derive from

  • v.来自;起源于
  • 网络衍生;由来;来源于

derive fromderive from

derive from


大学英语四级常用词组 ... depart from 离开,起程;开出 derive from 取得;起源;由来 be detached from 把…从…上卸下 ...


雅思写作常用词组 - 雅思考试网 ... comment on… 评论… derive from起源于… be equipped with… 装备有… ...


大学英语三级考试常考词组和固定搭配 - 豆丁网 ... deduce from 演绎,推断 derive from 起源,衍生 deviate from 背离,偏离 ...


词组 ... persist in 坚持 固执 derive from 来自 appeal to 吸引 向……上诉 ...


大学英语四级常用词组 ... depart from 离开,起程;开出 derive from 取得;起源;由来 be detached from 把…从…上卸下 ...


wm2__英语高频短语精选 - 豆丁网 ... deprive sb. of sth. 剥夺某人某物 derive from 来源于 deviate from 偏离 ...


新编大学英语阅读部分第四册Unit9-2(打印版) ... undress 脱去衣服 derive from 源自,源于 in the face of 面对 ...

All of the problems listed in the previous section derive from trying to go against the grain and treat the UI as a backing store. 前面击节中列出的问题都是应为违背了这个原则并且把UI当作数据存储的地方。
I derive from it a gratification which those who are conscious of having done all that they could to merit it can alone feel. 这表明同胞们甚为嘉许我的公职行为,我对此感到心满意足,而唯有竭尽全力做了值得夸奖的工作的人,才能有这种感受。
This will allow you to instantiate Java classes, call their methods and even derive from them as if they were just ordinary Ruby objects. 这使你可以实例化Java类,调用其方法,甚至继承它们,就好象它们仅仅是普通的Ruby对象一样。
Some of these characteristics derive from the fact that overall the financial services industry is not highly automated. 有些特征源于这样一个事实,即整个金融服务行业还没有高度自动化。
Many of his stories tell of the love between them as well as the benefits that owners and pets derive from each other. 他的很多故事讲地是主人与宠物之间的爱,也有他们互相受益。
The concept of external economies is essential to understand efficiency advantages which small firms derive from clustering. 外部经济的概念是了解小型企业从机群获得有效优势本质所在。
Some chORd progressions in Skempton's pieces seem to derive from the natural way the hands fall upon, OR move across, the keyboard. 他作品中的许多和弦进行曲似乎来自于手指的自然落下或手指在琴键上的自然滑动。
These ideas just derive from the misplaced anxiety that a translation is trying to be a substitute. 这类观点错误的根源就在于这种错位的焦虑,认为译作就是要替代原作。
The current crisis, it contends, does not derive from a legitimate desire to put learning to productive ends. 报告坚持认为,当前高校面临的危机不是由将知识运用于生产这一指导思想导致的,这一思想是完全正确的。
A certain magnetism about him seemed to derive from a combination of shyness, personal charm and assurance of command. 他确乎有一种吸引力,似乎是羞怯、个人的魅力和领袖的自信的奇怪混合的产物。
Therefore the only conclusion one could possibly derive from this statistic impossibility is that this was a stolen election. 因此可以从这一统计学上的不可能性得出的唯一结论是,这是一场被盗的选举。
On the face of it, the drive to "internationalise" the renminbi does not seem to derive from controlling urges. 从表面上看,中国推动人民币“国际化”的努力似乎并不是源自对管制的渴望。
The word sublime does not derive from being under a green piece of citrus fruit, but it may derive from being under something else. 这个词不是源自在一片绿酸橙的下方,而是在其他东西的下方。
These abilities derive from something called machine learning, which is at the heart of many modern AI applications. 以上这些能力都源自一种叫机器学习的东西,它在许多现代人工智能应用中都处于核心地位。
Since all classes derive from Object, you can change the array's element type from any class to any other class. 由于所有类都派生自Object,因此可以将数组的元素类型从任何类更改为任何其他类。
Some scientists are beginning to look seriously at just what benefits patients may derive from spirituality. 有些科学家开始认真研究病人从心灵学上能获得哪些益处。
The Delegation thought there was a real positive impact that might derive from WIPO actually adopting a clearer course in this direction. 该代表团认为,如果WIPO在这一方面真正采取更为明确的方针,那确实会产生积极的影响。
An attempt was made to pass a data type that does not derive from System. Exception into a catch block. 试图将不是从System.Exception派生的数据类型传递到catch块中。
All unconsciously the ideas they derive from the printed pages are stored up, to be worked over by the imagination for their future profit. 在全然不知不觉中,他们从书中吸取的知识积累起来,经过想想象力的加工,对将来大有用处。
My whole style of research, and the techniques that support almost all of my own papers, derive from his foundational articles . 我的整个研究风格、支持我几乎所有论文的研究技能都来自于他奠基性的文章。
Legal agreements must take account of a likely exit, any looming threats and the value the two sides expect to derive from the venture. 法律协议必须把可能的退出、任何潜在的威胁、以及双方期望从合资企业得到哪些好处都考虑进去。
Otherwise, malicious callers are able to derive from your permission, potentially causing security vulnerabilities. 否则,恶意调用方将能够从您的权限派生,有可能导致出现安全脆弱性。
may be but a tiny fraction of all the wonders that will derive from this device well into the next century. 带来的奇迹也许只是下世纪微芯片所能带来的奇迹的一小部分。
derive. . . from She derived great satisfaction from her stamp collection. 她从集邮中得到了很大的满足。
But these criticisms do not recognise the benefits scientists and scholars derive from being editors, peer reviewers, and contributors. 然而这些批评并没有认识到科学家和学者们从担任编辑、同行评议者以及投稿人中获得的利益。
In the end, there are many important benefits that you can derive from taking a break from the children and reading. 因此,离开孩子一小会儿,并通过阅读以获得片刻休闲可以给你带来许多显要的益处。
Beauty -- and all the values that derive from beauty -- are not measured and evaluated in terms of the dollar. 美--以及所有起源自美的价值--是不能用金钱的角度来衡量和评估的。
Members marked as abstract, or included in an abstract class, must be implemented by classes that derive from the abstract class. 标记为抽象或包含在抽象类中的成员必须通过从抽象类派生的类来实现。
I've chosen not to derive from WebControl since the additional style properties defined by that class are not applicable to this control. 我选择不从WebControl派生是因为该类定义的其他样式属性不适合此控件。
Today's change management strategies and techniques derive from the theoretic work of a number of early researchers. 如今的变革管理战略和技术起源于一些早期研究者的理论著作。