in term of

  • 网络在某方面;是在学期中

in term ofin term of

in term of


Business Vocabulary_FriendStudio... ... in term of 在某方面 take into account -consider 考虑 ...


英文... ... rest of the world 这个我还真不知道.好像不是个短语. in term of 是在学期中.不知道你是问哪个. 像...一样 ...

The heart ever dream, may be reduced to fragments in term of despair, the lost memory, also again unable to piece together a once perfect. 那个曾经用心编织的梦,也许会在长期的绝望中支离破碎,那些零落的记忆,也再无法拼凑不出曾经的完美。
Always remember this, Australia is small country in term of population and capitals, but it is one of the biggest in land mass. 请牢记,不论从人口还是资本来说澳大利亚都是个小国家,但是从国土面积上来说则是最大国家之一。
Moreover, as a student, study is a necessary part of the winter holiday so that I arranged the plan for study in term of my interests. 而且,当做一位学生,研究是一个冬天的必需部份假日以便我安排那计划为研究在期限我的兴趣。
The defect position can be evaluated in term of the time between the defect waves and reflect waves from plate edge. 根据缺陷回波与板端回波的传播时间差,可计算出缺陷的位置。
The author finds evidence that big banks are better than super or small banks in term of utilizing the advantage of scale of economy. 通过实证,作者有证据表明,中小银行规模经济而超级大银行未必规模经济。
In term of money, he's quite rich. But he is not always happy. 就金钱而言,他很富有,但他不总是幸福。
Previously, we thought a problem in term of time, but now, we think a whole problem made up of many parallelizable son problems. 以前我们考虑问题是按时间的顺序来考虑,而现在我们却要把整个问题看作由多个可并行的子问题组成。
using non-market way to establish medical group under governments regulations and guideline in term of nature of health service in the . . . 根据我国大陆的医疗卫生事业性质,组建医疗集团宜采取政府制定规范,认真指导操作的非市场方式。
in term of the intersubjectivity of it, Chinese collecting security is the securization of Chinese collecting. 从收藏安全的主体间性来看,中国收藏安全是指中国收藏的安全化。
Liquid media were better than solid ones in term of growing maximal number of bacteria. 低浓度培养基较过去习用浓度培养基更有利于微生物的培养和分离。
Baanthai is the perfect warm weather restaurant and one of the betters Thai restaurants in town in term of food quality and atmosphere. Baanthai餐厅是夏季餐饮完美原则,它高质量的美食跟良好氛围使它成为本地最好的泰国餐厅。
This will place the Government in exactly the same position as any other private sector investors in term of disclosure standards. 换言之,政府将会与任何其他私人投资者完全一样,必须遵守公开权益的规定。
State the minimum entry level requirement for this job in term of education qualifications, professional experience and competencies. 列明本职位的在职人员的最低要求,包括受教育程度、工作经验及胜任资格。
In term of expanding supplying with, the university will implement directional cultivation & production-study co-operative education. 从完善和优化供给的角度出发,高校要实施产学研合作教育,提高学生整体就业能力。
In term of path to be chosen for further discussion, China was in favour of the format of IIM. 在进一步讨论应选择何种途径方面,中国赞成采用IIM的形式。
It was discussed in term of individual' s expectation of future positive behaviors and avoidance of negative behaviors. 个体对未来自我行为的正性期待和负性回避倾向可能是自我行为表征缺乏距离效应的心理机制。
The inconspicuous recipient site at sides of the toe is a favorable indication in term of concealing hyperpigmentation . 为避免明显的植皮色素沉积,使用于足趾侧面应是一个较好的适应症。
Integration of both these two preferential tax policies makes the other regions fall far behind Dalian in term of location advantage. 而集这二种税收优惠于一地,更是大连所特有的区域优势,是其他地区所无法比拟的。
Both parameters decreased in term of 1-5 years of menopause, what was especially expressed in first 2-3 years of menopause. 这两个参数下降任期1-5年的更年期,特别是对什么是第一2-3年的更年期。
Historians should give a balanced assessment of this great emperor in term of historical development. 我们应从历史发展的角度给予汉武帝一个公允的评价。
The communication protocol is designed in term of three layers: Physical Layer, Media Access Control Layer and Logic Link Control Layer. 本通信协议分为物理层、介质访问控制层和逻辑链路控制层三层设计。
Check the production planning in term of historical sales analysis data and market share data to submit the adjustment suggestion. 根据历史销售分析数据和市场份额数据,对生产排产计划进行效验,提出分析意见和调整计划;
Thus, the process is viewed in term of two interrelated efforts, inventory flow and information flow. 于是,这个过程被看成两种具有相互关系的努力,存货流和信息流。
This article studies systematically the urban housing social security system in term of comparison analysis. 本文运用比较分析的方法对城镇住房保障制度进行系统研究。
In term of the text, it is not appropriate to interpret the 'mind' into any meaning of the Subjectivity. 就本文的观点而言,将心理解为任何意义的主体性,其实并不合适。
II. The Borrower shall pay loan principal and interest and pertinent expenses in term of contractual stipulation. 借款人按合同约定归还借款本息和支付有关费用;
The dock offers better productivity, quick access to applications from an intuitive interface and scores high in term of coolness too! 被告席上,提供更佳的生产力,快速访问应用系统从一个直观的界面和高分数,在任期内酷!
Then, in term of the decided time, send designated detecting data from designated serial port. 其次,按照设定的时间,从指定串口发送指定测试数据。
Now the strategy of the NRC in term of defense in depth is obviously first of all design the plant such that accidents are prevented. 现在NRC关于纵深防御的策略,很明显是所有的电站设计的第一个,这样就能防止事故的发生。
In term of segmentation, an algorithm to segment foreground object from a video sequence is proposed in this thesis. 在分割方面,本文提出了一种将前景物体从一个视频序列中分割出来的方法。