure you'll be out of here in no time. 好啦!振作起来!这还不算最糟的。我相信你很快就会离开这儿的。
lose sight of; in no timeHe ran so fast that I lost sight of him in no time. 他跑得太快了,转眼我就看不见了。
If you worked a little bit on your English, you could be singing along to your favorite song, including the correct lyrics, in no time. 只要你学习英语更努力一些,你可以马上不用担心错误的歌词而自由自在的唱自己最喜欢的歌曲了。
The front desk was very responsive to my requests and sent people up to my room in no time at all. I was very impressed. 前台对我的要求马上作出回应,并且立即派人来我的房间,给我留下了很深的印象。
With just a single click on your mouse, whatever you order online can be delivered to your door in no time at all. 只需要用鼠标轻轻一点,任何你在网上购买的东西都可以立刻送上门来。
Patrick sympathized, and decided to try the horseradish himself. In no time at all he too was crying. 帕特里克很同情他,并且决定也亲自尝尝辣根.随即,他的眼泪也下来了。
A hostel once again came into my mind and occupied all of it in no time, as if there were a hostel in the place of my head. 旅店就这样重又来到了我脑中,并且逐渐膨胀,不一会便把我的脑袋塞满了。那时铁脑袋没有了,脑袋的地方长出了一个旅店。
"Why, he'll be back in no time , " said the doctor, throwing an arm over Carey's shoulder. “怎么,他很快就要回来的嘛,”大夫说,一面伸出臂抱着凯里的肩膀。
You can see that these functions are fairly straightforward, and you can pick them up in no time. 可以看出这些函数非常简单直观,很容易理解和掌握。
Let me clean those for you , and you'll be back to normal in no time. 我帮你清一清,马上就可以恢复正常了。
But with a bit of practice, you will be a master in no time and enjoy the benefits. 但是,多做一些尝试,你将是一个掌控者,在任何时候都可以从中受益,并乐在其中。
Driving motorcycle is a snap. You'll figure it out in no time. 开摩托车很简单的,你不用花什么时间就能学会了。
In no time at all, the service offers him a number of possible soul mates, among them the very exciting-sounding Wendy. 才一眨眼,系统就提供他许多符合条件的心灵伴侣,其中有位叫温蒂的女孩似乎很不错。
47 she fell asleep at last, sames of this in no time at all the pain in her back wakened her again, sharp and insistent. 她终于睡着了,但几乎同时,她却又因为背部的伤而疼醒了,那疼痛尖锐而持久。
I will be home in no time to see the children before they go to bed. 我马上就回家,在孩子们上床睡觉前看看他们。
A week or two, tops. We hit a minor snag, but we should have everything up and running in no time. 一个星期,最多两个星期。我们遇到一个小问题,但我们会立即让项目重新运行起来。
The silt carried in by the rainwater flowing across the desert turned the Colorado from blue-green to red chocolate brown in no time at all. 淤泥进行的穿越沙漠变成雨水流入从蓝绿色的科罗拉多红色巧克力在没有时间褐色。
With these steps you can get your game running beautifully in no time, or at least better than before. 按照以上步骤,你可以是你的游戏画面马上变得非常漂亮,或者至少比以前好。
Even my ex had now found herself an older guy who was willing to knock out two kids with her in no time at all. 甚至我的前女友,现在已经另找了一个更老的家伙,说是立即地要和她生两个孩子下来。
Be patient. I'll look into the matter in no time. 耐心些,我会尽快调查此事。
You bet I am. We'll be out of here In no time. I'm looking forward to a hot meal, a hot bath and a hot woman! 没错。我们马上就要出去了。我要往有热餐点,热水澡和火热女人的地方去了!
It may be a cake walk to hire one in no time, but, definitely not when you have to make sure the genuineness of the company which is a must. 它可能是一个蛋糕步行雇用没有时间,但是,绝对不是当你必须确保该公司是必须的真实性。