work up

  • na.刺激;煽动;刻苦完成;展开(故事的情节)
  • 网络激发;激起;逐步引起

第三人称单数:works up 现在分词:working up 过去式:worked up

work upwork up

work up


英语必备短语_百度文库 ... turn up 出现;放大(灯光,收音机,煤气等) work up 激发(情感) wrap up 席卷而去; 包起来 ...


大学英语四级常用词组 ... work out 算出;设计出;制定出 work up 逐步引起;激起;整理 in the world 究竟,到底;天下 ...


英语词组 ... work at 从事;在...用功 work up 渐渐做成;刺激;激发;组成;揉合;煽动 worthy of 值得的;名副其实的 ...


大学英语四级常用词组 ... work out 算出;设计出;制定出 work up 逐步引起;激起;整理 in the world 究竟,到底;天下 ...


Just Friends:我们真的只能做朋友么_影视英语 ... cheerleader 啦啦队队长 work up 逐步建立,整理 enrage 激怒 ...


求常用的有up和down的词组短语_百度知道 ... wipe up 擦干 work up 激情;煽动 write up 补写;整理;细写;提高账面值;为 …


快快加入我家 ... at work 在工作,忙于 work up 引起,激起;逐渐上升,向上爬 out of work 失业 ...


考研英语近义近形词辨析(一) ... involve 使陷入,牵涉 124. work up 逐步,发展 125. guarantee 保证,承诺 126. ...

The facility will gradually work up to full power over the next 12 months or so, but experiments are scheduled to run until around 2040. 在未来一年左右的时间里,该装置将逐步提升至满负荷运转,但是实验将按计划进行到2040年左右。
You'll still work up a great sweat, but breathing hard is not the goal of this workout - pounding on your biceps, triceps, and shoulders is. 你还是可以锻炼出一身的汗水,但是呼吸急促不是这个训练的目的。它的目的是锻炼你的肱二头肌、三头肌和肩膀。
But when Tom did finally work up the nerve to call Sara, her roommate told him she was in Santa Fe for the weekend. 但是,当汤姆最后鼓起勇气,给萨拉打了电话,她的室友告诉他,她正在圣达菲过周末。
For six months I've been trying to work up the nerve to ask her to marry me, but I'm afraid all she'll do is laugh. 最近六个月来我一直想鼓起勇气开口向她求婚,但却老觉得难以启齿,因为我怕她会一笑了之。
If you're new to blogging, I recommend you start with one to three posts per week and work up to a level that you're comfortable with. 如果你是刚开始写博客,我建议你先一周发一到三篇文章,然后调整到你觉得舒服的频率。
Well, if I can ever work up the courage to ask you again, I'll send you a written warning first. 好吧,如果我可以有勇气再问你,我会给你警告。
"I began slowly but surely to work up to the idea that we were part of the history of business in Tanzania. " “我开始缓慢但坚定地接受这样一种观点:我们是坦桑尼亚商业史的组成部分。”
He brings his ideas back to his studio to work up into water colors and then oils, with which he just started to experiment. 他把思路带回工作室,加以整理后画成水彩画,然后再画成他当时刚刚开始尝试的油画。
work up the nerve I've been trying to work up the nerve to ask her to marry me, but I'm afraid all she'll do is laugh. 我一直想鼓起勇气开口向她求婚,但我老觉得难以启齿,因为我怕她会一笑了之。
D. s at Seagate to work up still more exotic recording systems to make it a reality. 他也开始督促希捷科技的百位博士,致力研究更奇特的录写系统。
If I break you in, I'll be doing plenty of your work at first. Suppose you begin at thirty, an' work up to the forty. 但他是熟手,你是生手,我得要教你,刚开头时还得干许多该你干的活儿,只给你三十,以后涨到四十。
For others, it is preferable to work up to the most severe trauma gradually or by taking the trauma one piece at a time (desensitization). 对于其它多数情况,最好是逐渐深入到最严重的创伤部分,或是每次谈论创伤的一小部分(脱敏疗法)。
The doctors say they work up to 100 hours a week and are sometimes denied public holidays. 医生表示他们每周工作时间长达一百小时,有时甚至不准放假。
Work up until 1970 , when the war forced the last of the French workforce to leave . 直到1970年为止,这时战争迫使最后一批法国劳务人员离开了柬埔寨。
I'm finally able to work up a head of steam about my new project after the long vacation. 经过一个长假后我终于能把自己的新项目理出个头绪来。
Over the past 10 years, we have learned a great deal about appropriate imaging work-up and pathologic classification of these lesions. 过去10年,我们获得了大量关于血管畸形影像学特征和病理学分类的知识。
But if you give yourself half an hour to calm down, you may finally be able to work up the nerve to approach someone. 但如果你能给自己半个小时冷静下来,你说不定最后就能振作起来并勾搭上某人。
At least 30 minutes a day of physical activity, enough to work up a sweat, can also help. 每天做30分钟以上的运动,出一身汗,同样也有帮助。
Pass your work up to the front, please . 请把作业传到前面来。
BACKGROUND: Aneurysm of the renal artery is an uncommon discovery at arteriography performed as part of a hypertension work-up. 背景:动脉瘤的肾动脉是一种罕见的发现造影表现的一部分,高血压工作落实。
The distance between soul and mask is maintained by a lengthy apprenticeship to work up their silences into a proper duel. 灵魂跟面具之间的距离被维持,因为要将沉默激发到适当的决斗,还有一段漫长的学习。
Some auction houses have exploited its immaturity by persuading designers and their galleries to put their own work up for sale. 一些拍卖行通过说服设计师和他们的美术馆去出售他们的作品来利用市场的不成熟。
However, I still cannot work up a great deal of enthusiasm for the function docstring style of parsers. 无论如何,我仍然不能对函数文档字符串风格的解析器具有太多热情。
Stop worrying. Let's go, I'm ready to work up a sweat! 别瞎操心了。我们走吧,我一定要跑出个满头大汗!
Once graduated from university, the purpose is to establish a career and work-up to the top. 一旦大学毕业,目标就是确立职业,冲击事业高峰。
Instead of the plow, farmers work up the soil with a variety of disks, chisel plows, field cultivators and turbo tillage tools. 因此农民们采用各种方法耕地:圆盘耙,凿刀,农田播种机以及涡轮耕作工具,而不再犁地了。
When a girl did work up the courage to tell her parents what had allegedly happened, sometimes her own family didn't believe her. 也有女孩鼓足勇气,告诉父母所发生的事,但有时她的家人并不相信。
Though the voltage was only seen across an individual molecule, the researchers will eventually work up to multiple junctions. 尽管电势仅仅在单个分子中观察到,研究者们最终会逐步发展多个节点。
Instead of drilling in a monotone, start on Monday flat and bored and work up to an really excited intonation by Saturday. 在周一,您可以以一种平淡乏味的方式开始教学,到了周六,就应该进行充满激情的朗读。
You may have to work up to the time demands by conditioning your body. 你必须通过调节身体达到需要的时间量。