in a word

  • na.“in a few words”的变体
  • 网络总之;简言之;总而言之

in a wordin a word

in a word


大学英语四级常用词组 ... in a way 在某种程度上 in a word 简言之,总之 in accordance with 与...一致,按照 ...


大学英语四级常用词组 ... in a way 在某种程度上 in a word 简言之,总之 in accordance with 与...一致,按照 ...


介词短语_百度百科 ... on the whole 总的来说 in a word 总而言之 in other words 换句话说,也就是说 ...


初中英语介词有哪些_爱问知识人 ... in a low voice 大声地
in a word 总而言之,一句话
in trouble 处于困境 ...


英语小知识 ... 8. go west 上西天,死,失败 9. in a word 一句话,简而言之 10. lose face 丢脸;失面子 ...


怎么英语才可以进步啊 - 已解决 - 搜搜问问 ... last but not least 最后 in a word 一言以蔽之 all in all 总而言之 ...


英语短语大全 - 豆丁网 ... in a way 在某种程度上 266. in a word 简言之,总之 267. in accordance with 与...一致,按照 268. ...


经典短文背诵--职业道德类 ... in the long run: 长期内 in a word: 总的来说 matchmaker:n. 媒人,媒婆 ...

In a word, not errors, But although people were all known as earth, and generally, also easy to azel. 记中语误,一字不易;惟人名虽皆村人,不为世间所知,无关大体,然亦悉易去。
Love me, to answer, I can only wait for you wait for you In a word, to go too far, you go too far, your answer . . . . . . hear. 爱我的话、要回答,我只等你等你一句话,走太远,你走太远,你的回答……听不见。
I said something sharp to her which angered her still more and then Fillmore tried to put in a word. 我又说了一句不太好听的,更使她气得不得了。
In a word, Po Chai in the mentality of the cold outside the heat, looking like a peony flower bud did not release. 一句话,宝钗地内热外冷地心态,好似一朵含苞未放地牡丹。
This follows the earlier ousting of the company's founder . In a word, Suntech is a bit of a mess right now. 在这之前,该公司的创始人已被解职。总的来说,尚德公司目前有点混乱。
Once upon a time, a dream traveling for me is, in a word, hanging around without worrying about the money. 曾经对于我来说,梦想旅程是挥霍快乐但又毋需考虑金钱。
In a word, an ugly duckling has become a white swan, as if it had been a dream! 在词,一个丑小鸭变成一只白色天鹅,好象它梦想!
In a word, the long March ended (up) with victory for us and defeat for the enemy. 总而言之,长征以我们的胜利,敌人的失败而告终。
To sum up in a word, use these film to be forging teaching material, if why match a body with the heart, we master not hard. 一言以蔽之,利用这些软片为锻练教材,我们不难掌握如何以心配身。
Dhyana is not always immediately picked up a large brush, in a Word table next to the words "and next to a payment. " 董其昌不可怠慢,马上拿起大毛笔,在一字旁边写下“览楼”和旁款。
Angry, do not know how to break out in a word, I don't get out, I will take the train to go. 一生气不知道怎么突然冒出一句话,我不下车了,我要坐着火车去流浪。
In a word, people quarreled in this little place a great deal more than neighbours do in London. 总之,在这个小地方,人们争争吵吵,比伦敦厉害得多。
out of the universe from the beginning everything which happens has been apportioned and spun out to thee. In a word, thy life is short. 从一开始,来自宇宙,降临于你身上的,都是分配与你,命中注定的。
Writing information in a Word document or spreadsheet is static and is not nearly as easy to edit, resave, and send out revisions. Word文档或电子表格中的信息是静态的,修改起来比较麻烦(编辑、重新保存和发送修订后的文档)。
The question is often raised whether the Chinese have any patriotism, and it is not a question which can be answered in a word. 我们时常会想起这样一个问题:中国人有没有爱国主义。这个问题三言两语说不清楚。
In a word, lawns does not do as well as it is considered to help improve the environment, although it does do some good. 总的来说,在改善环境方面,草坪并不像人们想的那样有用,虽然却是有一些用处。
When Simon Black and his wife Marianne first saw their Shanghai home, its condition was, in a word, horrible. 西蒙•布莱克(SimonBlack)与妻子玛丽安(Marianne)初次见到上海的家时,那房子的情形,一句话——糟透了。
In a word, every technique for recognizing or generating elementary arithmetical laws is bound to be either inconsistent or incomplete. 总而言之,每一个用来识别或生成算术规律的技术都注定了要么是不一致的要么是不完全的。
a linguistic process by which one of two similar sounds in a word becomes less like the other. 一个词中两个相似或相同音中的一个变得与另一个不同的语言变化过程。
In a word, ultrasonic wave can be used in the washing procedure of the antique silks , but the fact must be considered. 因此,超声波技术可以被应用于纺织品文物的清洗,但要根据实际情况而定。
put in a word for Later, the king put in a word for her and she was forgiven. 后来国王为她说了句好话,于是她得到了赦免。
I'd like to put in a word here, never use disposables in the office, use recycled printer cartridges and rechargeable batteries. 我想插一句,永远不要在办公室使用一次性的文具,使用再生打印机墨盒及充电电池。
In a word, I believe that no one more than me for you, definitely to! ! ! ! ! 一句话,我相信没有人比我更适合你,决对!
in a word, as the traditional chinese drink, tea occupies an important place in people's hearts. 总之,茶作为中国的传统饮品,它在人们的心目中占有重要位置。
Select the file on your computer, just like you were navigating to and opening a file in a word-processing program, and click "Open. " 在你的电脑上选择文件,就如你导航到并且在文字处理系统中打开一个文件,并且点击“打开。”
In a word, though parity is not a good thing, parents should try to avoid, for the healthy growing of their parents & their agedness. 总之,虽然偏爱并非好事,父母应当积极避免,为了他们孩子的健康成长,也为了他们的老年得到更多的关于爱的回报。
In a word, ashes too wolf is body of combination of human nature and nature of a wolf. 总之,灰太狼就是一只狼性与人性的结合体。
Eg. In a word, Sophia was in love with him to distraction. 简单一句话,苏菲亚爱他爱得神魂颠倒了。
In a word, culture is generally called as the soft power of a nation, and cultural products are an important carrier of culture. 总之,文化是一个国家的软实力,而文化产品则是文化的重要载体。
In a word, military fortification has been paramount in the consideration of every wall detail. 总之,军事工事已至高无上在审议每一个墙细节。