in view of

  • na.鉴于;为要;在…能看见的地方;估计[预料]到才
  • 网络考虑到;由于;为了

in view ofin view of

in view of


in honour of_百度知道 ... in time of 在。。。时候 in view of 由于,考虑到 in want of 需要,缺少 ...


基于_百度百科 ... [because of;according to] 由于、因为 [in view of] 鉴于 [base on] 根据、在。。。的基础上 ...


英语短语词组(2145个) ... in vain 徒劳,白辛苦;轻慢 in view of 鉴于,考虑到;由于 inquire about 询问,打听 ...


英语短语词组(2145个) ... in vain 徒劳,白辛苦;轻慢 in view of 鉴于,考虑到;由于 inquire about 询问,打听 ...


with... ... in view 呈现在眼前; 在考虑中; 目的在于; 盼望中 in view of 鉴于; 由于; 为了 leave sth. out of view 不加以考虑 ...


政府公文写作手... ... in this connection 关於这一点;在这方面;为此 in view of 由於;鉴於 integration of service 服务一体化 ...


ภาษาจีน.คอม... ... 程式 form;pattern;formula. 基于 because of;in view of;on account of. 语音识别 speech recognition ...


湖南省学业水平考试要点解读... ... in one’s view 在某人看来 in view of sth 鉴于某事物;考虑到某事物 in case 万一 ...

In view of her capability and knowledge, I would like to recommend her to your TOEFL or IELTS Prep Course. 鉴于她的才能和知识,我愿推荐她担任托福或雅思预备班教学工作。
I walked as if for a wager, mile after mile, till a turn brought me in view of the Heights; but no Catherine could I detect far or near. 我好像是去下赌注似的走着,走了一哩又一哩,后来转一个弯,我望见了那山庄;可是不论远近我都瞧不见凯瑟琳。
Anna's company just opened up. in view of her philosophy, could she manage to make a money? that's crazy. 安娜的公司开张了﹐以她的为人能有生意做吗﹖真是不可思议。
I see. . . . And you think, then, that in view of these conditions it would be better for the country if Harding is elected. 我明白……那么,你的意思是,考虑到这些情况,如果哈丁当选将对美国的前途更加有利。
In view of the committee's criticisms of him, he felt he had to resign. 考虑到委员会对他的批评,他感到自己得辞职了。
In view of other more pressing issues in hand, members agreed that the matter be shelved for the time being. 基于有其他更迫切的事项需要处理,本局成员同意暂缓讨论此项议题。
At the time, the company said he had left "in view of his inability to perform his duties as a director of the company" . 当时该公司表示,“由于无法履行作为董事的职责”,黄光裕决定辞职。
I decIde not to ask her for a loan In vIew of her proverbIal meanness. 因为她小气得出了名,我决定不找她借钱。
We decided , in view of his special circumstances, that we would admit him for a probationary period. 鉴于他的特殊情况,我们决定给他一段试用期。
In view of these pointer connectivity and text handling limitations, keep your mobile Web site design simple and easy to use. 在这些指针连接性和文本处理限制视图中,请确保移动网站设计的简单和使用方便。
In view of the evaluation according with the actual fact, we can judge that this new system is rational, acute and easy to operate. 该评价结果与实际情况基本相符,可判断此预警系统较为合理、灵敏,操作简便,实用性强。
It seemed to me that I grew suddenly very calm in view of that beloved world. 我似乎觉得,正是由于瞧见了这个令人神往的世界,我突然镇静下来。
In view of our friendly business relations, we are sure that the matter will be settled appropriately. 鉴于我们之间友好的业务关系,我方相信此事定会得到妥善解决。
In view of the insignificant volume of business between our two banks, we consider that it is premature to open a US solar account with you. 鉴于我们两行之间的业务量不大,我们认为在贵行开例美元帐户的条件尚未成熟。
In view of Dwight's past performance record, it's always advisable to call him prior to sending a secretary over to pick up the contract. 考虑到德怀特以往的工作记录,你最好还是在派秘书去拿合同书之前给他打个电话。
In view of the "China threat" theory for a time, the market tactics of many Japanese companies have vacillated once. 在一度“中国威胁论”的论调中,很多日本企业的市场策略曾左右摇摆。
In view of the current situation, MSA should be ready to reply to suddenly ship pollution event while strengthening daily mangement. 针对当前形式,海事管理部门在加强日常监管的同时,更要注意随时应对突发的船舶污染事件。
Cross-border mining is a commonly seen case breaking the law of mineral resources, but there is insufficient study of it in view of theory. 越界采矿是常见的矿产资源违法案件,但理论上对此缺乏研究。
In view of this point, this article studied the enterprise to implement the tax affairs risk management with emphasis the related question. 针对这一点,本文重点研究了企业实施税务风险管理的相关问题。
So far, these central banks have held back, in view of the big cuts to public spending taking place, sluggish growth and idle resources. 但考虑到已经在实行的大额的公共支出消减,缓慢经济增长和闲置资源,迄今为止,这些央行还未采取行动。
In view of the fact that we have done a lot of business with buyers at the price, we are unable to reduce our price any further. 鉴于我们已按此价格与买主大量交货,我们不可能再降低这一价格了。
Thank you for your busy schedule in view of my cover letter for an enthusiastic young man opened a door to hope. 衷心感谢您在百忙之中浏览我的求职信,为一位满腔热情的年轻人开启了一扇希望之门。
But in view of our friendly relations as well as our willingness to support Chinese friends, we agree with you this time. 但是鉴于我们之间友好的关系以及我们支持中国朋友的愿望,这次我们同意你们的建议。
We wish to reiterate that it is only in view of our long and friendly business relations that we extend you this accommodation. 我们重申,正是鉴于双方长期友好的业务关系,我们才做出此项调和。
The effects of these various channels on money and exchange markets were not likely to be significant in view of the depth of the markets. 就目前货币及外汇市场的深度而言,这些方法应不会对这两个市场造成重大的影响。
In view of this kind of situation, the wind transports transportation's merit on perfectly to manifest. 针对这种情况,风运输送的优点就完美的体现出来。
A new concept of uncertain skyline query is therefore redefined gathering all the skyline objects as a whole in view of probability. 首先,提出了将对象集合作为整体考虑其轮廓概率的不确定轮廓查询的定义;
Chapter V: the chapter mainly in view of the front analysis, proposes the consummation current safeguard mechanism policy method last. 第五章,最后一章主要针对前面的剖析,提出完美当前保障办法的政策方式。
In view of your age the court has decided to be lenient and impose a finer ather th an imprisonment. 考虑到你的年龄,法院决定宽大,处以罚款而不是入狱。
The post of Governor of Madura was one of key importance in view of the need to secure the king's eastern flank. 国王就需要保卫他的东侧,所以马都拉总督的职位是极为重要的。