with ease

  • na.轻易地;容易
  • 网络容易地;轻而易举地;不费力

with easewith ease

with ease


大学英语三级考试常考词组和固定搭配 - 豆丁网 ... of one's free will 出于自愿 with ease 容易,不费力 prepare for 准备 ...


21世纪大学英语读写教程单词表(一) - 豆丁网 ... wear out 把…用坏;把…穿破 with ease 容易地,无困难地 grow into 成长为 ...


职称英语考试大纲答案 ... in detail 详细地; with ease 轻易地, 轻松地; on end 不停地, 无尽地; ...


高中英语介词教案 - 豆丁网 ... with difficulty 困难地 with ease 轻而易举地 with pride 骄傲地 ...


大学英语三级考试常考词组和固定搭配 - 豆丁网 ... of one's free will 出于自愿 with ease 容易,不费力 prepare for 准备 ...


职称英语考试大纲答案 ... in detail 详细地; with ease 轻易地, 轻松地; on end 不停地, 无尽地; ...


Unit 1 Great... ... a life of ease 舒适的生活 with ease 毫不费力地,轻而易举地 to jump over with ease 很容易跳过去 ...

The scorer table, instead, is individual, not a team target, so I put it a step below'. - You won in Turin playing with ease. . . 射手榜是个人荣誉而非球队的,所以在我看来并不是那么重要。
He spoke with ease and self-assurance, and he had brought along his wife, a dignified lady who evidently wasn't going to say anything. 他说话轻松而自信。他带着他的妻子一起来,那是一位高贵的女性,显然不打算说什么。
She stooped down, and touched the trumpets, with infinitely fine and delicate-touching finger-tips. It filled Gerald with ease to see her. 她弯下腰,小心翼翼地用纤嫩的手指尖去碰摸那些喇叭花。看到她杰罗尔德便十分轻松愉快。
He really has no offensive skills yet, but can obviously dunk the ball and block people's shots with ease. 进攻上他毫无技术,但是显然可以轻松扣篮和盖帽。
A large wave caught him and flung him with ease and supreme speed completely over the boat and far beyond it. 一个大浪把他卷了进去,快速而轻易地把他抛过了小船,落在远处。
With our trusty editor, we are ready to tackle any number of UNIX-related administration or programming tasks with ease. 有了可信赖的编辑器,我们可以轻松处理任何数量与UNIX有关的管理或编程任务。
At this point, they both thought that this was going to be a piece of cake, and answered the question with ease. “请解释原子的结构,本题5分。”对于这一题,他俩都认为只是小菜一碟,非常轻松的就回答出来了。
I heard from her that she passed the test with ease. We were all amazed. 听说她轻而易举地通过了考试,我们都很惊讶。
It put a tremendous strain on my thigh muscles, but now Dixie was able to wheel me out of the elevator with ease. 我大腿的肌肉被狠狠拉紧,不过迪克西现在能轻易地把我推出电梯了。
Easy to be moved, the academic society conversion ponder can exactly very with ease, all along with the reason, not demand. 容易感动,学会换位思考会活得很轻松,一切随缘,不去强求。
We desire to see you all moving out of this cycle with ease and without complication. 我们渴望看见你们所有人都轻易地毫不混乱地脱离这个循环。
He took up a sack of grain and with ease pitched it over a packsaddle. 他拎起一口代粮食,毫不费力的地把它抛到驮鞍上。
There's always a cause and a consequence in life. If I have done something bad before, I have to take whatever consequence with ease! 生命中总是有因有果,如果已签我做了什么不好的事情,那么现在我就应该坦然地接受所带来的后果!
Get the strategic plan down on paper and the right organization structure will pop out with ease, grace, and beauty. 只要把战略计划在纸上这么一写,正确的组织结构就会冒出来,轻而易举,又冠冕堂皇,又美观大方。
The unique shape allows the product to be completely portable, as it tucks into a beach bag or swim trunks pocket with ease. 独特的形状使产品完全便携,因为它成为一个高质量沙滩袋或泳裤口袋,操作非常简便。
The service works just as well (if not better) than Dropbox, and will sync yourfiles and folders from your desktop to the cloud with ease. 该服务和Dropbox差不多,可以轻松地将你桌面文件和文件夹同步到云端。
In whatever she did, she was fully present, with ease, stillness, and simplicity. 无论什么事情,她总是全神贯注,从容,平静,简单地去做。
"If I learn Chinese for three years, shall I be able to speak it with ease? " "Of course, you will be able to. " 「我要是学了三年中文,我能够容易地说中文吗?」「当然,你能。」
The system will allow players to spread the ball with ease, opening up new attacking and defensive possibilities. 系统将允许球员容易地传播球,开放新攻击和防御可能性。
The children at the camp have come from farther west, and while they can play with ease, they know they are not likely to go home soon. 住在难民营里的孩子往往都是远从利比亚西部来的;虽然在这儿比较自在,但是他们知道,要回家,恐怕不是一朝一夕的事儿。
To be provided with an appropriate softness , light weight , small grinding vibration, and excellent grinding operation with ease comfort . 具有适当之柔软性,质轻,研磨震动小,加工作业舒适性佳。
It was early January all over again, with a healthy Andrew Bynum dominating the middle and the Lakers winning with ease. 又是在一月的开始,随着拜纳姆的健康归来并且统治着篮下,湖人赢的很轻松。
The bacteria exchange genes with ease so new hybrids, with unpredictable properties, could also arise, he said. 他说,这种细菌能够很容易地交换基因,因此具有无法预知的属性的新菌株也可能出现。
Use it for thumbnails for an image gallery, create different sized wallpapers with ease, or make icons out of large pictures. 用它来缩略图为1图像廊,创造不同大小的壁纸与纾缓,或作图标出大型图片。
Faced with such a network of direct sales of the latest form of marketing, we should also take the deal with ease. 面对网络销售这种直接市场营销的最新形式,我们也应当从容自如的应对。
Good timber does not grow with ease; the stronger the wind, the stronger the trees. 好木材不是在安逸中成长;风越强,树越壮。
Djokovic held his nerve to stay in front and slowly began to hold serve with ease , leaving Safin to play catch -up and force a tie - break. 德约科维奇振作精神保持领先,慢慢开始轻松地保住自己的发球局,迫使萨芬追赶并且打破平分。
Do not send the secret through the chat window, or this authentication method could be compromised with ease. 此时请不要将此秘密写到您的聊天视窗中,否则以后就很容易被破解了。
There are products widely available now that allow you to do your dry cleaning at home and with ease. 你可以找到大量的产品,在家轻松做干洗。
With our easy to use shopping technology, you can view and buy with ease. 以我们容易使用购物技术,您能容易地观看和采购。