drop off

  • na.同“drop”;睡着;(客)(一一)散去;衰落
  • 网络减少;减弱;下车

第三人称单数:drops off 现在分词:dropping off 过去式:dropped off

drop offdrop off

drop off


介词短语_百度百科 ... dry up 干涸,枯竭 drop off 减弱,减少 drop out 退出,离队 ...


介词短语_百度百科 ... dry up 干涸,枯竭 drop off 减弱,减少 drop out 退出,离队 ...


大学英语四级常用词组 ... drop by 顺便走访,非正式访问 drop off 睡着;(让…)下车 drop on 训斥,惩罚 ...


大学英语四级常用词组 ... drop by 顺便走访,非正式访问 drop off 睡着;(让…)下车 drop on 训斥,惩罚 ...


中学词组_百度文库 ... draw up 草拟, 停住, 逼近, 追上, 整队 * drop off 离开, 散去, 逐渐减少, 死去 * dozens of 几十 ...


中学词组_百度文库 ... draw up 草拟, 停住, 逼近, 追上, 整队 * drop off 离开, 散去, 逐渐减少, 死去 * dozens of 几十 ...


中学词组_百度文库 ... draw up 草拟, 停住, 逼近, 追上, 整队 * drop off 离开, 散去, 逐渐减少, 死去 * dozens of 几十 ...


冀教版初中英语单词表 - 豆丁网 ... drop v. 掉下;落下 n.滴;水滴 drop off 放下(某物);下车 drought n. 旱灾;干旱 ...

The structure can effectively solve the problems that the parts on the gear box are easy to drop off during assembling, and the like. 这种结构可以有效避免装配时齿箱上的零部件容易脱落等问题。
Hope buoyed up his spirits, but fear made him nervous. He wanted to sleep but could not drop off as he lay sprawled out on some hay. 希望使他快活,恐惧使他惊惶,他想睡,但睡不着,四肢像散了似的在一些干草上放着。
This does not mean that it's useless to get over 10% but it does mean that the benefits drop off as you get higher and higher Magic Find. 这不意味着克服10%但是当你得到越来越高的魔力,好处减少,这确实意味着,是无用的发现。
his bedroom while he was still in the office, and drop off a note for him on his night table. 埃莉诺常常在他还在办公室的时候走到他的卧室里,在他夜间办公的桌子上给他留下一张字条。
Some of the mothers said health visitors promised to drop off leaflets about depression, but did not do so. 一些患产后抑郁症的母亲表示一些妇幼保健机构的家访者承诺要送给她们一些关于消除沮丧情绪的小册子,但是却失言了。
As the lower leaves drop off, the plastic rings will fall to the bottom of the stem. 当下面的叶子脱落时,塑料圈便会落在茎的基部。
when the velocity of the lens continued to drop off, a blank refection occurred to the top of the section. 当透镜状砂体内部速度继续降低时,其顶部出现空白反射特征。
There was a shout outside, and the skin seemed to drop off the fingers like a glove. 有一个喊外,而皮肤似乎把手指得非常好。
The Oakland Athletics pitcher was late, he said, because he had to drop off his brother's lunch at school. 这位奥克兰运动家队(OaklandAthletics)的投手迟到了,他说,因为他必须要把弟弟的午餐送到学校去。
He did drop off several times and almost crashed once, but eventually got a "second wind" that carried him to Paris. 途中他的确睡着了好几次,有一次还差点坠机,但他“如梦方醒”,最终到达了巴黎。
'The financial markets may not be recognizing the risks of a sudden drop-off. They're still not used to China's outsized swings. ' 金融市场可能还没有意识到突然下降的风险,它们还没有习惯于中国市场大幅度的波动。
One day she sent my mom over to drop off an eviction notice because he kept parking his truck and motorcycle on the front lawn. 有一天她叫我妈去通知他让他搬走,因为他把卡车和摩托车停在前面的草坪上,把草压坏了,隔壁的老人也气坏了。
Then climb to the top of the ladders on the small pyramid and wait for the mummies to climb the tall ladder and drop off the pole. 然后爬到小金字塔的梯子顶端,等木乃伊爬到高的梯子,再从杆子跳下来。
Yet Rubin's observations found no drop-off at all in the stars' velocities further out in a galaxy. 然而鲁宾的观测结果则表明,远离星系中心的全部星体的速率都没有降低。
France's high labor costs seem to be behind the drop off in exports. 法国的劳动力成本高,似乎是出口下降背后的原因。
Will you be able to drop off the report at my office before you leave for Thailand next week? 你能不能在下星期到泰国之前,将报告交到我的办公室来?
Granted, Japan sailed serenely through the Wall Street crash of 1987, only to drop off its own much steeper precipice two years later. 我们都知道,日本从容躲过了1987年的华尔街崩盘,却在两年后从更陡峭的悬崖上跌了下去。
Right after that pleasant news, he had to drive to the local Goodwill store to drop off the stuff to be given away. 刚得知喜讯后,他得把要分发掉的行李开车送去当地的慈善商店。
A couple of years ago, a driver might drop off a load and pick up a new one in two hours; now the wait can be two days, said Mr. Costello. 科斯特洛说,几年以前,一名司机从卸货到装上新货只需不到两个小时,而现在可能得等上两天。
As you work through your course, you mail in or drop off your assignments and then receive regular assessments and feedback in return. 在学习过程中,你可以邮寄或上交作业,也会定期收到评价和反馈等。
The student with the nitrogen finished up and told me the wart would drop off after a few days. 手术结束后,拿液态氮的学生告诉我肉瘤几天后就会脱落。
I think maybe 4 people have come in all day, mostly to drop off books before we close for winter break. 一整天大概就来了4个人,绝大多数人都是趁着我们冬歇之前来还书。
Forbes said the reason for his drop off was 'new evidence. ' 《福布斯》称,他落榜的原因是有新证据显示其资产价值被高估。
Pet Paradise will be staffed 24 hours a day, seven days a week, so travelers can drop off and pick up their pets with ease. 宠物天堂将24小时营业,7天无休,所以旅行者可以轻松将他们的宠物寄存在这里。
Old friends will drop off and new and very different (even unusual) friends will enter the fray over the next seven years. 旧的朋友将离你而去,新的充满个性的(甚至看起来不同寻常的)朋友将在未来七年里进入到你的生活中。
The hotel allows you to drop off your fish when you go on holiday and has a 'tennis court' and 'swimming pool'. 旅馆能替人们在外出旅行时照顾他们的宠物鱼,旅馆里还有一个“网球场”和“游泳池”。
Carbon financiers have already begun leaving banks in London because of the lack of activity and the drop-off in investment demand. 由于缺乏行动和投资需求的急速下降,碳金融家开始离开在伦敦的银行。
Are there people in the world foolish enough to die because leafs drop off from a vine? I have never heard of such a thing. 世界上竟然有这么愚蠢的人,因为树叶从藤上掉落就要去死?我听都没听说过这等事。
The leaf production continues, but as a result of leaf abscission, the older, lower leaves will drop off, as the plant grows taller. 叶生产继续,但是由于叶裁去,更旧,较低的叶子将减低,当植物变得更高。
I realized that it was time for me to drop off from the world and try to find some peace and quiet. 我知道我该我远离这个社会,并且试图找到些平衡和安静的时候了。