
  • un.下午
  • 网络下午一点;午后;十点四十二分




人教版小学英语三年级下册单词表 ... USA 美国 (p.m.) 下午 I’m=Iam 我是 ...


关于整装待发的情景会话... ... Ann:When is the airplane? 飞机是什么时候? Lily:1 p.m. 下午一点。 Lily:11 a.m. 十一点吧。 ...


初中全部英语单词 - 已解决 - 搜搜问问 ... go home phr. 回家 389 p.m. 下午,午后 390 London n. 伦敦 391 ...


地铁操作台... ... 20 for the deposit,80 for the card,100 in total. 办卡二十。 10:42 p.m. 十点四十二分。 uh,yeah…. 嗯。 ...


★英语口语800... ... I finish working at 5:45 p.m. 下午五点四十五结束工作。 I get up at 6 o'clock every day. 我每天6点起床。 ...


EXCEL文本 日期... ... (start_date,end_date,holidays) 返回当前日期和时间所对应的系列数。 (11:59:59 P.M) 之间的时间。 ...

有关气象知识的词汇_百度文库 ... departure at 10 a.m. 上午 10 时出发 arrival at 12 p.m. 12 点抵达 ) winter 冬 ...

Walking into the P. M. 's minute headquarters, I expect to be stopped and searched, or at least asked for photo identification. 走进下午的分钟总部,我希望停下来找一找,或至少为鉴证相片做调查。
The last of a dozen buses filled with women and children departed around 2 p. m. for a more distant shelter in a crowded junior high school. 乘坐着妇女和儿童的最后十几辆大巴在下午2点左右离开,前往更远的一处避难所,该所设在一个拥挤的初中校园。
She said that she was leaving for London after three o'clock p. M. Tomorrow. 她说她明天下午三点钟之后将前往伦敦。
Ask her to call Kevin at home after seven P. M. , please. 麻烦她在晚上七点后打电话到昔文家
At one o'clock - 8 p. m. British Double Summer Time - he was sitting in a chair while sketches were being made of him by an architect. 1点时(英国双夏令时8点)--他坐在椅子上,一位画家在为他作画。
The attack began at 6: 18 p. m. , just as he said it would - Judgment Day. 午后6时18分展开攻击,就跟他们说的一样——审判日。
A young executive was leaving the office at 6 p. m. when he found the CEO standing in front of a shredder with a piece of paper in his hand. 一个年轻的主管在下午6点下班后准备离开,这时他发现总经理手上拿着一张纸站在一个碎纸机边。
But it was not until dinner at about 7 p. m. that the two leaders signed a memo of understanding on the matter. 但就该协议准备的备忘录是于当晚7点晚餐时签署的。
"I said, 'Dad, it is 10 p. m. , and I've got so much stuff to do, ' " Mr. Greenberg recalls. “当时是早上10点,我说:‘爸,我的事情太多了。’”Greenberg回忆说。
I returned to the White House from a fund-raiser at about 11 p. m. and went to Leon's office to hear the grim message. 晚上约11点,我从一场募捐会返回到白宫,我去了列昂的办公室,听到了这个令人不愉快的消息。
He said in some polling stations balloting had continued up to three-and-a-half-hours past the official 10 p. m. deadline. 他说在一些投票站的投票活动在晚上10点的最后期限前持续进行了三个半小时。
Then I arranged for her to stay at the TEDA Hotel and we had lunch there. At 2 p. m. 然后我安排她呆在天津开发区酒店,我们吃过午饭了,哪里凌晨2点关门。
As polls closed at 10 p. m. in London on Thursday, Mr. Brown received another rude shock, this one from a member of his own cabinet. 在伦敦的投票于周四晚10点截止之际,布朗又遭遇了另一个沉重打击,给他打击的是他的一名内阁成员。
Frank: He checked in today. I'm supposed to meet him at the hotel at 6: 00 p. m. , but I'm going to be a little late. 法兰克:他今天办理住房手续,我本来晚上6点要和他在饭店碰面,但我会稍微晚一点到。
Powney said she had been at home all day and didn't realize anyone had been killed until police converged on the cul de sac about 3 p. m. 波尼女士说尽管她一整天都在家但是直到下午三点左右警察包围了巷子,她才意识到有人被杀了。
It is almost 9: 30 P. M. now. All the friends are ready to leave. 这会差不多是晚上9点30分了。所有的伙伴正准备离开。
If I could finish my word by 4: 00 P. M, I might change my appointment with you to 4: 00 p. m. at your office tomorrow. 3如果我能在明天下午4点之前完成我的工作,我可能会改在在明天下午4点去你办公室和你见面。
Anything left running after the office closes at 6 p. m. is slapped with a small green security note made of recyclable paper. 大楼晚上6点关闭之后,如有任何东西没有关掉电源,则会被贴上一张用回收纸做成的环保小条。
She decided to leave the hotel at three p. m. 她决定下午三点离开旅馆。
30 p. m. - Up the main street, visit the Principe Real square with a century-old cedar tree that hides a dozen benches in its mighty shade. 晚7点半--沿着主干道向前走,参观PrincipeReal广场,那里有一棵百年雪松树,其树荫下还藏有十几个长凳。
And if you had called me that night to ask if you could ski later than 6 p. m. , I would have said yes. 如果那晚你打电话问我是否可以滑到6点以后,我也会同意的。
I would be very pleased if you could join us for lunch at 12: 00 p. m. on Friday, March 8 at the American Club. 如您能参加3月8日(周五)12点在美洲俱乐部举行的午餐会,我将非常高兴。
Perhaps the biggest news of the lunches was that they ended at the leisurely time of 3: 15 p. m. 关于餐会的头条新闻或许是,富豪于下午三点一刻从容散场。
In the office I never seem to have time until after 5: 30 p. m, by which time many people have got home. 在办公室我似乎要到下午五点半才有空,那时许多人都回家了。
Mr Johnson went into the office at 2000 p. m. Until then no one discovered the fire. 约翰逊先生于下午两点钟进到办公室,在此之前,没有人发现火灾。
She took the day off of work and had a 1 p. m. appointment, which she chose knowing it was an optimal time in her daughter's schedule. 她请了一天假,和工作室约好的时间是下午一点,之所以选择这个时间点是因为她知道按照女儿的“时间表”,这是最理想的时间。
What he wanted was his home city, and a well-paying office job, where at 5 P. M. he'd be released to romp around with his young nephews. 他想要的是回到家乡,找一份薪水高的办公室工作,傍晚五点的时候就能放松地和年轻的侄子们一同嬉闹。
Even though it was already 10 p. m. , I asked if I could come by to see her. 尽管已经是晚上10点了,我仍然试探着问能否去看看汉娜。“呃,好吧。”
She was in the studio all day, yet flew in here at 7 p. m. , and she'll get back home in Los Angeles at 3 a. m. 她一整天都呆在录音室里,但是还是晚上七点飞到这,然后还有在凌晨三点的时候飞回洛杉矶的家中。
Apple is scheduled to discuss those results in a 5 p. m. conference call with analysts that the company will webcast here. 苹果拟定于当日下午5点的电话会议上与分析人士讨论这些数据,电话会议的网络直播可点击这里。