in nature

  • na.现在存在;事实上;究竟
  • 网络本质上;性质上;实际上

in naturein nature

in nature


雅思写作常用词组 - 雅思考试网 ... by mistake 错误地 in nature 本质上 on occasion 有时,不时 ...


大学英语四级常用词组 ... by nature 生性,本性上 in nature 性质上;实际上 in the nature of 具有…的性质的 ...


大学英语四级常用词组 ... by nature 生性,本性上 in nature 性质上;实际上 in the nature of 具有…的性质的 ...


以动词开头的习惯搭配 - 豆丁网 ... in line with 与……一致 in nature 在本质上 in need of 需要 ...


高中英语词组大全 L-N ... move on 继续移动;朝前走 in nature 在自然界,本质上,事实上 by nature 生就,生来 ...


高中英语词组大全 L-N ... move on 继续移动;朝前走 in nature 在自然界,本质上,事实上 by nature 生就,生来 ...


初三英语翻译短语 - 已解决 - 搜搜问问 ... 6.在故事中 in the stroy 7.在自然界中 in nature 8.在事实中 in fact ...


请给我一些IN语_百度知道 ... in line 一致的,协调的;有秩序;受约束 in nature 实际上;根本;究竟 in no case 无论如何不, …

Nitric oxide(NO) is one of the ten smallest chemical molecules found so far in nature and is a small highly diffusible bioactive molecule. 一氧化氮(NO)是迄今发现的自然界中十个最小的化学分子之一,是一种易扩散的生物活性分子。
This method is computationally simple, intuitive in nature, easy to implement and with higher semantical resolution. 使用标尺法进行模糊的评分,简单、直观,计算量小,更加易于实现,并且具有更高的语义分辨度。
On this basis, that the only particles in nature are electrons and protons, it seemed to me that the holes would have to be the protons. 在这个基础上,自然界中仅有的粒子是电子和质子,这告诉我这种空穴只能是质子。
Pursuing peaceful development and a national defense policy which is defensive in nature, China poses no threat to any other countries. 中国坚持和平发展,奉行防御性国防政策,不对任何国家构成威胁。
English garden styles reign with an informal look, the emphasis being on a design that looks like it might have occurred in nature. 英式园林风格统治一个非正式的外观,强调的设计,看起来似乎是在正在发生的性质。
The investment in nature had to be made through taking up eco-system and landscape scale challenges, she said. 投资于环境必须面临生态系统和土地等的挑战,她说。
There's something about getting out in nature with the challenge of capturing some of the amazing beauty that you see. 走进大自然用相机捕捉到所看见的神奇景色是一件充满挑战和乐趣的事情。
Still, considering that most eBook formats are open in nature, it would be nice to have support for a few more formats. 然而考虑到大多数电子书格式本身就是开放的,它真的应该支持更多的格式。
When you think of a spider in nature, you think of it in its interactions with an environment, not in isolation. 当考察自然界中真正的蜘蛛时,您会从它与环境的交互性(而绝非孤立地)去考察它。
So, you know, interfering in nature, no, not really. And trying to promote the better life of animals in captivity? Yes. 所以说,呃,我不是在干预自然。我是在设法提高圈养动物的生活水平。
'It's always exciting to see polar bears in nature. I will never tire of it as they are fascinating creatures. It is always special. ' 在自然的环境里看到北极熊是令人兴奋地。我永远不会厌倦他们,他们太有趣也太特别了。
The nautilus is one of the most famous examples of a fractal in nature. The perfect pattern is called a Fibonacci spiral. 鹦鹉螺是自然界最著名的分形的代表,其完美的结构被称为斐波那契螺旋。
Just as an invisibility cloak shuffles waves of light, an "acoustic" cloak would shuffle waves of sound in a way that's not found in nature. 和隐形衣移动光波的原理类似,“隐声衣”会以自然界不存在的方式来移动声波。
He's interested in nature of being and that's not a fashionable topic. Any of you heard of him? 他对存在的本质很感兴趣,这并不是一个很时兴,的话题了。,你们有谁听过他么?
When she wore the cloth she wove, it was as if she was clothed in nature. 当她穿上自己织的布做成的衣服时,就好像融入了自然之中。
The bank says that Eurex's questions were rather technical in nature and that it had responded to them. 兴业则说Eurex的问题主要是技术性的,而且当时他们已作了答复。
"Hold on, " said a young woman in the front row. "I'm a bio major and I've never seen this Divine Proportion in nature. " “等一下,”一名坐在前排的女生说,“我是生物专业的学生,我从来没有在自然界中见到黄金分割。”
The U. S. said the naval drills are 'defensive' in nature and had been planned before last Tuesday's artillery barrage by the North. 美国说,此次海上军演从本质上来说是“防御性质的”,是在23日朝鲜炮袭之前就已计划好的。
In nature, there is usually a somewhat fixed relationship between the sugar and acid contents of a fruit species. 在自然界,水果中的糖和酸的含量具有固定关系。
They had a clearness which was to be found nowhere in the wind, and a sequence which was to be found nowhere in nature. 这声音清晰可闻,狂风根本发不出这种声响,它的声音抑扬入调,不是大自然的声响。
There seems to be a rule in nature that if you get too close to where you came from, it gets ugly. 自然中似乎有个规则:如果你距离你所来的地方太近,就会变得丑陋。
Our bodies have natural symmetry. Symmetry is in nature and is all around us. 我们的身体生来就是对称的,对称在自然界中,对称就在我们周围。
But if the best of what exists in nature can combine into a new form of super rice, that's definitely something. 但如果说将自然界中存在的特性完美地结合培育成一种新型的超级稻,这确实是很了不起。
Invite a few friends and get out of the city for a walk in nature. 邀上一群朋友到城市外的大自然去散散步吧。
Floods in Pakistan have displaced around 2 million people by now and there seems to be no let up in nature's display of brute force. 至今,巴基斯坦境内的洪水已经让约莫两百万人民流离失所,但是大自然似乎并不放过展现残忍力量的机会。
But this is Japan, whose age-old belief in nature is at least evenly matched by an unyielding faith in technology. 对自然有着由来已久的信仰,同时也对科技有着不屈的信念,这两者至少是不相上下的。这就是日本。
If so, then the naked singularity might be an artifact of the approximations used in the calculations and would not truly arise in nature. 裸奇点会不会是因为我们在计算时采用了一些近似方法,才产生出来的,而并非真正存在大自然中?
If you had a magic microscope that could see how things work on the tiniest scale in nature, you might get a bit of a surprise. 如果你有一个神奇的显微镜,可以看到自然界最小尺度上的运作方式,你或许会深感意外。
Losing such an important research tool would significantly compromise scientists efficiency, he said in a comment in Nature. 失去这样一种重要的研究工具将显著影响科学家的研究效率,他在《自然》上的一篇评论里说。
Human thinking is dialectic in nature. However, it requires a historical process for man to be aware of this point. 思维的本性是辩证的,当然人类自觉到这种辩证本性要有一个历史过程。