in return

  • na.作报复[报酬,回答,报答];作替换
  • 网络作为回报;作为报答;作为交换

in returnin return

in return


大学英语四级常用词组 ... result in 引起,结果是;导致 in return 作为回报,作为报答 in return for 作为…的交换 ...


大学英语四级常用词组 ... result in 引起,结果是;导致 in return 作为回报,作为报答 in return for 作为…的交换 ...


介词练习答案 - 豆丁网 ... in despair 绝望地 in return 作为交换 in turn 接下来, 依次 ...


外研社高中英语选修七单词表_百度知道 ... bureaucratic adj. 官僚的;官僚主义的 in return 反过来 autonomy n. 自治,自治权 ...


固然换来(In return)了马丁等一干悍将,但声威磨合的题目,让火箭(Rocket)彻底遗失了本赛季的生气。“姚麦”时间过去了,随之 …


高一英语词组竞赛测试题_百度文库 ... 调查,检查 look into 35. 作为回报,作为回应 in return 39. 编造,弥补,构成 make up 8. ...

The farm keeper gave him half a copper coin in return on the cost of a muddy and a strange smell of his body. 当他付出了一身臭汗一身泥的代价之后,农场主赏了他半把铜板。
He was always ready to help others , in return, he was liked by everyone. 他总是乐于助人,作为回报,大家都喜欢他。
"I finally got to know, " He said, "Everyone was kind to me. In return, I should at least be polite. " “我终于了解到,”他说,“大家对我都很好,很有礼貌,所以我至少应该做到的是,对别人也有礼貌。”
He was motivated only by his wish to help me, and with nothing expected in return. 他只是出于自愿帮助我,并没有想得到什么回报。
I just feel very sad for you to pay so much, get in return is so small! 我只是感到很伤心,为你付出了那么多,得到的回报却是那么的少!
In the last month, China shipped $25 billion in goods to the U. S. and bought only $7 billion in return, he said. 上个月,中国向美国运送了250亿美元的货品,相应地却只从美国购买了70亿美元货物。
In a worldwide radio broadcast Khrushchev said he would remove "offensive" weapons from Cuba in return for a U. S. pledge not to invade. 无线电广播在世界范围内赫鲁晓夫说他将可以移除“攻势”武器从古巴作为回报,而美国的承诺不是侵袭。
Paul's problem was that they were not loving him in return (vv. 12-13). 保罗的困扰,是他们没有以爱来待他(12、13节)。
Talking of relationships, loving and wanting to be loved back in return are the significant traits of a Leo man. 说到人际关系,渴望爱与被爱是狮子男的显著特征。
He took it to mean it was in return for helping facilitate approval for the project. 奈利认为,这意味着他要帮助促成该项目获得批准。
But in return, he gathered a good deal of support from friends and strangers who empathized, recommended doctors and cheered him on. 但是,他也因此收获了朋友和陌生人的大量支持,他们同情他、鼓励他,还为他推荐良医。
Street children soon picked these up and ran around the streets singing them in return for a few coins. 街头小儿很快学会了这些歌曲,在街巷间奔走传唱,以此博取几文赏钱。
Land for peace was one thing, they said; land with no peace agreement in return was going to be a mistake. 他们说,土地换和平是一回事;失去了土地却换不来和平保障那就是一个错误。
In return for 40 years of contributions, it has agreed among other things to increase pay grades on which pension benefits are calculated. 作为对40年工作年限的回报,它已经同意提高工资水平,养老金就是以此工资水平为基础计算的。
She helped me with my homework in return for that I had helped her before. 因为我之前有帮助过她,所以她在作业方面帮我作为报答。
He took me out for a nice dinner in return for all of the help I gave him. 他带我出去吃一顿可口的晚餐以回报我所给予他的帮助。
Jacob was in love with Rachel and said, "I'll work for you seven years in return for your younger daughter Rachel. " 雅各爱拉结,就说:“我愿为你小女儿拉结服事你七年。”
They struck a bargain with the landlord that they would look after the garden in return for being allowed to use it. 他们与房东达成协议,允许他们使用花园,但须负责照管。
In return for a fee of $79 a year, the company provides members of the programme with unlimited express shipping on most goods. 交79美元年费,公司就会给会员提供大多数商品一年无限制的快递服务。
With a strong sense of self-reliance, American parents generally do not expect anything in return from their adult children. 由於高度自力更生的思想,美國父母一般不期待成年兒女有任何的回報。
He gave her some roses in return for her kindness. 为报答她的好意,他送了她几朵玫瑰花。
Taiwan's president in return handed Beijing's envoy a ceramic vase depicting orchids before both sat down together for a group photo. 马英九回赠北京特使一个上面绘有兰花的陶瓷瓶。然后,双方坐在一起拍了一张合照。
There was a time when the owners of shops and businesses in Chicago had to pay large sums of money to gangsters in return for "protection" . 以前曾有一个时期。芝加哥的商店主人和企业老板都得向当地的歹徒缴纳一大笔钱以取得保护。
Some day, and that day may never come, I would like to call upon you to do me a service in return. 将来,也许那天也不一定到来,我会找你帮忙作为你的回报。
How much wealth can not prove anything, only through the efforts of their own in return, is the real wealth. 财富的多少证明不了什么,只有自己经过努力换来的,才是真正的财富。
Asking nothing in return for her pay, since the negative is not out of regret. 为她付出的不求回报,既然负出了就不后悔…
If one were to take away from your house an ounce of silver, and give you in return a pound of gold, that would not be stealing from you. 如果有人从你的房间里偷取一盎司的银,然后给你一磅金作为偿还,那么就不是从你身上偷取。
For they were so much to me, I had come to feel that I was as much in return to them. 因为它们对我是如此重要,反过来我也感到我对它们同样重要。
In a CDS, one party agrees to insure the other in the event of a bond default, in return for a fee (the equivalent of an insurance premium). 在CDS中,一方向另一方提供债券违约保险,代价是收取一笔费用(相当于保费)。
He always seemed to know when he was needed, although he never asked for anything in return. 它好像总是知道人们什么时候需要它来,就是从不索取任何回报。