pull in

  • na.使后退;节省(费用);(火车等)到站;船靠近(海岸)
  • 网络进站;靠岸;到岸

第三人称单数:pulls in 现在分词:pulling in 过去式:pulled in

pull inpull in

pull in


大学英语四级常用词组 ... pull down 拆毁,拉倒;使降低 pull in (车)进站;(船)到岸 pull into 进入;到达 ...


一些动词加介副词构成的短语动词 - 豆丁网 ... pick up 拿起,带走,学会 pull in 进站,停下,靠岸 pull down 拆毁,降低 ...


大学英语四级常用词组 ... pull down 拆毁,拉倒;使降低 pull in (车)进站;(船)到岸 pull into 进入;到达 ...


英语词组和固定搭配 - 豆丁网 ... pull down 拆毁 pull in (车)停下,车进站,船(到岸) pull off 脱去,扯下;(成功地)完成 ...


介词短语_百度百科 ... pull down 拆毁,拉倒;拉下,降低 pull in ( 车 ) 停下,进站,船 ( 到岸 ) pull on 穿,戴 ...


动词词组及短语 - 豆丁网 ... pull down 拆掉,推翻,拆毁,使(价格)下降, pull in (车船)抵达, pull off 脱(衣,冒),完成,获得成功 ...


[转载]千里耳系列_359108697_新浪博客 ... pick up passengers 让乘客上车 pull in 到站 gas pedal 油门 ...


有关pull的词组... ... pull down 毁坏; 拆毁;使虚弱; 拖垮 pull in 吸引;(火车)进站;节省;拘留 pull off 脱去;胜利完成; …

He said he could beat any man there single-handed, but he pull in his horns when Jack came forward. 他说他可以独自打倒任何人,可是杰克向他挑战时他却退缩了。
You pull in and find a parking place right away, which you think is a good omen. This must be where you're supposed to be. 经过农贸市场,你把车开进去,马上就找到了一个停车位置。你觉得这是一个好的征兆,这说明你本来就该来的。
Imagine how much more Twitter might be able to pull in with a bigger audience, more diverse products and promotions and big brand partners. 未来Twitter的受众更广、产品、促销和知名品牌合作伙伴将更加多元化。
On the way to the island, he would pull in the oars and just let the boat drift where it wished, for hours at a time. 在去荒岛的途中,他会撤了浆任由小舟随波逐流。
With the database and tables in place, you are ready to pull in our data that for the purposes of this article, resides in a CSV file. 现在数据库和表已建好,可以将本文所用到的数据填充进去,这些数据在CSV文件中。
So if China used its pull in the commodities markets, as it may have already done, it could ultimately end up a victim of its own actions. 因此,如果中国习惯运用在商品市场上的影响力,就像中国已经做的那样,中国也许会成为自己行动的最终受害者。
Rather than concentrating on the actual product he was trying to sell, he thought of a way to pull in traffic through a different window. 而非专注于他的实际产品推销、他想起了一个办法,通过不同的交通抠窗口。
Pull in over there and I'll take a look at it. 开到里面,我检查一下。
Needs to pull in all the side deals as well that should located in another page under its own tab. 需要在所有的拉方交易,以及应该在另一页位于下自己的标签。
A cache "miss" results in a callback to the client to pull in the user's group list (in the form of a PAC). 缓存“没有命中”会导致回调客户机来检索用户的组列表(格式是PAC)。
It's often useful to be able to pull in your own local data, whether it's data you've downloaded or data you've created. 通常,拉入您自己的本地数据会很有用,不管是您下载的数据还是您自己创建的数据。
Given all the energy talent in the city, the school is able to pull in speakers and guest lecturers from across the industry. 鉴于休斯敦能源人才众多,该校有能力从整个行业吸引来演讲人及嘉宾讲师。
So we're able to pull in the next generation in a totally new way. 所以我们能够用一种全心的方式让下一代加入我们的行列。
If there is a ETag match, there really is no need to pull in the data for the model as the rendered page will not be sent to the client. 如果有Etag匹配,实际上并不需要再为model装进数据,因为要展现的页面不需要发送回客户端。
Smartphones of various platforms already pull in and sync Facebook contacts directly into the handset's contact application. 各个平台上的智能电话都已经支持将facebook的联络信息同步到手持终端的通讯应用。
The innovator is usually a person willing to buy things just to be the first, but they have little pull in their industry or sector. 这种人就是为了当第一个吃螃蟹的人而去购买新产品,但他们通常在自己的行业中没有太大的影响力。
He slipped his shoulders and head from under the line and began to pull in line steadily and gently. 他把肩膀和背脊由绳下钻过来,开始很缓慢又稳健地把绳子往里面收回来。
By some estimates, developers working on Facebook applications may pull in as much revenue this year as the site itself. 据估计,Facebook申请表的开发者商今年的收益可能与网站本身的收益一样多。
Instead, these ascidians, or sea squirts, are filter-feeding animals with one siphon to pull in water and another to discharge it. 代替,这些海鞘是用过滤动物的用一根虹吸管到拉入水中和另一个排出它。
Diversification and diversity might be thought to pull in the same direction. 你或许认为,多种经营与多样性是一回事儿。
If one lies near another star or in a gas-rich environment, the black hole's intense gravity can pull in some of this material. 如果黑洞周围存在另一颗星球或者丰富的气体环境的话,其强大的引力就会吸收这些物质。
Ok. Wow. Xiaoyan, can we pull over for a minute? I think we need to have a talk. Here's a spot - you can pull in there. 你干嘛让我赶快停车啊,你要上洗手间吗?那你可得快点,我父母最不喜欢别人迟到了。
'The Social Network' (Sony) continued to pull in audiences with $7. 3 million for fifth place. 《社交网络》(TheSocialNetwork)(索尼,Sony)位列第五,票房为730万美元。
If the above whole impassability lead, please pull in oneself of the trousers Dou, seek hot the place dry and four divas wash pants! 如果以上全不通过,请拉在自己的裤兜里,找个热乎地方烘干,四天后洗裤子!
Cotyledons should pull in the end, about the size of the package when the hand to pull up, and its advantage is thin, tender, plump. 要把胚子拉到底,差不多大小,包的时候手要向上拉,它的优势是皮薄,肉嫩,丰满。
Suitable calibrated dynamometers were used to control the pull in the prestressing cables. 用合适的标定过的量测计控制预应力钢索的拉力。
To help with these problems, always bend from your knees and pull in your stomach muscles when carrying something heavy. 为了防治这些疾病,当你搬运重物时,经常弯曲膝盖,收缩腹部肌肉。
Support and advise procurement team manager and buyer of purchase order pull-in and push-out requirements. 支持采购经理及采购员并给予建议。
pull in stop aside The train pulled in two hours late. 火车晚两停靠小时到站。
Having boosted the economy in the 2008-09 crisis through a huge increase in loans, it is now struggling to pull in the reins. 在2008-09年危机期间,中国通过大规模增加放贷提振了经济,但现在却难以收住缰绳。