walk out of

  • 网络走出;从…走出;从某处走出

walk out ofwalk out of

walk out of


新概念英语第二册第41课【课文讲解】 ... remind sb. of sth. 提醒某人某事 walk out of 走出 wear a hat 戴帽子 ...


美员工罢工或危机金里奇参与竞选_恒星英语 ... from the beginning 从一开始 walk out of 从…走出 be damaging to 对…有伤害 ...


lost 第一季 第三集_看lost学英语... ... damn: 该死! walk out of: 从某处走出 look out to: 向…眺望/看 ...


out - 在线词典... ... walk out v.走出,退席,罢工,把(某人)带走 walk out of 辞去 weed out 为…除去杂草,把…连根拔除;清除,淘汰 ...

You're telling me you're just gonna walk out of here and I'm never going to see it again. 别告诉我——就这样走出去而我却再也看不到它了。
As you might have guessed, I didn't walk out of that meeting with a $15 million check. 你可能已经猜到,我们并没有从那次会议里融到那一千五百万。
So the better they feel when they walk out of his salon, the happier they'll be to go back for a frequent blowout. 因此当你走出门后感觉越好,就会更乐意再次光顾做一个…发型。
When you walk out of the front door, you can hop into a boat and Capri is 45 minutes away. 走出大门,跳入游船,45分钟后就可以抵达卡普里岛(Capri)。
Our assets walk out of the door each evening. We have to make sure that they come back the next morning. 我们的资产每个晚上都要走出我们的大门,我们必须确保他们第二天早上还能回来。
"When you walk out of here tonight, it's over, you're done with it, " he said, looking around the room. “当你今晚离开这里时,这件事就结束了,让这一切都过去吧,”他说,同时环顾整个房间。
I defy anyone to walk out of a brothel or to walk out of an orphanage leaving those people behind. 我蔑视任何走出妓院,走出孤儿院就将那些受害的人们遗忘的人。
She was about to walk out of the door when the telephone rang. 电话铃响时她正要出门。
It was great to walk out of there as the rain started coming down and be the only person in the street smiling. 离开的时候外面开始下雨,而我是街上唯一微笑着的人,很棒。
Chilled, Mr. Lin could see that the situation was beyond repair. All he could do was to take a grip on himself and walk out of the bank . 林先生冷了半截身子,瞧情形是万难挽回,只好硬着头皮走出了那家钱庄。
'It's quite hard for the audiences to lean back, digest, consume and walk out of the cinema, ' he said. 观众很难惬意地靠在座位上,轻松地欣赏它、看明白它,再轻松地走出电影院。
The elevator was ascending, and stopped at the second floor, but the girl did not walk out of the elevator. 电梯上升著,在第二层停了下来。但是那个女孩并未走出电梯。
Walk Around - The moment you feel your body weaken, get off your chair and walk out of the office. 四处走走——当你感到身体虚弱时,从椅子上起来,走出办公室。
"The senior staff are able to put work aside when they walk out of the office, but I can't, " she said. 老员工离开办公室时,可以心安理得地把工作放一边,而我却不行。
If you think I'm gonna. let go of me. Let you walk out of here with that tape, you're crazy. 如果你认为我能…,-放开我。让你带着那磁带离开这里,你就错了。
Sarkozy even pledged to walk out of the summit if it failed to produce serious regulatory commitments. 萨科奇甚至发誓如果没有达成重要的规制承诺就退出峰会。
An AP cameraman saw a gunman take an unattended laptop and put some other objects into a bag and walk out of the hotel. 一名美联社摄影记者看到一个枪手拿走了一台没人照看的笔记本和其他东西以后离开了旅馆。
Before you walk out of that door, every one of you, you're going to know what the secret is. 在你们走出那扇门前,你们中的每一个人都将知道这个秘密是什么。
So when you walk out of the comfortable air-conditioned room into the street, immediately you plunge into a gigantic oven. 所以,当你走出舒适的空调房间到街,你立即陷入巨大的烤炉。
But now he's growing up, he may wonder why he's the only person in China who may not walk out of his own front door. 但是现在他长大了,他会问为什么他是所有中国人中唯一一个不能踏出自己家大门的人。
Now there's only one more caution and I'm going to assume, that if it happens, you will rage quit and walk out of the room. 我只有一句忠告,如果你真的那样做了,你可能会愤怒的退出房间。
But now hes growing up, he may wonder why hes the only person in China who may not walk out of his own front door. 但是现在他长大了,他会问为什么他是所有中国人中唯逐一个不能踏出本身家大门的人。
What do you want me to do John? I'll do it. You want me to let you walk out of here and see how far you get? 约翰你想让我做什么我都会做。你想让我放你离开这里,看看你能走到多远吗?
Creatively transforming traditional craftsmanship by means of modern technology is the best way to walk out of plight and seek development. 利用现代科技手段把传统手工艺作为设计资源进行创造性转化,是走出困境寻求发展的最佳出路。
Walk out of the classroom crying and looking very confused, like you're just going through the trauma of adjusting to a new homeland. 然后一脸迷惑地哭着走出教室,就象在适应一个新的国度时受到了精神上的创伤。
Others simply walk out of the front door into waiting cars. 其他的孩子只是从前门走出,坐上等待在门口的车。
I saw him walk out of the boss's office like the cat that just ate the canary. 我刚看到他从老板的办公室出来,开心极了。
I was gonna just walk out of that concert and hitchhiked right across the country. 当时我差点走出演出场,要求免费周游全国。
I was gonna just walk out of that concert and hitchhike right across the country. 当时我差点走出演出场,搭个便车周游全国。
Being always under the shadow of the below-mentioned question, he decided to use his position to walk out of the shadow. 由于始终笼罩在上述问题的阴影中,他决定利用自己的职位走出这个阴影。