drop in

  • na.顺便到(某处)访问;偶然遇见;“drop by”的变体
  • 网络顺便走访;偶然拜访;顺便拜访

drop indrop in

drop in


drop用法 - 无巍不至的日志 - 网易博客 ... drop someone off: 让...下车 drop in: 顺便走访(某人) drop on: 想不到(责备) ...


光影快客的博客 - 光影快客 - 网易博客 ... What's he driving at? 他用意何在? drop in 偶然拜访 drop me a line 写信给我 ...


09年中考英语词法复习题_免费试卷_当知网 ... by no means 决不。 drop in 则是比较随便的走走,顺便拜访,如: can 的否定 …


英语选修8单词表_百度知道 ... 103. dream of 梦想 104. drop in 顺路拜访 105. earn one's living 挣钱维持生计 ...


《四级考试词汇必备》... ... drop by 顺便来访,非正式访问 drop in 顺便来访,非正式访问 drop off 睡着,入睡;(让…)下车; …


...着陆性能,也会引发非常严重的危险。在飞行的着陆阶段,飞机可能由于湍流空气而下降(drop in),因此飞的太低而不能飞越 …


重点... ... Go to see 为普通用语,一般用于人。 Drop in 特指顺路探访,多用于口语。 Just wait for a moment,please. 请稍等片 …

But he said it is too early to say whether the drop in global consumer demand has reached bottom. 但他说,现在谈论全球消费者需求滑坡是否已经触底还为时过早。
In his design, moisture-laden air enters the system and is cooled by a drop in pressure behind the wind turbine blades, says Whisson. 在他的设计,水分-拉登的空气进入系统,并正在冷却下降,在压力背后的风力涡轮机叶片,说whisson。
On September 29 heavy rains and a change in the wind direction brought a sharp drop in the Air Pollution Index in Borneo and Malaysia. 9月29日,大雨和改变风向带来大幅下降,空气污染指数在婆罗洲和马来西亚。
It was great here my family and I played on our Wii until midnight and then we watched the ball drop in New York City on our T. V. 在这里我和我的家人能想玩就玩一直玩到半夜,然后一起在电视机前看纽约市的球赛——这太棒了!
It's just a drop in the bucket. That car has more scratches on it than I can count. 这不过是沧海一粟,这辆车上的划痕我都数不过来了。
an increase in the rate caused an inflow of funds from abroad and a drop in the rate caused a flow of funds out of the country. 贴现率的上涨引起国外资金的流入,反之则会引起资金的外流。
Retirement usually brings with it a massive drop in income. 收入通常随着退休而大大减少。
I did a lot of work today, but I have so much to do it was just a drop in the bucket. 我今天做了很多事情,但是我有太多事情要做了,这些只是九牛一毛而已。
Woman: Hello, James, do sit down. Right, as you know, our Nottingham centre has had a significant drop in income over the last few months. 女:你好,詹姆斯,请坐。就你所知,在过去的几个月,我们诺丁汉中心的收入有一个明显的下降。
Drop in to see me the next time you are in London. 你下次来伦敦顺便到我这来坐坐。
After a week after a sharp drop in the price of steel, steel market adjusting to last trend, However, the cost of supporting effect. 继前一周钢价大幅下跌后,上周钢铁市场继续处于调整趋势;不过,成本支撑效应开始显现。
RALPH HARRIS: (laughs) Thatcher's office came on and said could she come and drop in to see him. 拉尔夫。哈里斯:(笑)撒切尔的办公室人员来到说她可否来顺道拜访他。
I will say if I bring her to the U. S. she will see a very significant drop in living standard. 如果我带她到纽约,她会很明显觉得生活水平低了一个层次。
There was no such drop in two neighboring areas, and researchers believe it's a clear sign the ban was responsible. 发病率在居民区却没有很明显降低,研究者相信这是奏效的,很负责。
The amount of money Mr. Howell spent on a new Rolls-Royce was just a drop in the bucket compared to his annual salary. 豪威尔先生卖一辆辛劳斯莱斯汽车的钱和他的年薪相比不过是沧海一粟。
Don't just drop in a solution or technology; instead, carefully plan and evaluate the consequences of every decision you make. 不要简单地采用一种解决方案或者技术,相反,要仔细地规划和评估每个决策带来的后果。
Drop in reach size: The difference between the reach size of an object and the reach size of a child of that object. 区域大小落差:一个对象的区域大小和该对象的子对象的区域大小之间的差别。
Jonas blames the drop in employment and sales on the recession as well as cheaper foreign imports that he said have undercut his business. 乔纳斯把就业人数和销售量的下降归咎于经济衰退,以及国外廉价商品的进口,这都使得他们生意越来越难做。
Why don't you just drop in there and hand him the receipt as if it were nothing unusual. 为什么不跑一趟,把收据交给他,就当作没事发生一样?
So far, those supply chains seem to be intact, partly helped by the sharp drop in the price of oil. 截止至目前,全球供应链似乎还完好无缺,一定程度上受到石油价格的剧烈下跌的帮助。
Studies noting the sex of babies conceived in New York during the week of the attacks found a drop in the ratio of males to females. 对恐怖袭击发生的那一周怀上的婴儿的性别进行研究,人们发现男女的比率有所下降。
Your "big numbers" here are really just a drop in the bucket, fractions of fractions of a percent of our user base. 你所说的“大数字”只是用户基数的很小一部分。
"The recent drop in production is a sort of psychological panic, " he said. 他表示:“近期的减产是一种心理恐慌。”
But the sharp drop in February compared with a year ago was unexpected; economists had been predicting little change. 与去年同期相比,二月份出口量暴跌出人意料,而经济学家一直预测说不会有太大变化。
The divorce rate is beginning to level off and probably will begin to drop in the next year or two . 离婚率正处于平稳阶段,在今后的一年到两年可能会下降。
Play around with a bunch of your newly installed jailbreak apps and see if you see a huge drop in the amount of memory used. 运行那些新安装的越狱应用,查看程序使用的内存是否有巨大的差异。
I'd like to buy a new ear, but I'm afraid what I have saved is just a drop in the bucket. I'll have to save much more money. 我想买部新车,但我的积蓄恐怕仅是九牛一毛。我必须积蓄更多的钱。
"You are! " He took down his drink as if it were a drop in the bottom of a glass. "How you ever get anything done is beyond me. " “是嘛!”他把自己的酒喝了下去,仿佛那是杯底的一滴。“我真不明白你怎么可能做得成什么事情。”
A drop in the President's tone, a shift of his eyes to Hopkins, told Pug he was now overstaying his time. 总统的声调突然沉了下去,目光向霍普金斯一瞥,这使帕格知道他逗留的时间已经过长。
And I think we're finally going to see a drop in production from some as storage space gets increasingly tight. 我还认为,我们最终会看到由于储备空间的紧张而导致的减产。